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Everything posted by baronv

  1. Can't wait to see the finished product. Looks wicked.
  2. Beautiful cels. Too bad the prices are set so high.
  3. Not bad at all. looks pretty poseable. Is it sturdy?
  4. Which current Joes are the hard to find items? I thought it was the B.A.T.S. but I'm starting to see them at Walmart and Target pegs.
  5. If I'm able to pick up a portable media player, then I'd be able to watch more than just Macross Frontier. I'm behind in technology at home, so having an a video player I can cart around and watch shows when killing time in lines or the store would allow me to watch anime again.
  6. My 2cents. Best Anime Series – Macross Frontier…of course it’s the only Anime I watch. Though the news installment of MS Igloo was good. Best Non-Anime TV series – Terminator: The Sarah Conners Chronicles. The pace, storyline, acting and various story structures keeps on pumping up even though it is on the bubble for a renewal. Good solid series. Worst Non-Anime TV series – Heroes. Had a good chance to step-up after a couple ok episodes in the beginning of the season, sadly the storyline is ending up looking like the boring Season 2. I end up playing it in the background now. Best Non-Anime Film – Iron Man. Just a fun film with no real bad sections that bog down at all. I also did like Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, that and the foreign film Mongol were the only DVDs I bought this year. Worst Non-Anime Film – Meet the Spartans. I’d beat my brains against a rock than see that movie again. Best Album – Chris Brown. MS Frontier was the one I played the most though. Best Game – Didn’t play any new games this year, did enjoy the Flash zombie game, The Last Stand and its sequel. Worst Game – Kinda old, but I bought Need for Speed: Most Wanted for my PS2 (old school that way) and it was totally unbalanced racing against the computer. Dishonorable Mention – Jacked up prices for little gashapons (gundam character figures and the upcoming Frontier figs) that should cost only $3-$4 going for $9-$15 a piece for little 3” items.
  7. O.k. this is it. No more cels for a while after these... I swear. Vampire Hunter D- Bloodlust cels.
  8. Nice collection, Alpha OTS, is that a custom zombie Captain America?
  9. Thanks fellas, guess I'll have to pull the M+ dvd out and watch that scene then to confirm. Meanwhile, got on a cel spree lately. Here's a new one... I AM Iron Man... Dum, dum, dum-dum-dum, da-da-da-da-da, dum-dum-dum.
  10. I remember having the Blue Thunder toy when I was a kid. Had it along with the G.I. Joe Dragonfly, cool 'coptors to boot.
  11. Couldn't help it, just HAD to get this as an early Christmas present. Macross Plus cel of the VF-19 with sketch. Anyone know which scene is is from?
  12. The way I remember Rorschach is that he was just a plain Joe with a mask, I didn't think he was suppose to be acrobatic or anything like that unless they've tweaked him in the movie to have more skills. Well for heroes that are suppose to be past their prime, the Watchmen look pretty young and in their mid 20s still, but hey it's a Hollywood film now...gotta have young and cool-looking characters for all the posters and comic-related items coming out soon.
  13. I was kinda iffy on this one. No real outstanding scene for me, even the opening title credits were blah (where's the style from Casino Royale? or the hot ladies from the other title scenes?). The first 20 minutes had two scenes the reminded me of Bourne (close-quarters fight in the house and the jumping through roofs and windows chase). The main detraction was that the plot had the cheesy "global conglomerate" baddy like the Brosnan films and no real big-time threat.
  14. Interesting, does keep me wanting to see it. Wonder if it is more fast-paced then the last ST movies.
  15. The way Rorschach was running up that apparatus (jungle gym?) looked like he's a super-human in the film, I thought in the book he was just an average joe with detective skills and no real powers? Looks promising still. Really hoping it isn't a stinker (aka League of Extraordinary Gentlemen).
  16. I just liked the different point of view style in this last episode, there's been a lot of varied directions each episode has taken and still keep me interested. Sad that it'll probably die off once it's moved to Friday.
  17. That's pretty dang nice for a scratch project.
  18. Man, is it going to be more than $200?
  19. If there's something strange..... in your neighborhood... Who you gonna call?
  20. Sweet
  21. How much are the 2 set figures? Are these CMS? And who has them for pre-order, would like to know how much first.
  22. Well, I've cleared out about 75% of my collection. Partly due to economical reasons, partly due to space/storage, and partly due to thinking, "my god, I've got too many toys for a grown man!". Kept most of the Macross and sold the rest (bye Joes, Transformers, comic figures, etc.). When the economy turns back around, gonna stick to low-profile hobbies that don't take as much space like my anime cel collection...if prices ever stabilize for those.
  23. Wow, I didn't event know it was even available on the PS2. Might have to make that a rental.
  24. Any idea when the next round of CMS figures will be made? Any chance of the Shin or Focker from M Zero appearing or the characters from Frontier this time? if not, would like the Hikaru and Roy in their t.v. version non-pilot uniforms.
  25. Good job, can you tell us how long it took you to build this?
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