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Everything posted by baronv

  1. Hey why the punked response like that? I submitted my opinion on the show and you think I obsess over the comics. I just didn't like the show, if you did fine by you. Go back to playing with your toys for the 600th time and continue with your self-loathing. Have a nice day! p.s. Flapping would've been interesting, maybe even more environmentally friendly than using the aerosol l cans. It's called being fun and not taking itself too seriously. But sorry if I distracted you from reading THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN TPB for the 600th time. 398998[/snapback]
  2. Yes, aajin is correct. They are Hasegawa stands for their 1/72 models, but I reappropriated them for m7 1/60 collection. But as you can notice from my shots, the stands are not able to properly hold up the weight of a 1/60, so I used pieces from the tree that the stands were pulled from to prop them apart. I chose these since it's about $15 for the Hasegawa stands (two come in a package) so I save $$ compared to buying the 3-prong or the Yamato stands. Plus, after checkingout multiple hobby stores and websites I could not find any plane display stands that can accomodate the valks. Though the Hasegawa stands are getting harder to find, I pciked some up at a hobby shop a couple years ago and picked up 4 boxes at Anime Expo (clearing out the booth's supply) last year. The only place I know still sells them is HLJ at: http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/tanoue/freedom....cgi?Code=HSG12 If you notice the stands holding up my VF-17D and my customized VF-19 bootlegs, I have these clear cylindrical stands with a square base that holds up the planes very well. I picked them up at an antique fair these past few weeks and they come in a couple different heights (around 3" to 4" tall) for about $4-$6), and I'm trying to get more of those since they look pretty damn sweet as well and cheap to boot!
  3. I remember the Superboy show from my childhood, it was pretty good for the time, kept me watching it. The 1st Superboy actor keeps popping up at conventions for signings. p.s. I hateed My Secret Identity, the shwo was hokey and I hated the powers the kid had, especially flying with aersol cans? HOKEY!
  4. Here's my Macrosss & toy collection. Finally got around to taking a shot of my set-up. I still have some in storage and will have to wait until I get my own house to be fully displayed. Mostly Macross, Gundam, Transformers and misc. robot stuff.
  5. I'm jealous if you have this usionWorks GM Sniper, I've been looing for it and cannot find it from the regular places I buy the Gundam Ultimate Operation figures. I'm hoping to find it at Anime Expo, it's a cool looking figure.
  6. Good popcorn movie, and just like the other two MI films, I won't be buying it on DVD.
  7. Man I'm waiting for the Titanium WW Optimus Prime, does anyone know what stores of vendors in So. California will be carrying them and the price?
  8. So far any love for the Gundam pvc Fusion Works series or the gashapons? Those are what I collect since I can have little armies from all the series'.
  9. I must have that toy! Even looks good in Gerwalk mode.
  10. Sweet bejeezus, that's a nice looking toy, can't wai for it to come over. Was today the release date?
  11. Starscream MP should be great if the quality is on par with Optimus Prime. I finally took him out of his box when I moved and the quality is great as well as the posability. Let me tell you my opinion why Transformers works (probably mostly for G1 fans), when TF went after Transformers: The movie, where the designs went non-realistic, the show suffered and died out. The reason Transformers worked for me and my friends was that the robots fit it with reality, same as the valks and Macross. Once it went into sci-fi weird looks it was hard to connect to the show since it lost it's realism in design and to make everyday items look cool is harder I think than making up a new design that can look like anything. Look at all the Japanese anime and their non-realistic designs and does any really stand out?
  12. My cel collection probably, my prized cels are framed on the wall so I'd grab those. p.s. for thos on this thread saying "I don' haev time to think about saving "toys", things are more important than that", this thread is for fun and about "toys" so don't get all serious and such. Geez.
  13. Interesting that they're going with the Starfleet ST characters, they talked about this a while back I think being the t.v. series before what became "Enterprise". Wonder what actors they're gonna try and mimic Shatner & Nimory over. Should be "Stark Trek: 90210-The School Days".
  14. I've purchased a few times from SunDevil and the last order I placed was delayed for a month. First I ordered two DVDs, one being Victory Gundam. Two weeks later no shipment yet. I email them, get the runaround for a few more days and then they tell me they are out of stock (even thougb it's listed as available on the site). Then I order Gundam X to replace V Gundam. Few more days and no reply. I wait another week and email them, and leave a message with the message board mod they have on the website. They tell me the person in charge had some "personal problems" and was not able to send out the shipment AND that Gundam X is also out of stock. I finally choose another DVD set and email them to either send me the DVDs they've already charged me for or cancel my order. Few days later I got the DVDs I ordered after a month. I don't think I'll use them again, the first order I placed from them was via eBay and I received the DVD within a week since I'm in CA. But after the runaround and excuses no more.
  15. Is this suppose to be a sequel to the 90's Gatchman OVA animation that was comprised of three separate OVAs? Those ones I have and they were kinda boring, but these designs on the thread, the costumes look exactly the same but the civilian chracter models have been changed.
  16. Their online registration says that they're doing new badges to stop copies from coming out.
  17. I dig the B:TAS and Batman beyond, I ended up getting bootlegs of both shows last year since I was tired of waiting for the entire season to come out.
  18. I dig the VF-2SS, I have the model and unfortunately because of my poor modeling skills it looks like crap, by the design of the ship is sleek and I think holds up well over age. Gotta love the MEGA huge FAST pack on it.
  19. Is the Toynami Alpha super poseable suppose to be the same scale as the Toynami transforming Alpha?
  20. I got this one and it's full of die-cast goodness, it's the reason hy I don't buy the new Toynami version even though I like it's proportions better. The Trendmasters version is just so HEAVY, it's cool.
  21. Got a screen cap of Nightwing?
  22. I would go, but the previous ones I've been to when they were in Long Beach were kinda weak. Plus I'm moving so can't make the trek all the way to downtown LA anymore. Kevin Smith was on KROQ today talking about his appearance there.
  23. Been tryin' to get God of War for the $20 shown in the ads, haven't seen any local stores carrying it. What sucks is I picked up Devil May Cry 3 (reg. version) for $25 then two weeks later the new DVC3: Special Ed. for $20 went up for sale, didn't know about it at all. RE4 was good, super hard though, had to Game Shark it. Medal of Honor: European Assault is kicking my ass currently. Anyone have reviews if they liked Ultimate Spider Man is any good?
  24. My friends and I found vehicle Voltron boring compared to Lion Voltron when we were kids. For me if I wanted transforming vehicles, the Transformers were better. But I'm glad I was able to buy the knock-off Vehicle Voltron at Toys R Us a few years ago when they were selling it as a generic robot toy. I think I got it for around $15-$20 and it's pretty big.
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