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Everything posted by Valk009

  1. Yeah, the magazine section is a great source! Maybe try getting the VF-1 Stampeed put into real life (besides the one in the model magazine)!
  2. Should have maybe sold mine instead Btw, there is some guy loading off all his SHE kits, even the rare VF-19 Blazer and the VF-22 are on offer, ending in like 4 days!
  3. I am planning to get the DS Lite when the prices drop to a reasonable amount! Currently shops are asking like $180, for which I can get two normal DS's I really hope that Nintendo will release some decent colour DS Lites and stay away from all those kinky pastel colours
  4. Got mine finally last week Although I am not a model pro, I must say that this kit is far easier than previous Hasegawa VF-1 Battroid kits. Honestly, it is getting closer to a Bandai MG kit! Btw, those tabs that you have to cut off...does it mean that Hasegawa will soon release the armour for the VF-0 and have now already incorporated the pins in the Battroid kits?
  5. This should be actually posted in the "Wanted" section Anyways, the WAVE kits can be easily and relatively inexpensive found on Yahoo Japan, the only problem you will face is high shipping cost as these kits are fairly heavy and very very big, almost two Hasegawa kits put together! Otherwise, someone here on the forum might be willing to let one go! Andy
  6. Great job, will for sure go well with my launch booster too
  7. Yep, landing gears will have to be removed when transforming from fighter mode to any of the other two modes! As with what paint job, well, not too sure yet but most likely the original YF-19 colours
  8. ...and Battroid mode! The size of the kit in fighter mode is almost the same as a Hase VF-1 fighter, so not too bad and all mode come displayed pretty neatly, especially in fighter mode, which is far nicer than the SHE version imo.
  9. Okay, the kit is finally put together and here are all the three modes! Fighter mode topd and bottom view
  10. Hi guys, Here are some pics (well first finished piece) on a very rare 1/100 variable IHP made YF-19 kit my modelling friend has been working on. From what I know, nobody has seen a completed kit besides those taken at the Wonder Festival many years back! The kit has undergone some modifications to look more true to the original YF-19 lineart. Those who are familiar with the SHE YF-19 variable kit will immediate see that the nose piece transformation is done more detailed and sophisticated...more suprises will follow, so keep track on this thread! Enjoy
  11. I know that there are some great Japanese hobby books around, which even the people here in Hong Kong use to learn and get hints on how to create your own kits! I am sure they have these same books published in English. The best bet will be to go down to your local hobby store, perhaps one that only sells resin and similar products and they should in theory stock some books on how to make your own kit!
  12. Ha...too much free time today "A. Dropped there prices by about 25%" On the topic of price, we all are actually more or less getting our valks for less than retail. We guys over here in Hong Kong do not pay retail Yen prices for our valks and you volks over in the States also not, after you deduct shipping cost
  13. I do not think Yamato will ever release a YF-19 or any of the Mac + valks in 1/48 scale as it would just be too damn huge! Just comparing the VF-1 and the YF-19 and one can already imagine how huge this will be in 1/48 format! Issuing Destroids would be a good idea, especiall;y form a toymakers point of view, since all the legs are the same, so no additional tooling needed! Now the only question is scale and play-ability...just take a look at the 1/60 Q-Rau's and tell me how much fun they were
  14. A while back, some fellow members here were looking for your spare missiles and paying cash for them... ...might want to drop "haterist" a line
  15. You can change your user id and you will still keep your feedback ratings!
  16. Well, I am sold Put me on the list if there is still a spot left! ...now, just to figure out what is the best shipping method to get this baby shipped all across the pacific
  17. "Even more Magic.... if you take the Hase battroid and compare it to the Hase Fighter the latter is smaller " Well, we all know Kawamori is the greatest magician of all time , so turning some of his anime magic into reality will of course also require magic
  18. Well, I do still keep in touch with Christopher every now and then. We was in Iraq for a very short while as a civilian on some kind of contract work. He then moved to the Philippines, this was about a year and a half ago. The last time I spoke to him he was in a car crash, luckily no great harm to him besides wearing a neck brace for a month or so and now is apparently back into studying , in the Philippines I assume?
  19. Well, I guess there are many ignorant members our there and only use the MacrossWorld forum If some of you would open the eyes a little bigger and take a little more time surfing all the other sections of this wonderful website, you will actually see that the it belongs to Shawn and Graham, to whom we all have to thank for Now back to Graham, well, he lives in Hong kong and used to have very close connection with the people at Yamato, hence all the scoop news with the first release toys, such as the YF-11, YF-19 and YF-21. Things however changed as there was some management changes at Yamato, hence less insider news nowadays It seems thogh that the G-Man has have some new contact again, so will see what he has to say
  20. Yep, I have learnt my lesson too Do not use any type of thinner, especially those made for model paint, as I used Mr. Color thinner to wipe off some excess panel linings and the those pieces became very brittle afterwards!
  21. Hey Spatula, sent you a PM already!
  22. Companies like WAVE, Kotobukiya and Yellow Submarine make various ball joints and other types of joints. They usually come in a set with various sizes, so it is hard just to get a set for 1/100 use. You will most likely end up with many spares for future uses If the ball joints you are looking for are for a specific kit, make sure you follow the instructions and get the correct ones. Also, with some older kits, the specific ball joints are also most likely out of production and will take some time to track them down
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