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Everything posted by baronv

  1. baronv

    1/60 Vf-1 Redux

    I'd buy more of the 1/60s if they came in the new 1/48 colors such as the woodland camo and angel birds. I prefer the 1/60 in comparison to the 1/48s for their space saving size and ability to match up in size to other toys.
  2. Anyone know what the next Gundam Fusion Works series will be comprised of? Can't seem to find info. and I heard a dealer say it's coing out in a bit.
  3. THat's a sweet paint job.
  4. Alright people, the release date has been set for the Shadow Chronicles DVD, November 21st! Read it here: http://robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=281
  5. Dang the Titanium line is nice. So far I picked up the Battlestar Galactica versions, and some fo teh capital ships from Star Wars. I'm trying to find The Ark still since they were all missing when I saw WW Optimus Prime and Megatron which were the only ones left when I saw this new line at the store. Waiting for Jetfire, Thundercracker, Scourge, Soundwave, and Hot Rod. I just wish they made the 3" Predaking into the 6" version.
  6. Just watched the first 6 episodes of this new Guyver show and I have no idea why they even re-made it in this fashion since the story so closely matches the earlier Guyver t.v.s series and doesn't really bring too many new ideas in this incarnation. If you liked how the earlier Guyver show was super brutal and violent, this new version in my opinion is not for the kiddies, is not as brutal as the first incarnation. Even the animation wasn't as good as I thought it would be for a current generation anime, the designs and animation pretty much stack up to the old 90's version.
  7. I was able to pick up the 6" Titanium WW Optimus Prime and Megatron this weekend at a Toys R Us. Walked on by the section and one freaking OP on the shelf, I looked at the very bottom shelf and there was Megs hiding at teh back. So happy to find them finally, the 3" Titaniums were all gone though, did want the Ark and maybe Unicron for my collection. Has anyone seen the 6" Jetfire anywhere?
  8. I've been having trouble uploading to this topic, so I'm just going to link my display collection that I originally posted in another topic, my collection shots are near the bottom of the page. Of course, part of the collections are in boxes in storage and closests. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=18464&st=20
  9. Ack, I only planned on buying the Lancer Alpha since I wanted a green plane before, then I saw the Beta prototype at Anime Expo last year and then got the Scott Alpha just so I could get the Beta when it came out, and now this? Shizack!
  10. Hey eriku, what store did you see the 6" OP & Megs at?
  11. Has any seen the 6" Titanium line out yet, I thought they should have been popping up already or is is a fall launch? Just waiting to get WW Prime.
  12. I'm glad they're making this Jetfire, but I so wish they made SKYFIRE just like from the cartoon, that was da bomb looking design. Stormbringer Jetfire looks too much like the compromise of the valkryie form to me. But still I'm getting him as well as the Titanium Jetfire when that comes out as well.
  13. Would've loved a DCU Animated version of Kingdom Come. Even a direct to video version.
  14. I'm gonna have to say I wish they made the Angel Bird VF in the 1/60 scale and I would have bought it since I primarily keep it in fighter mode. Would be easier on the wallet too since the next Yamato after I just bought the 1/48 Roy and Stealth is the new YF-19.
  15. Good golly, just read this and now it's finally gonna be distributed? I thought this was a gonner after waiting a full year for the official announcement. Well the Robotech.com site said they'll have a press release today on the site but no sign of it yet. I'm hoping they get it out by this year.
  16. Sweet jesus lord o' mighty.
  17. Any updates or links to a SDCC report and pix?
  18. Does anyone know if an entire Computron gestalt was ever bootlegged? I know the knock-offs of Abominus and Menasor had some parts from Computron. I just need him to complete my knock-off gestalt hall of fame.
  19. Me too, this topic I'm having problems uploading photos to.
  20. Nice, that camo scheme is growing on me as I see people modify them.
  21. Umm, that looks like a fan photoshopped image. Is that the old prototype version as well in the shot, the new hip-thingies people are whining about can't be seen.
  22. The bootlegs are alright. As stated when you put them together you gotta be careful, I snapped a peg on Bruticus' leg trying to attach it. I ended using tape. Devastator is wobbly as well. The protectobots and superion are o.k. Yes, Menasor has two technobot legs, that's how these bootlegs come in, they combine some toher gestalts sometimes. I think there is a bootleg of Computron's two arms being used on another one. I think they're o.k. if you're going to just put them up on a shelf, but if you want to move them around or put them in some funky pose, good luck.
  23. 8/25/2006. 415399[/snapback] Bandai USA just licensed the movies so fansubs may become a little thinner on the ground now. Stargazer has an interesting design but I'm really not expecting much from a series with a total runtime of just over 40 minutes. 415766[/snapback] Ooh, so there's the possibility of the three Z Gundam movies coming to the U.S. officially? I just finished the entire t.v. set and would like to see the new animation and the changes in the story.
  24. Here's my collection of the G1 combiner bootlegs. I think they're all right, $5! Though I did pay $9 for Abominus. I wonder why there was never a bootleg of Computron made.
  25. I only have the old HK dvd boot of DYRL, has anyone here purchased the Perfect Edition online somewhere from someone reputable that I can get it from? There has been talk that some eBay stores seeming selling the "Perfect" edition was only the regular version.
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