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Everything posted by RogueTrooper

  1. Looks awesome, im a fan of both colour schemes but the green does look more military like. The decals make it look really cool.
  2. Cool, surprised how smooth it looks.
  3. Im trying to find some macross 1/144 pilots. Ive just got some chara-works 1/144 valks and want to do detail them up a bit but what i lack are pilots. All i need is one pilot and i can have ago at copy them up. Im looking for a macross pilot that aint just a blob and that you can till its a macross pilot by the helmet mostly. Anyone got any good suggestion of a kit tht has an excellant pilot or have made a custom one up before?
  4. Cheers, Excellant list. Gonna have ago at making some of them in 1/144 with UN spacy decals. Viking will look cool with the red and white emblem i think.
  5. Anyone know where there is a list of all the vehicles that appear in Macross Zero. Fro what i can rememebr there the F-14, Mig 29, M1 Abram, S-3 Viking, F-117 stealth fighter, not sure about the copters.
  6. Project A-Ko Martian Successor Nadesico. Both of which are kinda parody i of anime i guess.
  7. Blimey! Thats outstanding. Great colour choice, never had much interest in the the design but now im really starting to like it.
  8. Damn that fantastic looking destroid! Really amazing level of weathering on her and a cool little decal. Wonder about the cool 8-wheeler, cool little addition to the macross line-up. What kind of kit is that?
  9. Lloks like a very 80's colour design. Can't really read the Japanese that well but it looks like this is for the Macross launch day event which is happening the day SW1 was meant to begin.
  10. HD Quality Macross Plus clip SDFM intro remix, i think it really well done.
  11. Think thats the first bit of imformation about who was cloned after SW1, guess it would have made sense at the time to clone military personal.
  12. Kinda thought there would be little or no info on the tank, the cannon caught my attention was was thinking about bashing custom together. Guess i could use any modern tank or apc and put it in a diorama. Do you think you could have aircraft or vehicle in the space war one which are in service today or maybe before macross zero. Like the f-14 in zero could i bash a euro-fighter with UN logo on it?
  13. Anyone know what the tank that is briefly seen when the Bodal fleet attacks earth in ep27 SDFM?
  14. Sorry if this has already been posted, what is this rip-off? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2DdFP5T3cIo&...feature=related
  15. Excellant answers. For some reason the Zendtradi really interest me. Really surprised that Millia is only 15, cloned an adult i guess. I was expecting Bretai to be a least in human terms in his late 40s and Exedor to be well old, like centurys i he is the knowleadge holder and epxected him to have increased his knowleage over sometimes. Started to read M7 trash, alright but yeah not all that macross-ish, has a love triangle but so far no valks but a little about Minmay being the legend.
  16. That what i was asking, do UN spacy go out of there way to find the other Zentradi? If theres no clue as to how old the Zentradi live till do we know the age of any of them? And a few more questions Is macross7 Trash worth a read and what do i read to find out about the cloning after SW1
  17. Heres a noob with alot of questions. Is there a timeline somewhere, i have'nt been able to find any on the net. How long do the Zentradi live for? Are some of the Zentradi still cloned? What about all the other Zentran fleets out in the galaxy?
  18. Hello All! A wet Royal Berkshire, United Kingdom.
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