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Everything posted by baronv

  1. RnR & Torpedo look nice. They were one of the first Joes I had when I was a kid along with Flash.
  2. I think I read on the TF boards he his a TF Club exclusive. And if I remember correctly it's going to be $100-$199 I think.
  3. I think that green ship is the GI Joe Dragonhawk from the mini-sized Sigma 6 line. Saw those stands before but didn't think it could hold a full 1/48, can't wait to see someone try a 1/60 valk on it.
  4. Watched Rambo and was surprised to say it was pretty good (a lot better than Alien vs. Predator 2-Fell asleep on that one). Tense action, wished they put some more back story on the mercenaries though. I think this was actually better than Rocky Balboa. Can't believe Meet the Spartans beat this movie in gross over the weekend.
  5. Nice Nausicaa figure, I think it's Hayao Miyazaki's best film with My Neighbor Totoro coming in second in my opinion.
  6. As for the public school and metal detector requirement, it's simple: The detector will help screen a Terminator infiltration, though that could pose problems for his own protector. Why no homeschooling or a private school? Simple. Money! Those routes for education aren't cheap, and the Connors don't have enough income to maintain such a luxury. Especially since they move around so much and ensure they have weapons and ammunition on hand, just in case. How would a metal detector stop a Terminator from going to school and kill John. It's a public school, he can just avoid it (come on we know how easy it is to get into schools, it can just tear down a fence or rip a hole in one) by posing as an security officer or going through another way...their Terminators and not 15 r. olds trying to smuggle in a bb gun. Hiding in a pub. school is a bad idea, don't the Terminators just scan public records for new students being admitted into school with John's profile? Is that how they found him in his last school in the 1st episode? As for the money issue, I liked in T2 where John used his computer knowledge to hack ATMs, can't the Terminator girl do the same thing for them to get money to buy those guns and explosives they need? Even with the plot holes, it's still an ok show. Maybe the Connors will move to Detroit, John gets ambushed and shot and the girl Terminator fixes him up with advanced technology and rebuilds him as Robocop to fight the Terminators.
  7. Too bad you're missing the guns on the battle pod, I bought one like yours (without the box) for around $30 just so I could have one in my collection. You better sell the Clyclone fast while the market is still good until the CMS and Toynami comes out.
  8. Are those tiny skulls on SE's neck?
  9. Finally saw this one, it was an o.k. movie but once the end credits rolled around I was like, "is that it?". I was expecting this movie to be closer to the book for the ending but ended on a totally different note. I'm planning on checking out the Last Man on Earth and Omega Man but after hearing about them, most of the movies don't follow too closely to the book plot points and the ending of the novel, I always liked the novel's spin on the "Legend" theme the infected calls the main character in the book compared to how it was stated in the Will Smith movie.
  10. Just saw the movie, I'm not going to go into character motivation or plot points since this IS a monster movie and characters will be made to do things to move along the storyline. Plus I've seen enough people in real life do dumb things so if some of the characters here seem to be doing idiotic things, well real life is filled with the same...drunk drivers, suicide bombers, mass murderers, etc. All in all an average movie for me, lots of following the group in dark hallways, dark buildings, dark tunnels, dark areas, etc., I just pretended the whole time that Cloverfield was the first-person view of the events from the American Godzilla re-make movie since that was also based in NY and it had little critters of it's own running around town, had a camera man as a main character also, with the military blowing city buildings chasing the monster. I would recommend it as a DVD release at best for those on the fence about seeing it in a theatre unless you can get a really good early showing price on it. Of course I was expecting more of a full-blown monster movie which this really wasn't.
  11. I still like the show, better than most out there at the moment in terms of sci-fi. Does have plot holes though, but this ain't a show like the West Wing or 24, it's a killer robot show. It's either that or American Gladiators...which I did finally see last night. I wish the women Gladiators had the big poofy hair from the original incarnation. I still don't get how the girl terminator went from a normal girl acting 'bot with some personality from the first episode when she meet John at school to a plain 'ol slow-speaking "Small Wonder" type girl. I also don't get why John has to go to a metal-detector needing high school, why isn't he home schooled or go to a private school if he's to get an education necessary to fight in the future. I did like it that they finally made John seem a bit more tough when he grilled his mom regarding the computer's guy's chess machine instead of acting like an emo kid instead of a future resistance leader.
  12. Great idea, seems like a spin on the Batman: Black & White trade paperbacks. I wonder how different the various art styles will look if it'll be a varied as the Batman episode that had the modern, Dick Sprang, and Frank Miller DKR looks. BTW, just saw the new Justice League: The New Frontier DVD movie and it is really good. Way better than the recent Superman: Doomsday, Brainac Attacks, and even some of the recent Batman direct to DVD movies. Captures the spirit of the comic pretty closely with just minor plot points taken out to fit the time restrictions. Looks like DC Comics is moving ahead with more mature themes and even violence which ramps up the blood count from the Superman: Doomsday video to a bit more extreme deaths in New Frontier.
  13. Going to probably see the movie later this week, I'm hoping the camera isn't as shaky as Blair Witch. Would the movie have been more tolerable if the hand held camera had image stabilization or something, would that have minimized the shakiness?
  14. The majority of my collection is the 1/60 which I would like to replace with the newer versions, but I will probably end up staying with instead since I do not want to upgrade my collection anymore and spend more money just for the new tweaks.
  15. Unfortunately I only have one set of Joe 5-packs. I guess I just missed the Legion set, but no biggie since I only wanted it when it dropped to the $6.48 price.
  16. Also managed to find 2 Cobra Legions box-sets at Target for a whopping $6.24 apiece .... SWEET!!!! Gotta love that post-Dec clearance .... :lol: Lucky you, I scoped out the three local Targets near me when I heard they discounted the 5-packs to $6.24 and waited a day too long since by the time I went to look for them most of the toy clearance aisles were deserted. Glad though I was able to get the good guy Joe packs when they were at $12.48 though. If anyone sees any Target spare clearance Cobra Legions in So. OC please let me know.
  17. Whoa, the new Wild Bill figure looks really good.
  18. The Terminator girl seems to know a lot of intimate details about John's life such as the Wizard of Oz story reading by his mom in Spanish. Seems like a bit of info that didn't need to be given to a Terminator. I'm guessing if she is different maybe her memory was downloaded from John Conner's future wife or girlfriend.
  19. I thought the show was good for what it is, a sci-fi t.v. show on a t.v. show budget. Pretty fair amount of action throughout, I do wonder how many terminators will be sent to capture the mom & son if it will be one constant Terminator or a whole bunch of them. It would have been nice to see the mom's boyfriend and the cop age a bit after a 7 year jump forward since they look the same still. Will see how the show continues with Ep. 2 and hope it doesn't slow down into a formulaic spy/action wannabe like the reimagined Binoic Woman show.
  20. The Target with the 6-packs of Joe and Cobra Legion is the one on La Paz and Oso Pkwy. They have a toy clearance aisle and they had about 5 of the Joe packs and 10+ of the Cobra Legion as of 1pm today. The one off Alicia Pkwy only has single carded Wave 4. Both locations have the Beachheads and color changing Zartans that were hard to find a while ago.
  21. G.I. Joe 25th Anniv. 6-pack of the Wave 1 Joes for $12.48 at Mission Viejo Target as well as the Cobra Legions set selling for the same price. Also spotted there were the new comic 2-packs as well as at the Aliso Viejo Target (though it did not have any of the 5-packs).
  22. Just watched the first episode and liked it. It was nice to see a lot of valk action compared to the first episodes from Mac Zero. Frontier though evoked a lot of M+/Neon Genesis E/Gundam F91 for me. The only thing I don't get is the inclusion of the storyline of the main male character being too feminine....what's up with that. Guess he may cut off that long hair once he becomes a full fighter pilot?
  23. Well I hope the fellow MWs purchased MP SS yesterday since I see that of of today it is already sold out!
  24. For those looking, Masterpiece Starscream is now available online at Walmart.com, buy i now before it's gone. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=7732657
  25. Off da hook!
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