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Everything posted by baronv

  1. That's nice, never seen that before. Actually when people post their collection pics I never really see these type of rare Macross models on display. Come on people build them and show 'em off.
  2. Nice display there, very intricate. Is that SDF-1 still being modded since the two canons are missing?
  3. Oh I never knew Kawamori designed those mechs. I played it back in the arcades in the old days and I also have it for the Dreamcase. An ok game.
  4. Updated cels. It's been slow for a while, a lot of good cels have been snapped up at most online cel shops and it's pretty much a wait and see attitude on eBay or Yahoo Japan these days. New cels: Kou Uraki from Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory in pilot suit.
  5. Plus after a few years these DVDs will have been replaced with the next type of media. Just like how all the VHS are just being thrown away. Macross will be re-issued in one form or another in the future.
  6. I know the winner already, "That's how I roll." That's just perfect-o for this movie so far.
  7. Well when it gets here it'll probably be at least the same cost as the launch stands. I still can't believe that the Yamato launch stands cost as much as a 1/6 valks... it's only a stand! Still, I'll get the ghost for the collection.
  8. Super nice, wonder when Yamato will release this armor for the 1/60, I'll take one.
  9. I'm gonna guess Nathan's flying powers are like that of The Flash where they can move fast but have some sort or anti-friction/heat aura around them. I also don't fully get the powers of Niki, I thought she was like a Hulk-type, but it didn't really seem she was super strong when she beat the guy up in the elevator and not crush him. Maybe she's like a Jekyle-Hyde type with just timid vs. assertive types in her.
  10. Finally watched Heroes during the marathon yesterday, good show. I just wish they showed the very 1st episode as well. I was waiting for the DVD to come out since I missed the show from the beginning and did not want to watch it half way through but the re-airing caught my eye and now look forward to Ep. 4 tonight.
  11. Oh snap, I hope they do make a battroid. I was thinking of getting the fighter version of the SV-51, how hard is it to build? I'm only used to MG Gundams so everything snaps into place, are the Hasegawa straight paint and gluem models, I'm really bad and gluing.
  12. That is a nice Macross, kinda way expensive if it size is that small. Maybe if it was at least the same size as the Bandai version then the price would be o.k., I do want a DYRL Macross to go along with my Matchbox SDF-1.
  13. Inhumanoids! Teen Turbo, and the inspring and awesome Captain Power!
  14. Saw all the classic TF at Toys R Us in Laguna Hills last weekend.
  15. That trailer was super annoying, they cut to a new scene every two seconds. Made me want to barf with all the perspective changes. I'd probably barf if I saw this junk of a movie as well.
  16. I saw it too, I wonder why they even made the first 6" Titanium "tank" Megatron when they could have released the WW Megatron with WW Optimus Prime? I ready on TF.com that Don Figueroa was disappointed with WW Prime that the 2-pack Prime vs. Megatron will be corrected.
  17. Gear looks cool, I've been seeing lots of Ghostbusters cos-players at cons at Anime Expo this year and last year.
  18. Ghost booster for the VF-O??? I haven't heard of that is that for the 1/60 or for the Hasegawa 1/72 model?
  19. Oh I hope the Jetfire & Thundercracker Titaniums start appearing on Orange County soon, I've been seeing posts people have been picking them up all over the place already, all I see at Target, Walmart, or Toys R Us in the last few weeks was just one Titanium Megatron. Though I am happy that I was finally able to get the large Battlestar Galactica Titanium ship through the Hasbro store since sellers at F&S for $50.
  20. Well here's some new pics from Hyper Hobby Magazine as reported on http://www.fantofan.jp/. Shows a new close-up version of MPC Starscream as well as the interchangable face for him. I didn't know he was having two heads available, love the smirk on him. I was pretty iffy on getting him, but if he retails here from about $100 I'll pick him up so I gotta start saving up now.
  21. I always preferred the 80's hip-disc version, for a more current look I dig thenold war machine look.
  22. I think he meant that the Turn-A Gundam design was done by Syd Mead of Blade Runner design fame instead of well-known Japanese mech artists.
  23. Watched this movie a while back and it is also off the hook like Ong-Bak, I pass on the first half of the movie with the kindnapping and elephant-related stuff since I just wanted fights! The fights are hyped up with different venues and fighter types, big 3 I can remember are the factory fights with guys onm motorcycles and atvs, the fights in the temple with water and flames and the end fight with the 100-like villains from Kill Bill and the muscleheads.
  24. Over at TFW2005.com posts it looks like Titanium 6" Jetfire and Thundercracker have been released already, has anyone seen them out yet?
  25. Super nice, was that a hard kit to put together?
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