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Everything posted by Desty_Nova

  1. Fwiw I saw "Hot Rod" the other day and voltron was mentioned once or twice. I think the fact that there are many entries in the "movie connections" section for voltron on imdb and that robotech doesn't even have one speaks volumes. Edit: corrected movie title.
  2. Only if it doesn't interfere with development of a 1/60 vf-17. The big gaps, lack of chest lock and the dodgy neck transformation on the current yf-19 has always bugged me tho.
  3. Oh good. Looks like the zent uniform is still going to be released I'd been wondering about it.
  4. Is the full size prototype still for sale anywhere?
  5. I would have thought that the less robotech material there is on the net, the better. A really well done information resource might just add fuel to the fire, encourage robotech discussion and convince the die-hards that their franchise is worth sticking with. Seems to me like it would be feeding something I'd rather starved to death.
  6. Are these still for sale anywhere?
  7. So.. if the UEG guys made their fan production using only macross/megazone designs and they avoided using the words "macross", "robotech" or any robotech names/terminology, it's my understanding that HG wouldn't be able to do a damn thing?
  8. It's surprising bandai made the quarter instead of battle frontier in the first place. Although it turned out to be a nice toy the transformation is kind of lame and doesn't make any attempt whatsoever to hide the fact that it's a giant robot which spoiled it for me. While I passed on the quarter I will definitely buy a battle frontier or battle 7 if it's big enough.
  9. You know I really can't stress enough how important it is that this valk have an mp3 player built in. Maybe in the sound booster? I'd settle for an audio in jack. The point is this thing needs to be able to rock somehow. A 1/60 flowergirl wouldn't hurt either.
  10. You can't be sure until you partially remove the pin. The new type knurling is extremely difficult if not impossible to see from the outside.
  11. What the helljust happened? Iclicked on a review link and after looking at the pictures for afew seconds i boughtone.
  12. Don't forget the vf-11 gbp.
  13. I'm sure the people who voted 1/60 would change their mind pretty quickly after a couple of broken shoulders. They've just been lucky.
  14. My VF-1D has knurled pins. I Filed them smooth as a precaution. F*CK this is annoying.
  15. What I don't understand is how these are almost guaranteed to break yet the price still remains very high.
  16. Roy with both shoulders cracked and one of the replacement shoulders I ordered. If I find the other cracked replacement shoulder I'll post that too.
  17. I ordered two replacements but they both arrived broken so I'm waiting for further developments.
  18. Wait, what? the 1/60 milia 1j is out too?
  19. More tampo. Gun strap. Neck cover. Side covers. Zentradi uniform for max 1a FUNCTIONAL seats that come out the top of the battroid. NB4M style. Improved pilots and passengers with standing versions. Ground crew and vehicles. More tampo
  20. Someone at my workplace is familiar with robotech and watched the whole thing when he was younger. I offered to lend him all the macross shows but he declined saying he knew it was better but didn't want to ruin his memories of robotech. Later, in a bar he overheard me discussing macross with a freind and said something like 'BAh! Robotech rules!" I don't know him very well but I think he was just joking.
  21. The possibility of a smaller toy version doesn't exactly please me, operative word being "smaller" I didn't start collecting yamatos to settle for second best and I don't entirely accept the excuse we've been offered either. Feels like they've given up too easily on this one. Obviously not ALL the parts are too big to be injection moulded, and surely there are work-arounds for the ones that are. It's not like all the large parts would really be that detailed, or that they must be one solid piece.
  22. It was okay. There were a few bits in the plot that make no sense whatsoever, the mecha designs were kind of crap and the music ( with the exception of the OP ) was forgettable but overall it's not that bad. I don't see where the comparison to DYRL comes from. The only similarities I saw were the attempted capture of sylvie&whatshername and the way the series ended.
  23. Hmm. For that price I would expect it to be fully tampo/hand painted with excellent detail and no need for decals in which case I would buy it. Otherwise I might have to pass.
  24. Zentradi uniform that fits a a vf-1
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