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Everything posted by Desty_Nova

  1. Aww damnit. I didn't even notice that. They've been tampoing the un spacy on the legs forever And they didn't even bother to do it for this overpriced release? That's just lazy as hell. Going in to this release what I was really hoping for was another YF-19 style toy. With that release I felt like they were going over the top with gratuitous extras that we didn't really need. Diecast in the shield (why?) The high speed mode that nobody really wanted (I'll take that arm weapon instead thanks) Extra pilot figure (that couldn't have been cheap) and 600 missiles. This release leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. They've done the bare minimum on this one.
  2. How do you figure? They get more use out of the tooling and they give you less stuff. What possible reason could there be for the high price? Paint?
  3. Feeling a little pissed off for a few reasons. There's no stand and the stand adapter for fighter mode is really huge and ugly, for the ridiculous price they charged there is very little swag at all. Compared to the YF-19 this release is kind of insulting especially considering they can probably re-use some of the 0D molds for the VF-0A and VF-0S. It doesn't make any sense. This should have been so much cheaper than the 19.
  4. Do the japanese know something we don't? There have been two ozma renewal armor sets on mandarake for over a week now when they usually sell in hours. It's strange enough that two sets would be dumped on mandarake at the same time and even stranger they're not selling.
  5. Do we know if it has a stand? For the price is a little insulting if it doesn't even have that. I thought we were getting some news this weekend?
  6. Battle 7 or any of the new macross class really they're such handsome ships. Star mirage for 2nd choice.
  7. On gamesacks latest episode they show an old game with what appears to be a vf-4. It's at 4:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ECPJns8I2iI#t=263
  8. I didn't know Nanao posted here.
  9. That last batch of pics suggests the little missile pods can indeed be removed. I can see a gap under them.
  10. Looks like they've gone with the multi-folded vstab too
  11. I'm an alcoholic I need my kidneys
  12. I forgot to buy ozma armor where would one get that?
  13. I can't tell if you're joking. If yamato were raking in any dough they wouldn't have gone under.
  14. I love kawamori as much as the next guy but this laziness with the 30 backpack and to a lesser extent the 29 backpack really concerns me. With the 29 he had an excuse for the gigantic, clumsy backpack because of the extending/collapsing wing gimmick. On the 30? I'd really like to know how the meeting for that one went. -Nice design kawamori! but we can't figure out how to fold these tailfins away -Oh those? They don't fold or anything they just hang off the bottom -What? Seriously? Look there's a space for them right there in the wing! I really don't like this new "eh who cares?" direction he's taking with the backpacks. Up until the 29 he did a good job of making them compact and appropriate for a humanoid machine used for hand to hand combat and diving and rolling and stuff like that.
  15. Exactly how I feel. The tailfins just scream "Why the hell would you do that!?" The fact that the rest of the valk is so good just makes me even more disappointed.
  16. They should start small and make me some replacement triangles for my busted cannon fodder 171.
  17. This toy was SO close to being excellent but remains only mediocre thanks to the vstabs lazily hanging off the bottom of the backback in battroid mode. I have been able to alleviate my anger somewhat by simply removing them and just pretending that they folded into the adjacent, perfect vstab-sized cavity in the wings like they should have done all along. I love the fighter mode, the battroid has grown on me since I collpsed the legs and ankles down to the minimum heights, but those vstabs were triggering my "what the f*ck where they thinking!?" mode and something had to be done.
  18. The more I look at it, the more I hate the tailfins on the YF-30. It's extremely disappointing and confusing that kawamori made no effort whatsoever to collapse them into the wing somehow. There's a perfect tailfin-sized hole in the wing where they could have gone then wingtip would fold over top, perfect. As it stands I can't think of any reason it's been done this way other than sheer laziness, it looks bad and they're a breakage risk.
  19. It's not bad but some of the minor fit and finish issues are preventing me from enjoying this release as much as I normally would. The nosecone doesn't fit very well, the 'spine' of the jet doesn't fit together smoothly, the pilot is just rattling around loose in the cockpit and the bare plastic compressor fans really could have used some paint.
  20. Sources can't agree on whether the sdf distribution license is worldwide excluding japan, or excluding asia. Looking at the availability of macross products in asia we can infer that it's the latter. In that case hg would be blatantly lying about what territories they control when they say "outside japan" rendering their entire statement unreliable.
  21. I must have wandered into an alternate universe, one of the cheerleaders over at rt.com is openly admitting that harmony gold cannot use any of the macross designs. This is news to me, I thought the goons swooped in and punished that kind of thought crime fairly zealously over there.
  22. I strongly suspect the opposite will happen. IMO several of the $2000+ backers were in it for a laugh and will withdraw their pledges towards the end to maximize the amount of robotech fan tears.
  23. It's not just about changing the mechanical design juuuust enough to avoid getting sued they have to steer clear of the whole story. Admittedly disney and pixar have been very successful at ripping off characters and stories and getting away with it so perhaps it wouldn't be as hard as I think. These are people who can't grasp reality right in front of their face. They're sure as hell not going to trust anything hosted on a macross site.
  24. I did consider registering and pledging just to reply to this nonsense but really what's the point? If they're unable to grasp the facts backed up by reality what difference is a post on a board going to make? Even hg's own stament about the macross rights on that KS page is false. They keep saying "outside japan" when it's very clear they mean "outside asia"
  25. Wow another desty. Message sent.
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