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Everything posted by baronv

  1. The G.I. Joes are popping up more easily these days. Saw the Joe & Cobra 5-pack at Mission Viejo Target today and they had a load of the single carded Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow and Flints. Didn't really browse through them to see if Cobra Commander or Officer was available. But I'm seeing more of them around.
  2. I second that Gundam: 0080 War In The Pocket is a very good OVA. Even though I have a really really badly subbed version of it, the story still plays very well. Even though there's very little mecha action except for the beginning and end of the series, the story is well written and un-cheesy at all. It also has one of my favorite Gundam designs, the RX-78NT-1 Gundam "Alex". I'm glad I was able to get an actual production cel of the MS-18E Kampfer and a shot of Bernie from the ending when he is video taping himself. Was able to pick up a little PVC figure of Chris and I wish they made a Bernie & Al figure to go along with hers.
  3. Man, I thought the photos were pink and gold from those prototypes. I do hope it's magenta and yellow.
  4. You sure have a good amount of Flashback cels, those are the ones I wish I could get but the availability for most Macross related items looks pretty much dried out for now unless someone purges their collection. I guess the battle for the remaining Macross cels out there is between you and fellow MW member, Mokman, since he was the previous person I knew was on the hunt on eBay and Yahoo!Japan. Most cels I've been seeing on Rubberslug popping up from the series it looks like have been purchased through private collections since a lot of the online shops I previously bought from are mostly out of stock on the good cels.
  5. Never thought the SV-51 was that much bigger that the VF-0S. No wonder it's going to cost so much.
  6. If they grounded GI Joe in reality, I hope it's better than the Devil's Due GI Joe: Reloaded series, that was kind of boring. Anyone read the Cobra: Reborn follow-up, is it any better?
  7. Thanks a lot Smiley424, I have been trying to figure out the name of that show for the last couple of years. Just rented the DVD, great show. Very informative.
  8. The writer for this proposed Voltron movie looks like he's about fulfilling the live action fantasy of 80s fan boys. "He is adapting "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" for Joel Silver at Warner Bros., as well as the Green Arrow pic "Supermax," also at the studio. Marks also has "Street Fighter" in the works at Hyde Park and Fox." And what the heck is the reviewer from LatinoReview thinking when he says that the script is a homeage to the Japanese and American versions when the lions are made out of car trunk parts? Just rename the movie Junkotron then. And I think they’re stretching it a bit with the multi-ethnic characeters, all they need now is someone in a wheel chair and make Lance gay to make sure all demographics are covered.
  9. Nope, that's not the upcoming 25th anniv. battle pack. That version came out early last year. I picked that version up for the SS and SE figures, but as you can see the 25th anniv. version of espinage SE looks totally detailed compared to this version. This pack is based on the old 80s models, I just wish they packed SS with his proper swords, backpack and bow & arrow set.
  10. Welcome to the thread valkyrie13, I know of only a few hard-core cel collectors on MW, but the collection you have there is top-notch. Your cel of the Hikaru VF-1S and Misa I saw for sale previously on another site (or from the same scene but another frame) but was too expensive for me and that Flashback cel is real nice. Looking forward to seeing your other cels.
  11. The poseability of the figure while having the ride armor on looks great. I hope the Toynami version comes close since that is the only figure I am in need of to complete my Robotech collection from my days as a kid.
  12. Gotta have Quick Kick...QUICK KICK!!!! Able to kick butt in the arctic without a shirt or shoes on, that's hard-core.
  13. Super-camp. Just remember it as a kid and seeing the bad flying wings effects and loud costumes. Saving graces of the film? Princess Aura and of course the soundtrack. If they ever make a Flash: The Fastest Man Alive movie based on the DC Comics super hero, need to tweak this movie’s them and use it in that movie as well.
  14. I do hope that that gold trim is just for the prototype and goes back to the yellow color scand noted. I also hope that the color is not that pinkish and that the flash from the camera made the coloring look so light.
  15. Recent additions from Comic Con 2007. Cel of "Evil" Guyver Aptom from Bio Booster Armor Guyver and two dougas of Wonder Woman and The Atom from the Super Friends cartoon.
  16. I liked the Game Cube just for the exclusive Resident Evil games, Zero and the RE 1 update. Glad I didn't have to buy it since the lil lady had it to play the Sims and Paper Mario and then I took it over and got my zombie fix for it.
  17. Well I'm glad the o-ring and thumbs have been modified. That was my main problem with the original figures I had as a kid. The thumbs always broke after repeated use placing the guns in their hand and then once it's gone they become "non-combatants". The o-rings broke on mine I think since I liked to throw them in the pool for their "under water" missions and then the rubber would get dry and brittle and break. The only Sigma 6 figure I did get was the Storm Shadow since I saw someone modify it to look like the 80's SS and I have it to modify at a later date when I have time.
  18. Man, I just realized now that I did forget to have the VF-17 added in the shot. Dang. I'll try and scan tonight or tomorrow since there are more takers for this project. As noted, the piece is huge, the two sections fill up my cel collection case which is able to handle small posters so I am unable to scan both halfs in one try on my home scanner. I would take it to Kinkos, but after buying two new golf clubs and paying insurance premiums this month I am on hobby spending-lockdown for a while. Valkyrie addict, the piece was done by glane21 from MW, he takes commissions. His other works are here: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...&hl=glane21
  19. Can anyone help me in finding the name of the show/dvd that showcased on either PBS/History Channel/Discover a few years back that portrayed the competition between Lockheed/Boeing/General Dynamics and Northrop/McDonnell Douglas in building, testing and getting the military to contract with them on the F-22. I remember it being a really nice documentary and haven't found it on DVD at stores.
  20. That would have been nice, I would like to have had Flash, Torpedo, and Rock & Roll since they were my very first Joes. For Steeler and Wild Bill, then the Dragonfly and Tank would have to come out with them. Only things I see at TRU is the dang old Viper Pit 6-packs.
  21. Does Walmart do pre-orders for MPC Starscream or would they list it online? I forgot if they listed MPC Prime on their site.
  22. I'll have another go with the scanning and I can separate the image into four segments for whomever is interested (Dante74) since I have to scan each board twice to get each side since my scanner is only set to handle 8x10 sizes. I'll save it as a .tiff so it's crisper as well.
  23. I commissioned the attached artwork from Glane21 a while back and someone suggested scanning it in at a higher res so it can be colored in and possibly submitted as the front page art on MW. Well I finally had time to scan in the large 22 x 16 artwork into my little scanner. With the Photoshop skills that some of the MW members have here I'm hoping you guys can help in cleaning up the piece and coloring it in for the MX community to see in it's full color glory since this is a truly nice piece Greg did showcasing all the major Macross mecha. To help fix the blurring on some sections, I scanned the pages so someone could just overlap the non-blurred sections over the blurred areas.
  24. I think your referring to the Banpresto Claudia Grant figure?
  25. For those previously looking, the Robotech: Protoculture DVD set is back in circulation after being hard to find for the past year. Just picked one up at Best Buy. They sell it online on their site as well as on Amazon.
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