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Everything posted by Valk009

  1. Okay...the answer to the question...does the kit include the side thruster pods... ...well, actually no Those additional pods were added by the person who finished up the valk, a little touch of his If you look at the line art drawings by Kawamori, you will notice that there are also no pods in those places. For the people who are interested in getting those pods, if I remember correctly, they were either taken from some old Gundam parts or one of those option parts sets sold by Kotobukiya!
  2. From what I know, there were three different 1/72 VF-4 fighter resin kits made. First, there is the Hobby Base Retppu kit, which is a hollow vinyl kit. This kit is not bad but it does lack of details and many say it looks a little bit on the chubby side. Next, is the Club-M version, which I believe looks very good and they do have a bonus of allowing you to build the kit in semi-gerwalk (without hands). Last but not least is the Musasiya kit, which my version is based on it. Out of all three kits, the Musasiya kit is the oldest and rarest but it is also the most streamlined of all, at least in my opinion. But since the kit was released in the late '80s, the sculpting and casting quality is also from that era, hence the extensive modifications on my newer version. Besides upgrading those old and chunky landing gears and the blob pilot figure, two main differences are the new engraved panel lines and the one piece nose cone design instead of three pieces on the original Musasiya, which did not fit properly for a start and had one fiddeling with it for ages to get it right. All these three kits are long sold out and discontinued, Club-M actually does no longer exist, so makes them very collectible and is worth having in anyones collection.
  3. Well, here is a pic of a kit built promptly together for the instructions!
  4. Okay, first batch of kits have been shipped! Remaining ones will be shipped by Saturday.
  5. Okay, I already have the first 6 kits ready and now I am working overtime to get the new revised instructions together! Below is the first kit used for the instructions. Give me a few more days!
  6. Okay, I already have the first 6 kits ready and now I am working overtime to get the new revised instructions together! Below is the first kit used for the instructions. Give me a few more days!
  7. All orders fulfilled and shipped out, as of today! 5 kits still available
  8. Okay guys and girls, the project is finally taking shape and moving according to plan The master kit will be molded over the weekend and the casting will commence thereafter.To ensure the quality of the casting only 20 kits will be produced. To avoid disappointment of not being able to get hold of the kit as happened the last time round. This time it will be on a first paid, first served basis. I will start to accept payment and my preferred payment method is PayPal. The cost for one kit is US$75 and two for $145. This will include all PayPal related fees and worldwide first class registered air mail. My PayPal account is awinkl@yahoo.com. When making payment please state your MacrossWorld ID.
  9. Everything is going according to plan. The master kit is already prepared and on the sprue, ready for casting. I am hoping to get the pilot figure remodelled over the weekend. The original Musasiya kit's pilot was a joke, basically a big fat blob. In my first run of the modified kit, I have included a casted metal pilot taken directly from the Hasegawa model kit. The VF-4 pilot suit does look a little different, so I am hoping to get a little work here for the new kit. Istructions will also be re-worked but that will happen when the kirst kit is ready, will use pics this time round rather than drawings! Latest Info: Casting will begin this weekend, so kits will be available the first week of September!
  10. Okay, as the title says, I am after line art drawings or pictures of a VF-4 valkyrie pilot suit. I am actually more after the helmet as from what I can remember, the pilot suit is pretty much same as the VF-1 ones. Any help would be great!
  11. Well, the standard stuff is pretty easy to gather info and pics of. It's those limited, lucky draw and price giveaway kits that are hard to gather info on. As far as I know, there is a limited VF-1S in metallic coating (not to be mixed up with the VF-1S Strike in champagne coating) and also a model contest price, a chrome VF-0S!
  12. Price will include the kit, of course first class registered air mail and also waterslide decals
  13. With so many interest, I will say it is a green light for this project! I have spoken with my recaster to make room for this kit in his busy schedule. The modifications should be fairly easy and straight forward and we are looking to have the kits ready to be shipped out by mid September. Price wise the kit will go for $75 shipped! I will make a new thread and contact those who showed interest here in this thread once things are in place!
  14. I thought those guys at Yamato fixed the yellowing issue with teh 1/48 valks the original 1/60 line suffered badly from yellowing mainly because of the use of lesser quality plastics and also the see-through poppy box design.
  15. Sorry for the long delay guys, had to search for the pics, forgot where I placed them! So, the kit will basically be the same as the picture, besides no more metal parts and new landing gears. If I have tiem I will also rework the instructions, the old ones were nothing much to write home about
  16. Studio Halfeye still exists but they mainly concentrate now in completed products. I assume they lost interest in Macross items because they tackled nearly all of the available valks. Liquid Stone from what I nderstand is now called Experten or something liek that. Before that they were called IHP. IHP release a host of fully variable kits such as the VF-1, YF-19, YF-21 and the VF-11 and also the Armour to accompany it. All I know is that Liquid Stone released a completed YF-19 about three years back and it created quite a stir, since it was so limited, only 10 made available and only through lucky draw, this kit changed hands for over $1,000 on Ebay and Yahoo Japan. Experten release their completed YF-21 last year or early this year, again limited and through lucky draw. Resin kits are getting less common nowadays due to huge improvements on plastic model kits and the very narrow profit margin the sculptors make.
  17. Yeah, I must admit that the Club-M 1/48 VF-1S Ultimate Strike is one of the best resin kit ever produced. The kit allows to to configure it into so many ways that getting one is simply not enough The only thing to watch out, whether original or re-cast are the two leg pieces. They are almost always in different lenghts. If you got a good cast, than we are only talking about a few mm's, not so good one and then this can be up to cm's!
  18. I saw this on Amazon Japan a few weeks ago. They say it is a limited collection of CD singels, guess to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Macross! The pic was taken from the Amazon website, pretty cool artwork if its going to be the boxart!
  19. Hi guys, I will post a pic of a completed VF-4 from the first run. The differences with this new kit will be subtle, the main difference is no more metal parts and new landing gears.
  20. Okay guys, about two years back I released the 1/72 scale VF-4 fighter resin kit sculpted by my friend based on the rare Musasiya kit with modifications and updates. There was only one run on that kit and it has been long sold out. Ever since the kit was sold out I have been receiving e-mails and PM's on when it will be released again. Since that kit was a limited edition, it will not be released anymore. However, since the demand seems to be there, I am thinking of making it available again with some differences as not to make the people who bought the original set unhappy. I plan to release the kit, if the are sufficient interest. the new kit will be 100% of resin, no more metal parts. It will come with watersldie decals and most importantly redone landing gears and possibly the pilot figure. I plan to issue the kit at around $80 shipped, this will however depend on the interest and the volume made. If anyone is interested please put their names down and if there is suffiecient interest, then the project will get the green lights!
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