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Everything posted by Desty_Nova

  1. Never underestimate the power of stupidity. We've got people on this forum who think the pilots are located in the battroids head remember.
  2. If this poll is redone I strongly suggest that a picture of each valk is included in the first post. It would seem there is some confusion concerning the vf-22S and the vf-2SS. The current results of this poll makes no sense at all.
  3. YES YOU DO! well, maybe not BUT DO IT ANYWAY
  4. I hope the SDF-1 is such a huge success that they make a battle seven
  5. A thought occurs - armored vf-11 is now possible.
  6. SWEET MONKEY JESUS HNNNGGGGGGGHHH!>< I'm trying to quit buying macross toys but yamato are making it too hard I give up.
  7. Is this a joke? You're choosing a bayformer prime over the sdf-1?
  8. Misa is doing well? What is wrong with you people?
  9. Well for starters, I'd explain why lady shao (whoever that is) is wearing clothes that belong to a US$800 figure, then I'd probably go into a little more depth than "it's perfect go out and buy one of these now" Also, you say you've been repeatedly let down over the past 15 years, what exactly was so unsatisfactory about the 1/48?
  10. Who the fuk is lady shao? And that's not what I'd call a review.
  11. 1/72: 0 1/48: 4 1/60: 9
  12. I voted same size. This thing has the potential to be legendary. Nobody is going to go "Holy shiat that thing is insane!" if it's sensibly sized now are they? I don't understand all the whining about it being too big or too expensive. It would only consume as much space and money as two yf-21s.
  13. Damnit I knew the 1/2000 was just to cool to be true. Minmay gets a huge expensive doll but they wuss-out on the SDF-1 *sigh*
  14. Son I am disappoint. 33 page character appreciation thread and only ~4 Milia pics? You can do better than that! I propose we share all our pics of the sadly neglected hawt meltran momma ASAP. GOGOGOGOGOGO
  15. Considering the 1/35 is considered to be a fairly large toy I think this is extremely unlikely
  16. The sign at the bottom middle says DYRL
  17. Desty_Nova

    Yamato Toy TV

    I was distracted but not by the guy.
  18. Desty_Nova

    Graham's Sig

    Yeah now that you mention it, he DID say VF, not VB, and the vf-17 would probably make him go all poetic and loopy like in the sig.
  19. Desty_Nova

    Graham's Sig

    Mate, stop it alright? Don't even tease me like that. How big would a 1/60 monster shuttle be again? Edit: ah.. 50cm
  20. Well personally I wouldn't touch a seeker with a 10 foot pole (transformer?-ewwww!) but I did buy one for my TF fan brother and from what I've seen they are much, MUCH more complicated than the valks.
  21. Surprise is the right word. People had me thoroughly convinced there would never be a yamato vf-22. I wonder if the belly plates are different? What's even more surprising is that toyntoys has this listed as a macross 7 dynamite gamlin version. Dare I hope for more yamato dynamite 7 valks?? 19's also looking really good.
  22. I find that the original boxes are the best way to transport your valks if that helps
  23. A bandai phone number for pre-ordering a yamato product?
  24. Hey that sounds pretty good.
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