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Everything posted by baronv

  1. Belated Happy New Year to all. Resolution: 1. Cut back on toys and anime cels and save up to buy a house this year.
  2. baronv

    Valkyrie Girl

    Wow, good job.
  3. Merry Christmas to me!
  4. Fudge, wine, mini-flavored vodkas, movie tickets, flannel pajamas, superman pajamas, and some clothes...still haven't opened them all up yet. And for my gift to myself, a couple Batman animation cels and the huge Gundam White Base model.
  5. Icon fits this forum doesn't it?
  6. I got a few custom mods of the bootleg VF-19s, their ok in fighter mode and blah in robot mode. Good for customs sicne their cheap (Under $20 a piece) and easy to take apart to paint.
  7. Does anyone have an indication if the dubbed Macross set will go over $100 retail?
  8. Saw it last night, and it is about an hour too long. The beginning throught to the arrival on the ship I was sleeping. 2. action pieces I liked: 1. The dinosaur fight, 2. The insect ravine. The dino stampede was bad and the movie stretched too many scenes out for far too long. It aint gonna beat Harry Potter for money maker this year.
  9. I finally broke down and bought the 1/400 White Base and after only seeing one side of the box on the shelf and then paying for it and handed the box, that thing is huge. I opened up the box at home and it's pretty detailed stuff. I'll have to wait until next year when I get a house so I'll have a place to put it in. Ahh...I had to pass up buying my first 1/48 VF-1S re-issue to get the White Base.
  10. Has anyone completed or seen the 1/400 Gundam White Base model? I'm thinking of getting it but want to know if it's a pretty tough build or just if it just requires simple screws to put this thing together? I'm not much of a modeler but I dig having capital ships and this is one that I still don't have from Gundam. Gundam White Base
  11. Tom Bateman still couldn't give an answer as to who is the distributor and when the expected release date is, they still say "to be announced" like they did at the Robocon and at Comic Con.
  12. Went to the Shrine auditorium yesterday for the Robotech Shadow Chronicles panel and they showed an updated battle clip from the actual final cut. They say they have the locked print of the film at around 86 minutes. The battle scene looked good with tons of warships in space and alphas flying around. I wasn't digging the voice of the lead though, sounded too young. Some of the voice actors were there that never showed up for the Robocon event so that was neat. Michael Bradley sang some Yellow Dancer songs and his version of the "We will win" song that was cool. p.s. they had Kate Beckinsale promoting the Underworld 2 movie as well as Billy Zane & Kristinna Lokken (Terminator 2) for Blood Raye the move...as yes it's as bad as you think.
  13. I went for the very first time for Black Friday, tired to get up at 4a.m., but due to an alarm clock problem got at up at 5:30a.m. instead, had to rush to Circuit City for some DVD & PS2 games for gifts and whaddayaknow, the majority were gone in like 1 hours, did manage to get some remianing games in the bins (4 games left, only two titles to choose from) and the DVDs available were freaking full-screen only. Ended up getting the couple games, some DVDs and the basic Palm Pilot after waiting in line for 40 minutes since the huge lines ended up at cashiers where they had to hand code the UPC into the registers since not all of them had the scanner guns. Ridiculous, only Circuit City. Went ot Target, no lines. Went to Gamestop, was third in line at the door, got my two Metal Gear Solid 3 for $10 a pop and went home.
  14. When the first movie came out I never wanted to see it but did end up watching it anyways and I watched everyone since. Thought I never read the books, the movies were well made action/suspense-filled films. No need to bash the Harry Potter fans, since they outnumber Macross fans. Come on, Big Giant Transforming Robots with a singing girl whose music stuns giant human aliens vs. magic kids in a wizard boarding school. They're both make-believe concepts targeted orginally for kids, no need to try and make Macross seemingly more cooler to be a fan of than Macross. I'm a Macross fan and I don't think it's better to be one than a Harry Potter fan, they're both just for fun. It's make believe stuff!
  15. Well I can't wait to see the consoles on display at stores. I finally saw teh X360 at a locl Game Stop this weekend and it was running King Kong and that game didn'r really wow me, looked more like a current Xbox1 game. Hopefully the other games look way better.
  16. Just saw the ROTJ Luke green saber at Barnes & Noble, they still have a few of them at $119.99. So is it suppose to be hard to find?
  17. Yes those images on the 3/4 view are all original Macross art, I have it in the oversized postcard version from the TIA folder.
  18. Nice stuff.
  19. I thought the trailer rocked out, harkening to the original Superman movie with the score and Brando and having great clips upcoming...a good tease.
  20. I've haven't seen any Alphas at all at amestops here in So. Cal, where did you buy them?
  21. Dang it, I remember when borders was selling the ROTJ sabers months ago when I'd drop by. But back then I wasn't really interested in dropping over $100 on a toy, now I want one.
  22. Oh this topic has got me wanting a lightsaber now. I have the old plastic saber from like 7 yrs. ago and after seeing the Mace Windu gold saber today ($115) at Frank & Sons it looks super-sweet. Though I still dig the ROTJ Skywalker one, but not at $175.
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