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Everything posted by baronv

  1. Bought the book when it first came out, it does look good but the price is steep. It's more of a coffee table book to occasionally peruse once in a while.
  2. I hope they release a quick trailer or preview of the animation soon.
  3. That is a really nice new suit, change of pace from the traditional comic look. Looks almost like a Robo-Cop clone if he didn't wear his cowl and cape. The only thing I never got in the Batman films was he always wore black suits but his belt was always freaking yellow/gold for some reason. I thought he wa suppose to blend in the darkness, even in the comics they switched his belt to a brown color or black at times. Criminal 1: Where's Batman? I hear he's dark and mysterious. He appears from nowhere! Criminal 2: No he's not a ghost, look there he is in the alley, don't you see the glint of light from his gold plated belt buckle? He looks like a country rockster with that big ol' pimp belt of his.
  4. Nice color on those customs. Has anyone made custom GBP armos for the Max & Mireya VF-1Js?
  5. Alright, the Nora scheme may look funky, but I like it. Makes the plain white looking VF-1s boring looking.
  6. GH2 plays on the PS2 and the PS2 is also getting the new 80s edition. Plus the GH games aren't really about graphics, it's more about the songs and play style so for the price the PS2 is a good platform. If you have the 360 your can download most of the games from the first GH to add to the GHII CD but I think that the cost of the per song for the GHI tracks are actually more or just as expensive as the PS2 CD.
  7. Is that a Yamato 1/60 Nora type shown or is that a Hasegawa model? What's the caption read?
  8. Cant' wait to see until someone modifies the Leader Class Prime into G1 cartoon colors.
  9. Looks like some of the Heroes stars did die, I thought they all survived. ************************** HEROES Producer Greg Beeman posted a blog about the season finale, summing up the events of the year and talking a little about what's to come: "While you guys may have to wait 3 months or so for the next installment, let me encourage you with the following news: First we here at 'HEROES' are already all back at work. Episode 1 is being written as we speak and we begin shooting episode 1 in about 1 short month. I have heard the writers pitch out the story lines for the next season and lemme tell you they are freakin' awesome. There are new characters. New powers. Some of the characters you have come to know and love, in fact, DID die last night. And ALL those who survive will be moving on in new and unexpected directions. We are all ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED to not repeating ourselves next season à but in bringing you a freshly conceived show. Also, the reason we are beginning so early is that we are all committed to long runs of the show next year with very few, and very short hiatuses. We don't want to be off the air with new episodes for 5 or 6 weeks anymore."
  10. I'd put my $10.50 to watch that. I say make a lil Flash movie and put it on You Tube.
  11. I also watched it with others and the finale was kinda of a letdown, expected a big extravagant fight and sfx (maybe like 24, Lost, etc.) and ended up getting a empty NY city street with a handful of characters (that NY block they were fighting on looked like a new corporate area and no one was around? Where were the homeless, panhandlers and hookers?). Also did no one die? I thought major characters were going to die like the phasing-out husband guy and the telepathic cop and they both end up surviving.
  12. I'm still on the lookout for the 6" Titanium Fallen, Ultra Magnus as well as WWI Megatron if he's out as well. I don't know where people are getting them on eBay but my local Toys R Us, Walmart, Target still carry the older versions such as RID Prime, BM Prime, Rodimus Prime. THe only new news of newer Titaniums coming out were the 3" Battlestar Galactica Classic Cylon Raider which I was able to snag a couple weeks ago at a Walmart but the companion BSG Pegasus that I want still hasn't been seen anywhere!!!
  13. The goblin on a flying snowboard? Ridiculous? Surely you jest, it is a great concept otherwise the great Shoji Kawamori himself is set up to do the animated spin-off sequel of Mr. Goblin X-Treme himself as the ancestor of the mecha Eureka Seven "robot on a flying snowboard" anime.
  14. I just hope the system specs aren't too high for my lil XP computer. I haven't played online games in ages but will again if SC2 is fun and not too much processing power from Warcraft 3.
  15. The actual site is now open: http://www.starcraft2.com/
  16. Nice Guyver collection, I only got into the Guyver toys to get Guyver I and when I wanted to pick up II & III they have all sold out.
  17. Jet Li was suppose to retire from the grand wu-shu style period films like Fearless, Once Upon a Time in China, and such not regular action flicks which could still have him do some type of martial arts.
  18. Ummm, so it's the two guys from The One and the movie looks and feels like Cradle 2 the Grave, Transporter 1 & 2, etc. Not feeling it too much. Hope the action is more like Kiss of the Dragon and no more wire-fu.
  19. That looks good.
  20. So what exactly was Hiro's father's powers? Was is the super sword fighting? And did Hiro learn to be a kick ass sword master from just a few hours with his dad? I thought at least maybe he'd freeze time with his dad to keep learning or something.
  21. Nice Mosepeada stuff, I'm hoping and waiting for the upcoming Cyclones since I've been wanting those since I was a kid and haven't felt the urge to spend $200 paying for the older versions.
  22. That thing is beautiful, one of the reasons I didn't buy the 1/60 YF-19 so I can justify buying the SV-51 instead.
  23. Just saw it at the 11:30a.m. showing, the theatre was partly packed, but they had it playing every 30 mins. in 4 screens. Trying to like pt. 3 but didn't like it as much as 1 or 2. The action sequences were good, the cgi of spidey looked great, better than the first film now he moves and lighted really nice. As noted too many plots: 1. Parker's marriage proposal 2. Spidey vs. X-games goblin 3. Spidey vs. sandman 4. Spidey vs. Venom 5. Evil peter/funky dancer peter vs. Flint making cash for daughter vs. Brock becoming staff photographer 6. Semi-romance with Gwen Stacy (her plot line pretty much disappeared after the Jazz show) The Sandman plot and villain were boring to me, he was shown as super powerful but kept staying in NY to rob banks, just head over to Jersey jeez. Even MJ's character was really annoying in this, it'd been a plus if she commented, "Hey Petey, what's up with the new black suit?" she didn't even say anything how her boyfriend changed emotionally and also as Spiderman. Had two major gripes. 1. Wish Venom's voice when Brock's face was covered sounded more sinister, rather it sounded like Topher's regular voice still which was pretty wimpy. 2. Why didn't Harry's butler tell him the truth sooner? This guy had a review with my opinions: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/32546
  24. IMage shack link down. =-(
  25. Well I don't want to plunk down $200 for the 1/60 when the old 1/72 version has come down where I can get one in decent condition for $80-90. Plus I want one in scale with the M+ YF-21 & VF-11 and the YF-19a I have already, no point in buying the 1/60 for double the price and then if Yamato makes a 1/60 YF-22 and VF-11 have to buy that scale as well...I'm outta money!
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