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Everything posted by baronv

  1. Nice, the bridge bunny looks more like the girl with the glasses from the show.
  2. New color pics of the Beta Fighter from SD Comic Con. http://afigures.com/g/?mode=view&album=200...ize=800&start=0 http://afigures.com/g/?mode=view&album=200...ize=800&start=0 Nice
  3. New programming info. is up: http://www.anime-expo.org/files/2005Live_P...ng_Schedule.pdf Macross panel on Friday, 7/1 at 7p.m. Robotech: Shadow Chronicles panel on Sat. 7/2 at 5p.m. On the Robotech website, they state that the voice actors from the t.v. series as follows will be on hand on Sunday, 7/3. Michael Bradley Frank Catalano Richard Epcar Eddie Frierson Melora Harte Alexandra Kenworthy Steve Kramer Melanie MacQueen Iona Morris Tony Oliver Greg Snegoff Paul St. Peter Reba West Dan Woren
  4. I don't think that VF-1S cockpit with Roy is a secret figure. The CM's 1 & 2 have 10 pieces in the box and the secret figure is alternate. This CM's 3 set will have 12 pieces in the box so hopefully the secret figure will be something different. Oh I wish they had Max in TV uniform instead of the Q-Rau uniform, I mean how many minutes was it seen in DYRL? I guess it's to satisfy buyers of the blue Q-Rau. For Minmay, I would have liked her in the red Chinese dress since it had more screen time and we already have from CMS 1 her in a singing dress. Flower Girl, huh? I watched M7 and they should've at least done Mireya as Mayor or in the red/white pilot suit she wore when she flew the VF again. Bridge Bunny figure, ok though Gloval or Claudia would've been cooler? I still don't see if they were going to choose a female figure from the t.v. series, why Claudia got passed. Isamu, o.k., and the cockpit is o.k. for those of us who didn't get is as a chase in CMS 2. Still, can't complain since they're at least continuing this series after I thought it ended. Something is better than nothing.
  5. Ummm, since Macross DYRL is a "revist" or "retelling" of the Macross t.v. series, do you dislike that it was made at all. A lot of the members here do not mind and even prefer DYRL to the t.v. series being retold.
  6. Well I hope some of you take photos at MWCON for those of us that cannot make it. Along with a few other MWr's I would like to go but I also am working that day.
  7. I'm glad this news cam from ValkExchange so it's has a good chance of coming true. For my 2 cents, I'd like to Beta as well seeing as how the 80s Cyclones can still be bought on eBay, same thing as the Matchbox Hovertanks. But the Beta is nowhere to be seen. Though I do doubt it will be the Beta and it'll probably be the Cyclone. I like the Cyclone, but I would just dig the hook-up of Alpha and Beta to make one mean looking machine.
  8. Really cool custom. The closest I got to something like that was pulling a gatling gun from some cheap G.I. Joe knock-off and sticking it in the hands of the Matchbox Robotech Hovertank in robot mode.
  9. I restarted collecting again after I graduated college and started my first real job. I started small with collecting the old Toy Biz Marvel comics and DC action figures. I liked collecting the figures since I was a big comics fan when I was a kid. Then I moved into Star Wars for a bit when the whole frenzy with Ep. 1 was starting. I bought some of the G.I. Joe 3 3/4" reissues. Then I got bored and sold them then I ended up in Macross after seeing *gasp* the MPC line. Now I've gone and bought the Bandais and Yamatos. Though I've kinda near the end of my Macross fad and moved onto animation cels for a bit.
  10. Um, I watch pieces of the show once in a while so I haven't been hooked on it yet. Probably wait til the DVD comes out for Season 1. But can anyone give any spoilers out about what happened in the ending for those of us who can't wait for the DVD or repeat?
  11. A Low Viz 1S would be great, I'd finally then pick up a 1/48 then.
  12. C'mon, you know you're jealous!
  13. baronv

    SDF-1 1/8000

    Hot diggity-damn!
  14. Well a long time back when I was in college, I was sitting across from him and his then Extreme Studios posse at a Taco Bell in Fullerton (across from Target), I've also seen him at malls and stuff. He always pops up around Anaheim/Brea/Fullerton since I think he lives in Placentia or Yorba Linda. Remember when he cahnged his studio's name from Extreme, to Maximum Press, to Awesome Entertainment and to whatever it is these days. At one time he even had Allan Moore writing for him on Supreme and Youngblood.
  15. Nice, Wha-What! Thanks.
  16. War of the Worlds, classic style.
  17. Hopefully it's better the the previous HBO show as well as the video games this character was in.
  18. baronv

    SDF-1 1/8000

    Nice diorama, original.
  19. Walls of games. Neat-o!
  20. I got the Kung Fu Hustle DVD a month ago and it's really a jaw-dropping movie with great action. Not as funny as Shoalin Soccer, but the action is just as great, really hardcore and a bit dark. SOme of the heroes do get whacked. As for the humor, it's very suited for the world-public, you don't really have to understand wuxia culture, it's pretty much slapstick. It's more tailored to everyone than Chow's earlier 90s movies.
  21. Ditto, I'm in. I'm hopping over to AX just to hopefully buy some animation cels. I'm kinda peaked out with toys these days.
  22. Oh yeah! Boo-yah!
  23. Well I was planning on possibly doing screen captures of the scene and blowing it up to the same size as the cel and Photoshopping around the cel to make it complete. I got the idea from a member on the cel site, rubberslug.com. Here's the guy's comments on how he did it. http://tetsuo.rubberslug.com/gallery/inv_i...sp?ItemID=95107 "The background I created by taking screenshots from the DVD and removing Mei and Satsuki from it by cutting and pasting parts from other screenshots from the same scene. In the end there were a couple of very small areas's of the background that were still covered by the girls but I drew those in myself." Though since the Macross background is pretty generic of just a space & stars background, I'm thinking of doing a little work and incorporating some valks and enemy mecha into it to make it a bit more exciting.
  24. Neat-O! Thanks-a-lot
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