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Everything posted by baronv

  1. Hey Arkham, what screen cap software are you using?
  2. So the separate Ghost if it's sold as separate, when it comes over to the U.S., will it retail around $50 then if it's suppose to be the same as the FAST packs? That seems a bit too steep since it's roughly the same price then as the transforming 1/60 VFs. I'd get it if it's about $25-30.
  3. Watched it last night and the action and undercover sequence scenes were good along the Michael Mann cop movies. I did not like 55 minutes into the film up to the 1 hr. 30 min. mark was pretty much Colin Farrel being all cutesy and goo goo eyes with Gong Li, where was the action? There wasn't really any interaction between Crocket or Tubbs, they were pretty much just walking behind each other during the movie. Overall, the action was good, plot insipid, and the romance aspects totally boring. I'm going to go have to rewatch Heat instead.
  4. Pretty cool.
  5. That is really nice, I may have to copy that. Will you be doing the same for the Blazer VF-19 and the VF-17D/S as well since those need some modifying as well.
  6. Ooh a Masterpiece cartoon-accurate Sky Fire would be the be-all, end-all.
  7. Pure awesome-y goodness. Great job.
  8. Good episode last night, after next week's episode will it be on hiatus or will it continue in January again?
  9. The CG from this new trailer looks pretty much like the pre-production CG video they were showing as at Comic Con, and Anime Expo from 2-3 years ago.
  10. Come on, that's easy. Sweet Child o' mine & Message in a bottle.
  11. That's a pretty tight coloring, makes Megs look all the more cooler. I do hope they give him a snarling face. he looks too calm in this current shot.
  12. Don't remember that cartoon at all and I watched all of them back in the days. I'm also waiting for the Visionaires and Bionic 6 on DVD one day.
  13. The movie was good, I was going in thinking how are they changing the franchise? Some scenes felt very James Bondish such as the chase for the jumbo jet, some felt more modern action such as the intro chase sequence in Africa. Overall it is suppose to be a pre-super cool Bond, remember he didn't even ask for his martini shaken, "Does it look like I care."? I like that line since it showed the film as not egging to be like previous Bond films. I think the producers were maybe trying to move away from the super stylish Brosnan Bond style into a more rough around the edges style (Kinda the Tim Dalton Bond version). I thought the more recent Bond films were cool but also kinda cheesy, Casino Royale....hmmm less cheesy. p.s. Next Bond film needs more nekkid babes!
  14. Well in college I was picking up Marvel figures here and there, these were the mid- to late 90's Toy Biz figures before the nice Legends lines came along. But I had maybe a couple shelves full. The toy craze didn't hit until actually I bought the MPC VF-1S then Macross, Robotech, Transformers and Gundam came forth within the last 3-4 years.
  15. Oh snap, that is one hot piece of cardboard. Mrwwwwwwwwr!
  16. Yeah, I heard that the previous Flying V is only GHI compatible, you gotta buy that new wireless version to work on GHII, don't know why Red Octane blocked it.
  17. Not bad (yes I hope the legs are beefed up more also), is the telescope suppose to be that big though otherwise I guess it'll have to come with a stand for his hand to hold up the arm like in the photo. Wonder what the extra accessories will be, maybe the energy spike/mace and hopefully laser beak to sit on his arm?
  18. baronv


    Very nice work, almost forgot that ship. Kinda looks like the the president's ship on, Colonial One on the Battlestar Galactica show.
  19. I was watching a kid play the PS3 at Target the other day and the graphics are indeed awesome in high-def. He was playing an off-road 4x4 game. Of course the shelves were empty of any PS3 game, component, etc., wish they had on demo instead the shooter games instead though. Are stores demoing the Wii though? At Target they had the Wii just playing the same 60: sec commercial over and over. Like the PS3 the Wii racks were emptied. I did se a slot for Zelda: Twilight Princess, did that come out on launch and is it out for the Gamecube as well?
  20. Awesome work there.
  21. Coll, thanks for the links. I like the $10 Macros box. Gonna have to try that.
  22. Ok, so who here bought GH II? I picked it up yesterday and finished the game on medium in about 3 hours. Apart from a few songs from Guns N Roses, Stray Cats, the Police and a few other I liked the song selection from GH I better since this one was geared more for true Heavy Metal fans. I would have a liked a few more mainstream songs or more selection from pop-rock bands. Oh and I wasn't feeling the songs from the bonus tracks. The 2-player mode is fun though, graphics for the characters and encore sections were fun. Wish they included a character creator for the game though.
  23. If you search Craigs List you'll find people selling their PS3 reservation ticket for $1,000-$2,000. And I mean just the "ticket" itself not the actual PS3 system but the freakin' ticket to buy it.
  24. Do you have a direct link to one of those photo box threads? I search and could not find a photo box topic.
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