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Everything posted by baronv

  1. Anyone going to Pacific Media Expo this weekend? I know it's still a relatively new Con, but is it any good?
  2. I bought Ong Bak last year online, and even though the seller stated it had English subtitles, it didn't. But, it didn't really matter since the story was kinda hokey anyway, watch it for the action sequences. I was like, "Damns!", the whole time watching it. Great great action, gets you all pumped up watching it. I even bought the new DVD release today and gave the other version to a Thai friend. Dang, that trailer for Tony Ja's Tom Young.... new movie is off the hook. It's great it's the same producers and cast. The actor is like a melding of Jackie Chan's acrobatics and Bruce Lee's fighting ferocity.
  3. I have that image also, from TIA Macross art book. Loosk nice, can't wait to see it colored up.
  4. Have you guys seen the new Primus photos, looks good now that Unicron has someone just as big as him to play with. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showpost1114163-p57.html
  5. I forgot that I also had these remaining M7 cels.
  6. Wow, everyone seems to have the red Mireya VF-17S fighter cel, so here's mine also along with my M7 cel collection.
  7. I know, that Voltron cel was da shiznit when I saw it was for sale. I immediately jumped on it seeing as how the VF-1S skull leader, a voltron robot form cel and an Optimus Prime cel were the top three I wanted from the get-go. And you never see a Voltron cel on sale anymore with a full body shot, only thing I wish was showing was his sword. So far I got two VF-1S, but I don't think I'll ever be able to swing over $500 for a nice t.v. or movie series Optimus cel. So I've settled on a nice shot of Lio-Convoy from Beast Wars 2 that I have, at least the face on that guy looks like G1. I also agree on the earlier post that I find cels more fun to have than toys anymore. How many people have a toy valk or something like that compared to the actual art show on screen? Especially for a 20 yr. old series?
  8. For me in So. Cal. 1. USPS: No big problems, always on time and leave notes when I'm not at home to pick up items at the post office. Always good since I order through overseas a lot and require sign. confirmation. Also, they read the little note I leave at my door that says leave any packages at the side door since one package got stolen last year when items were usually left at the front doot. 2. UPS, delvers on time but DOES NOT leave packages at the side door, just dumps it on the front porch even though I have that dang sign on the door that asks any deliveries to be left at the side. 3. Fed Ex Ground: Can't even find my house! I always have to call three different offices to try and get someone to hold the package at a carrier office for me to pick up event after I tell dispatch directions to my house, they can't find it.
  9. wow!! those are dope!! How much you pay for those? 322101[/snapback] Well, just for the Macross cels, the cels from the t.v. show I've paid anywhere from $100 to $130 for them. For the DRYL stuff, from $100 to $215. More stuff!
  10. baronv

    M7 VF-19 Valks

    I've got both the bootlegs of the Fire & Blazer Valks, they're good enough since they're the only game in town for Macross 7 versions of these planes. I got both for $25 total. I even customized them into versions for me since they were pretty cheap. Don't pay more than $15 a piece though.
  11. Cool, new Max suit. What I still wish they made was the T.V. version of the characters, I still prefer the flight suits from the t.v. series (Roy & Hikaru, Max) and maybe the Chinese dress Minmei as well. More T.V. series!
  12. Jacl Archer is the main character from the Robotech: Battlecry video game on the PS2, X-Box and Gamecube that came out a couple of years ago.
  13. Yes, they are the original Japanese version of the CMS 1. I bought the full CMS Series 1 box set and I am keeping the colored hair versions, so instead of parting with it on eBay I rather pass it on to a MW member. Here's photos of the set and I also have the big ol' blue box the entire set came with if you want it as well. I'll PM you details. More photos added.
  14. 1. VF-1S (Skull leader of course) 2. VF-2SS 3. YF-21 I also agree that the MII VF-2SSis super sweet, a sleeker version of the VF-1, I do wish they do make a toy out of it since the model is kinda flimsy. Even though a lot of people discount MII, it IS still Macross whether you like it or not.
  15. I have the clear hair set of the CMS vol. 1 (without the Minmei chase) if you'd want one and if you live in the U.S.
  16. Whup-whup, good concept of the color scheme from Jet Fire, Ima gonna have to try that on a boot as well.
  17. Some more Macross cels.
  18. Well, I got bored of collecting toys, models and things. So what's next on the list, well animation cels of course. Though they do get pricey, I like being able to have a piece of what made an actual cartoon I liked that is original and no one else will have. So here's a thread to post your cel collections. Macross, Gundam, Mospeada, etc. And here's a few of what I have so far.
  19. I'm resurrecting this thread to see if anyone else out there has made up dioramas for their 1/60s? I'm currently in the process of putting together all the pieces I've bought over the last year and making up a diorama, it'll probably come out funky looking but what the heck. So anyone out there decide to display their collections with customized background instead of the usual stand them up on a shelf look?
  20. baronv

    Nosecone Art!

    Nice, thanks everyone.
  21. Does anyone here have a link to websites that displays vintage aircraft nosecone artwork? Need for some custom models I'm working on.
  22. Max & Mireya in the SDF Macross t.v. series at the arcade.
  23. I agree, no other Robotech toys besides the bookends that you have to win a raffle for? No super posables, no I-men, no comic books or even freaking t-shirts or caps nor mugs like Anime Expo a few weeks earlier even. Way to go to drum up fan support for the new SC movie, NO ITEMS TO BUY?
  24. I went, even though MW is all about Robotech bashing at times, I still dig Robotech and it's influence. Most of the major voice actors was there, and they were all nice, I got them to sign my Robotech Art 1 book, there's pics floating around the net of the three different panels and the actors signings. If no one finds some, I can post. It was a fun event and there were private BBQs and dinners for all the Robocons fans who were able to go to them.
  25. I'll be there tomorrow taking tons o' pics too.
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