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Everything posted by baronv

  1. Can anyone out there show me a screen cap or let me know which scene this cel image is from? I watched DYRL and can't seem to find it. This cel shows a VF-1S with a Strike pack blowing away something . I want to recreate the background to place the cel on. Thanks fellow MW'rs!
  2. Oh man, does anyone have of photo of that bald, fat Optimus Prime guy? I saw one back at San Diego Comic-Con around '99 or 2000 and I missed getting a photo of him, I need a pic to show my friend who was there with me of that guy...classic.
  3. Ryuji, do you still have any of the Ishtar models? I love that but it's sold out everywhere.
  4. Sweetness
  5. Oh, I thought that admission to Robocon was open if you had a ticket to Anime Expo but that you'd have to pay extra for some panels or something. Their FAQ section really blows and doesn't explain clearly how it works.
  6. Robocon I was planning on attending Anime Expo for the first time since it's right around the corner from me. Now that Robocon is celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Robotech, is anyone planning on attending this event?
  7. Ooh nice. How big is it and will you be selling it?
  8. Well I just dump my DVD cases and place all my DVD movies and the little inserts into one of the DVD folder cases, it saves a lot of space and all you do is slip them into the sleeves of the pages and not worry about cracking them at all.
  9. Official Survivor Congratulations! You scored 73!
  10. baronv

    Milia Model

    Anyone seen this before?
  11. Does anyone have any idea on the size of these Battle Star Galactica toys are and if they're coming voer to the U.S.? Found them at: Wonder Fest
  12. I like the unmasked Storm Shadow exclusive, how and where do you get it? Is it the 3 3/4" size? Gotta love ninjas.
  13. Final images of the 3 customs in battloid mode. Of the entire VF-19 squad.
  14. Nice custom. Color looks good to match the art.
  15. Thanks for the comments. Yes, I know the seams are tough to get through. I tried handling these carefully since when I tried to push in some of the parts to close up the gaps, I ended up breaking some of the pieces, so I ended up just leaving the gaps in since I truly do bad at gluing pieces together already. As for the gold Q-Rau, I just wanted to see it made since I haven't seen a custom of it based on the MAc 7 episode.
  16. As requested, here's some close-ups. Click on thumbnail to view larger image.
  17. Well, since this post is about custom Valks. Here's three VF-19s I customized from the bootleg Bandai VF-19 Kai. Metallic gray VF-19, Copper VF-19 and faux-Mac Plus VF-19. I've painted each valk differently, acrylic paints, spray paints, etc. since I was testing out which technique woked for me best. Some came out fine (gray version) while some were iffy (white valk). But for less than $20, these knock-offs are good for customs.
  18. Couple of other shots. Chilling with Gundam Girl!
  19. Well here's my posting of the first models I've ever put together, so forgive some of the shoddiness that comes with experimenting. I picked up the 1/144 Queadluun-Raus and tried painting them in the different colors I've seen them in: Macross TV, DYRL and Mac 7; though I had to take liberties with the paint schemes used. Here's the model of the Chlore gold Q-Rau from Mac 7, "Fleet of the strongest women" episode, Milia red Q-rau from DYRL, and the green Q-Rau from the t.v. series. Here's the illustrated versions.
  20. Nice display. Do you have a pic of your full collection? p.s. Thanks for the hook up on the Gundam ships.
  21. Can you fellow MW'ers point me in the right direction where I can buy (not Ebay) Gundam capital ships like the Musai, Arch Angel, White Base, etc. on the cheap?
  22. baronv

    VF Girls

    Great pics Bake, looks really sweet.
  23. After checking out robotechmuseum.com, I noticed that during Anime Expo in Anaheim from July 1-4, 2005, they're having a Robotech Convention separately the same time around July 1-4, 2005. Here's the info. Robocon ************************ Robocon 20 Plans Underway: Robocon 20, the 20th anniversary celebration of Robotech has been announced as an event taking place in and around Anime Expo 2005 in Anaheim, CA from July 1-4, 2005. Many of the special Robocon 20 events are to be held at the Days Inn Resort and Suites that are within walking distance of AX 05. Reservations for the event are limited so those interested in attending should make plans as soon as possible. For further information about Robocon 20, including hotel and accomodations reservations as well as updates on specific program events for the convention, please visit www.robocon.org. To discuss plans for a gathering at Robocon 20 for visitiors of Robotechmuseum.com, please check our Robocon 20 discussion forum.
  24. Oh my, where'd you get that custom Q-Rau from the Mac 7 movie? I must have one!
  25. I don't really give a hub-bub if the VF-0 needed parts swapping instead of perfect transformation. Perfect transformation is fine if you actually PLAYED with the toys, but I just take the TOY out of the box and display it on a shelf or case. And through seeing the great collections of the MW members displayed in glass cases, it's not like the majority of the late 20ish or early 30ish people play with them either on a routine basis.
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