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Everything posted by baronv

  1. I thought Gotham Knight was a nice looking movie, but very plain and down right boring in parts. "Work Through the Pain" was the best section for me since it opened up another training aspect of Bruce Wayne that shows how he can take all the hits and near-death events and continue to survive. "Deadshot" was a good section as well, closest to a comic book type story. The rest of the episodes were more in the vein of Batman vs. mobsters and moved slowly for me, they probably kept it this way to tie into the more Dark Knight theme without the more outlandish themes with more comic-type villains. Did enjoy seeing the original Tim Burton Batmobile though.
  2. Dr. Quymn, Medicine Woman was pretty good. Enjoyed how the Ventures now have doppelgangers. Dug how Dr. Quymn's jet was a white/pink SR-71 Blackbird as well. The scene with the twin girls holding Dean on the bed was my favorite scene. Wonder if he'll fess up what happened to triana in a later episode.
  3. GOM media player. Worked on all things Mac Frontier vids and Divx as well.
  4. Nice stuff, didn't know BT tweaked the Macross designs.
  5. Fave quote: "It's hate to live and not live to hate "- Sgt. Hatred
  6. Whoa, the power armor looks very Battletech-ish to me. After finally reading the book I imagined the armor to be pretty much a kangaroo hopping frame with some boosters and such.
  7. There was a cel of Hikaru in the cockpit of a valk from the opening sequence that just sold last week. I wonder if an MWs won it from Yahoo! Japan. I would've broke the bank bidding on it as I used to do but alas I must save...
  8. I thought the movie was so-so, the handling of the Abomination at the end was not thoroughly explained. Once the solider changes he starts thrashing the city and so they have to let Banner take him out? This one played more of a cat and mouse thriller than the Ang Lee psychological version. Too me it felt more like a beefed up version of the Bruce Bixby show, still I did like some of the homages to the tv and comic sources. Not as good as Iron Man though, time to see if Dark Knight topples it as the comic movie of 2008.
  9. I didn't think that this season's cliffhanger would end with them finally arriving, I thought that it would have been shown at the season finally. Good tight episode. While it was an interesting cliffhanger, I still prefer the endings with Adama getting shot or the one year later jump which were more jarring. This cliffhanger was more of a slower paced direction. Why hold it over til 2009?
  10. I sure am digging Storm Shadow's ninja-matrix/gi joe reloaded-look and the movie mask looks cool to me. His figure may just be the one I pick up from the movie line.
  11. Got a question for your Light Saber collectors. Is the Master Replica SW-616 Star Wars Force FX Lightsaber Set any good? I just read they're selling pretty cheaply, around $40, at Radio Shack stores. Are these made of metal and heavy like the regular Master Replicas I see at Toys R Us selling for $110? Or are these more like the kiddy $25 plastic version?
  12. Along with HISS Tank, the Transformers site TFW 2005 is down as well. So now new Joe or TF updates for me.
  13. The premier episode for S3 was strong in my opinion. It was nice to see the various costumes The Monarch wore before settling into his current getup. In the scene where the Monarch breaks into Dr. Venture's lad in his Monarch Mobile, who was the female bodyguard? Was she named in other episodes as serving before Brock?
  14. baronv

    Latest custom.

    Super sleek valk there.
  15. I have the Robotech 20th Anniv. CD and some of the orchestrated music is really good. I really like the piano-based songs like The Way to Love and Minucci's We Will Win is actually dramatic.
  16. Zoinks, and a pilot to! Blows away my dinky Matchbox version anyways.
  17. Super nice, does it say what size they are?
  18. Well they kinda used the whole Mayan temple/alien plot in the first Aliens vs. Predator movie. Maybe the crystal skull was an Alien skull and Indy will have to battle a Predator in the next film.
  19. Finally saw the movie. My two cents: I went in it expecting an adventure film, came away feeling a definite sci-fi tone near the middle once the plot was shown. I like Indy films separate from other genres. Kinda like how I'd be disappointed if the Bourne movies somehow integrate Sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster into it, not my cup of tea. Still, I enjoyed the movie for what it was... a flick with a history of fun adventures and slap-dash action. I could've done away with the cheesy one-liners in the first 20 minutes or Tarzan-Mutt. Wonder now when Shia will be taking over the enterprise for the 5th film?
  20. Ep. 7 had a nice set-up of finally having a big space battle. Looks like Ep. 8 might slow the story down with a more introspective look at the character's civilian lives again. I was hoping to see the new Q-Rau in some more battle scenes besides the few seconds it was shown in. I also had trouble watching the .mkv files via my GOM player with the sound not syncing and locking up. I switched over to VLC and it ran much smoother, some sections had a brief pause but it was watchable again. P.s. Don't know if it was mentioned earlier, but that new enemy battleship design sure reminded me of that medical ship from the end of SW: The Empire Strikes Back.
  21. Does anyone think that Hasbro will ever release an accessory pack: Duke's flight pack, additional weapons, helmets, backpacks like they did with the original RAH line?
  22. Wow a bootleg SC item, what price did it sell for? Is it a copy of the model kits?
  23. I've stopped with collecting the 25th anniv. once I found Beach Head & Firefly, after that finding the figures became just a chore (kinda like trying to find Masterpiece Starscream). I remember finding Flint when he was hard to find, and then only finding one time Torpedo, Wild Bill, Spirit, from the new waves once before I never see them restocked again at any TRU, Target, Walmart. I wanted Wild Bill, Rock & Roll, and Torpedo since those were the Joes I had as a kid, but finding them was work checking out stores and forums. I have to say that all the blame cannot be all for the stores or even scalpers. I've seen on multiple Joe forums when so called "collectors" spout out they found the new wave at their store and bought the entire line, they even take pics of their haul of x10 Destros, Spirits, Flints, etc. To me hoarding is hoarding, whether for profit or collection sake, since then the public can't find the toy at all. I never even did se a HISS tank at release at all.
  24. Cool model and nice work.
  25. Do you know if this Indy figure you have matches up in size with the GI Joe 25th anniv. figures? Would think of getting him if he fits in size enough with the Joes so they can go raid Corba's fortress for treasure!
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