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Everything posted by baronv

  1. baronv

    Yamato 1/48 GBP Pic

    D'oh! Armor for the 1/48, I thought it would never happen.
  2. While the remake was ok, I missed from the original a more fun showcasing of the people in the mall actually playing around and using the stuff from the different mall stores.
  3. Well most of my friends and I know we'll be getting GTA:S.A., though maybe not in the first few weeks. The reason we'll be getting it is that we grew up in generally the same 'hood-like areas that is in the game, and we'd find nothing better than exploring the hood and blowing some of that shiznit up and clocking some fools upside their head with a 2x4.
  4. I have four of these bootlegs, I customized two of them and for $15-20 a piece, the price is fair if you want a transforming valk. Though not super posable, they're pretty fair and posable enough like the Bandai 1/55 valks.
  5. Lion Voltron Go Voltron Force!
  6. Oh, I hate the Groovy Ghoulies cartoon, despise it deep within my core being. Die annoying show, die.
  7. Can anyone direct me where I can still find this magazine? Bobe-Patt, you still have any left to re-sell?
  8. What an awesome collection, so sweet... but sad at the same time, so sad.
  9. I'd have to add that because the plot was so WEAK, I didn't like the movie at all. While the movie did look interesting, well that's it. It's o.k. that the movie was suppose to capture the old serial movies, but come on, have better writing in it, it is 2004 and all the cliches it had and the un-intriguing and stupid ending ruined my experience. Thankgully I watched Mr. 3000 aftewards and it evened out the drek that was Sky Captain.
  10. Hi, well if I knew more about Gundam then I'd comment on your thread, but seeing as the only ones I've ever watched were the 008th MS Team and the Endless Waltz film I cannot really comment, but those threads are fun, and you know why? Because these are all fiction! It's always a hoot to see people comment this universe's science cannot practically merge with this other universe's science becuase the blah blah blah can only achieve blah blah blah technology and blah blah blah. My opinion has always been that these are CARTOONS people! Anything is possible, that's why they are cartoons. My point beign here is that it's all pretty geeky hanging around talking about Toys, cartoons, anime, etc. and all. It's not serious at all, it's a cartoon! Have fun with it. Now who's up for a Macross vs. Big O vs. Ranma 1/2 war, who'd win?
  11. Found this site and it has some interesting and detailed histories on television cartoons! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Anim...levision_series
  12. Sweet, an October release is jsut right around the corner. I can finally get the whole series on DVD when it comes out.
  13. Anyone have a release date when Mac Zero vol. 5 is coming out? Is it coming out before winter?
  14. baronv


    I need the VF-17D, I have the S already.
  15. Well I saw the extended fight scenes to AVP at the S.D. Comic-Con where they showed scenes of the fights and some of the set-up. While I don't care if it's PG-13 or not, I've seen really good movies that didn't have to be balls out R for people to like it, come on. Now I'm all for spine ripping and head mashing, but there's a lot of crappy R movies that did that had failed. Now on to the fight scenes as I remember them. They are pretty brutal and gory, it's two different aliens fighting each other and I was expecting the Predator to pop out some lasers and such, but it's mostly him with the big gauntlet knife vs. an alien. Now that's what I didn't dig. It should've been Predator technology vs. alien ols school kung fu.
  16. I've attached the Mao to the Sara figure and it doesn't help the leaning at all. I actually dont even keep Mao positioned in the section they have for her, she just leans on the Sara figure which I have leaning against the side of a valk.
  17. HLJ now has photos of both figures up at their site! Here it is, the Minmay colors look a bit off though.
  18. Maybe they're growing up and abandoning this childish thing of collecting toys! Maybe they're actually investing they're money in something so foolish as stocks, bonds, and a house.
  19. Looks good, any photos in battloid mode available?
  20. TV Claudia and Capt. Gloval. TV Max, Kakizaki, Feff (Mac II) or Sylvie CHASE 1. Flashback 2012 Minmei.
  21. There we're some topics on it a few months back, I was looking for it as well and I remember people stating drilling hols on the top and sides of the legs so it could accept the notches for the FAST packs.
  22. Ooh, that's some nice custom paint going on there. Interesting weapons work also, good job.
  23. I hope they play this tomorrow night along with Grayson at SD Comic-Con before the Masquerade contest like they did Batman: Dead End last year.
  24. Thanks for the picture comparisons bigkid24, I think I'll pick up some of the discounted Alpha super poseables so I only need to buy one of the transforming Alphas.
  25. The A-Team Season 1 DVD came out a few weeks ago.
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