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Everything posted by baronv

  1. O.k., two more cels I had to get before I go back into frivolous spending hibernation again. One Steelheart cel from the 80's SilverHawks and one Wonder Woman cel from Challenge of the Super Friends (or may also be the follow-up Super Powers show).
  2. Broke down and bought a cel. Was waiting for this type of Batman cel from the latter part of the animated series style.
  3. Finally saw the movie due to all the Sci-Fi hype, good movie but not smack-dab amazing. The aliens vs. humans in a slum thing was a cool story, but the overall plot was pretty standard action movie fare. Interesting movie, 7.5 out of 10 for me. Still for the fun of it, the Star Trek was just an edge as best sci-fi movie of the Summer just cause it was fun while District 9 was good halfway through the movie until Wikus went all guns ablaze like Rambo near the end.
  4. Try GOM or VLC Media players, worked for me. Anyone know how many total episodes MS Igloo is to end up being?
  5. Cool episode, thanks GRAND CANNON!
  6. For $15, I'll pretend it's the "shadow" version of the Cyclones.
  7. |Yes, if the price was right. I'd imagine it to be a hefty price though with all the multiple vehicles and connecting parts.
  8. Whoa, just whoa!
  9. Can't wait to see hybrid lizard babies!
  10. Good, fun move. Not great by any stretch to me, but good. A fun, faster pace Trek. Looking forward to how they treat the next movie and which enemy it will be, kinda tired of Romulans as the main enemy back to back movies (Nemesis and then this reboot). Dug how they kept so many nods to the original series and didn't try and mega-update things, like Uhura's ear piece still plugged into her ear instead of some quasi-bluetooth device and such. The only thing that irked me was Kirk pretty much being a punk and getting in fights and breaking the law and then becoming a starship Captain in what seems like a year. He was heroic and brash, but I wish they showed him more honorable and able to lead better instead of going gung-ho on everything. So far between this reboot and the GI Joe: Resolute cartoon, the remakes are coming in nicely in 20093.
  11. I thought Resolute was great. A Matrix-like take on Real American Heroes for this generation. Which pretty much meant a lot of death and violence that I thought Hasbro would never have allowed for on of their oldest toy lines. I was definitely impressed and hope it continues as a series soon and not toned downed. The only thing I disliked was the voice actors for Storm Shadow and hard master, I mean come on, were those suppose to sound like Japanese accents at all?
  12. Great show, sad to see it go. Hopefully the writers will be able to post what they planned for the show if they had the chance to end the series properly.
  13. Ehh, ending was so-so for me. Was hoping for a balls-to-the-wall ending and that only happened in the first 30 minutes. This type of "quite" ending for a show like BSG was not my cup of tea, but to each his own. Great series, can't wait until I can finally get the whole series on DVD. Bring on the Cylon-side mini-movie. Did they say when it would air?
  14. baronv


    What a cool build, never thought one would or could be made. Give us a 1/60 or even a 1/72 Yamato!
  15. Where did that shot of the hanger come from, looks interesting if it chronicles the Gundam universe, and it is in English.
  16. Finally saw the movie the other day. I read the comic a while back, thought it was good though not super-stupendous like Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. Watchmen was o.k., not spectacular/amazing or super-bad. Just o.k., good for a matinee flick. I think that the shorter run-time hurt learning and caring about the characters and their backgrounds, which I thought was what made the comic good, knowing the history of each individual and why they act the way they do. Zack Snyder stayed as close to the graphic novel as he could (though the ending was blah to me)...a bit too close. Some parts should have been tweaked for a movie since when reading in comic-form the scenes play dramatically, but when seen on the screen does at times end up cheesy. The Nite Owl and Rorsach actors were good, Malin Ackerman as Silk Specter II was ok as well, not bad like I saw others posting. The only actor I found weak was the Ozymidas one, didn't have an outstanding presence as someone who knows and is the smartest person in the world. I wish Dr. Manhattan's voice was more monotone or stronger, the voice used seemed very wimpy to me even if it was the actor's own voice. Will give it a another chance once the Director's Cut DVD comes out. So far I personally give it a 2.5/3 out of 5. Interesting, but had to recommend a second viewing.
  17. Cool collection, what type of White Base is that, is it a model and what scale?
  18. Wow, kick ass concept and production. I always wanted to do a playset/diorama and even had the little figures and accessories, but then I sold them all last year when I found that it takes skill to make it look good.
  19. Pure coolness. That VF-2SS makes me want to cry.
  20. Kick-butt job there skonchboy, looks great. Can you post photos of valks in or next to those constructs?
  21. So depressing...liked it a lot. Looks like the series is going to end on a good run instead of doing the same old same old like Heroes.
  22. It would've been the late 70s for me. Probably G-Force (Battle of the Planets/Gatchaman).
  23. Dang, that Defender looks good.
  24. Another good thing about Exo Squad, for some of fandom, we we're able to get re-packaged Robotech-related toys to add to the Macross collection on the cheap. I was able to pick up the (1/72?) Destroids at Kay Bee stores in the late 90's for under $5.00 as clearance. Most of my Destroid collection an Zentraedi toys were rebranded Exo Squad figures.
  25. I thought that Exo Squad was ok for it's audience. The stories were complex and rolled out throughout the series. The only thing i didn't like was all the bright colors on the show, though it was the 90s so bright gaudy was it! I remember one episode though that kind of relayed the idea that the connection between the pilot an mechs started to gain some type of AI. When Marsh lost his Frame I think it said goodbye to him and such. Too bad it didn't move onto the possibility of pilot/AI evolving.
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