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Everything posted by baronv

  1. I think that's the Banpresto Minmei figure, I have that one as well as the Mireya and Claudia Grant figures.
  2. Nice trailer, I really loved SFII back in the early 90s when it first came out. I hope the new version is actually kept simple like SFII with the button combos, the more detailed and tricky moves get the more I get turned off on fighting games. I want a game I can learn easily without having to buy a strategy guide to learn all the move button combinations.
  3. Most stores both Walmart and Target I go to have nothing. Today while shopping I did see one Wave 1 Cobra Commander. Usually I'll run into a wave 1 SS or SE.
  4. Also thought the few episodes so far have been very underwhelming and not progressing the story so far. Only thing interesting this episode was the Sylar sections. The Peter, Claire, Suresh, Hiro sections were pretty much the sames as the last couple episodes and progressing very very slowly. Hope next week's pops better with some hints on the hooded killer or the boogey man in the little girl's dreams.
  5. The Wave 1 5-packs I did notice at TRU had the figures than the 5-packs I saw at Target a few weeks ago. Looks like they re-arranged the blister packaging.
  6. I saw that color of the Viper and a really white version also at Frank & Sons, I haven't seen it at retail. Do you know where they are popping up at ?
  7. Dang, I thought only wave 2 was out, didn't hear or see of Wave 3 til now. Still looking for Beach Head and I guess now Firefly from Wave 3.
  8. Hot dang, I wonder if Hasbro will do a G1 color of Leader Prime since they've done it to star scream and Jazz already???
  9. So does Bizarro Clark speak in the funky Bizarro language?
  10. Ended picking up 25th anniv. Storm Shadow & Snake Eyes (1st wave) from Hasbro Toy Shop.com with the Fall coupon available (Free shipping and 25% off) . Couldn't pass them up for $9.67 total shipped! They also have the 5-packs available online. I just wished HBTS stocked the other 6" Titaniums like G1 Magnus.
  11. They’re cool if you can get them cheap. I think I got mine for about $15. I wish the blue Blazer valk had the correct wings though. I bought an additional two of these valks and made cutom colors out of them since they were cheap and very easy to disassemble.
  12. The BSG Viper figures from Joyride Studios were pretty nice, I have the Silver Spar Squadron version if you don't mind it following the original series look a bit more. The scale is pretty good, don't know the actual scale size but the pilot figure size is inbetween the 1/60 and 1/48 Macross pilot sizes. It's approximately 7" long and feature: Opening cockpit, Removable landing gear, Flight display stand, Removable pilot figure. If you can get the 8" Titanium BSG for a good price, get it. I liked it for the retail price ($19.99) versus paying $199 for the detailed model. I did see the Art Asylum battle-damaged statue at Comic Con and it did look good. Wish though they made a cheaper ready-made plastic version of it for $39.95.
  13. There always this Titanium BSG toy, that's much larger than it's 3" cousin. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail It's a 1/24 Scale Ultra Titanium Die Cast model- I think it's about 7"-8" long. Has SLIDE-OUT LAUNCH BAY ARMS and INCLUDES DISPLAY STAND. This large version is a bit harder to find these days, retailed for $19.99 and selling for around $60-$75 these days I think. I haven't seen a new 2000 version Basestar model made, but I did sell my Revel or Monogram base star 70s kit a few months back for about $30 since the old versions are plentiful. I wish the 3" line continues so they can make the 70s and 2k version of the Base stars. The new 3" Titanium BSG figures I've seen at Frank & Sons has the two MK version vipers in black and blue/white colors. Haven't seen those colors at retail stores pop-up yet. The Pegasus figure was rare at the beginning of the year, but within the past 3 months have been popping up commonly and can be found at Target stores, just saw one the other day. Mr. March, if you're looking for a hard copy piece of BSG info., it has it's own magazine: http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Battlest...ficial_Magazine I guess it lasted only 7 issues.
  14. How much is the knock-off MP trailer selling for these days?
  15. Nice, I'll go ahead and try that, thanks for the pics!
  16. I had the Skywarp version and I sold it a few months back. It has a few "sound features". Looks good in jet mode but the bot mode was too block for my taste. It'd look nice if you were able to put together the seeker set. Good price if you can get a loose version with the mini bots for around $15.
  17. Digging the FAST Pack and gun highlights.
  18. The Metal Slug tank from the video game...
  19. On the same Skywarp streak here so… Nothing too fancy here. I just repainted an extra 6” Titanium War Within Starscream into a custom WW Skywarp to complete my line of War Within seeker jets. Used basic acrylic paints with a semi-gloss coat. I’m a bad modeler and painter and just tried to get this one done ASAP. Took a couple days for painting, touch-up, and drying. Will try and take pics in alt-jet mode this weekend. These Titaniums are really easy to take apart, only a few screws.
  20. Really nice home set-up LurkerX. So what happens when kids come over to the house, do the cabinets have locks or are easily accessible?
  21. Didn't know these were sold at Walmart, when did these come out on shelves? I thought these would've come out distributed to comic shops and such only.
  22. Pure awesomeness!
  23. They even had the trailer late at night on Spike T.V., kinda weird how they had a spot for it when it doesn't come out til May still. Still nice commercial.
  24. With some of the complaints of the toy I may wait for a ver. 2, how long does it take Yamato to bring out an updated version of it's products? I really want one but don't want to gamble with the hinge problem.
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