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Everything posted by RogueTrooper

  1. Ruddy awesome, such a cool scheme and really digging the rifle, never liked how it looked green.
  2. Cool piece of imformation ,looks like there a quite a few wars on planets ive never herad before.
  3. I was wondering if the money they have in earthdash has a imagine og Kawamori on it. Just looked basguash up on wiki and it turns out he came up with the original concept. Finished watching Eureke seven, noticed a few references there, big one is when Eureka falling and Reenton catches her and pulls her into the cokpit Charles and Ray have matching blue and red mecha with matching white strips alsa Max and Milia
  4. What a beast! freaking love it.
  5. Looking good, one very cool looking truck.
  6. Never been able to watch in better quality than the version i got from Manga boxset, think i read that it was originally intended to be a movie.
  7. Cool stuff. Are these a kit or from scratch?
  8. Star Wars The Clone Wars Ep:9 The catwalks and clusters of cylinders that dominate the engine room are an architectural nod to the gravity control room found aboard the Super Dimensional Fortress (SDF-1). Ep:10 Pirates have UN-spacy style collars.
  9. Fantastic Destroid, really digging the missile effect.
  10. Cool news. Did you win that last week, i tried getting MMHH and volume 2 but lost.
  11. I kinda assumed that the war was stilling going one between the Zentradi and SA because Milia said that she had been in hundreds of battle and shes only 15. But then why would such a huge Zentran fleet hunt down one small SA gunboat? I was wonder about the leg tail fins for the the VF-1S Max and Milia, are the numbering on them in black or white 303 or 202, seen various sources which have both.
  12. Cool looking gundam and yeah the Prime is huge, what about a SDF-1 like that. Almost finshed 1/144 chara works valks.
  13. Such amazing project, went though the whole thread. Too some time, such a undertaking. Hope you take this beauty along to a model show, i'd love to see it in the future if possible.
  14. Great selection of macross models, lots of fantastic biulds. Really cool to see the skills improving, i should do this as a record of my biulds too.
  15. Lookin good, cool project to take on. Really looking forward to seeing more updates.
  16. PeterB If you start offering up decals do yu think that you could do some 1/144 scale one aswell. I got stash of chara-works valk im upgrading and it would be cool to have some unqiue ones.
  17. What a pleasure to look at. Ruddy awesome, the weathering is really something. Excellant line-up of models there.
  18. Watched that recently aswell, thought it captured more from the book than the movie and they were some nice power suits. Really would have liked to have had more episodes though, wanted to know more about the bugs and more about how the war was going. Just finished watching Strike Witches, not the usual anime i'd watch but it was fun.
  19. Watched this a couple of weeks ago, really impressive that it was animated by one man on a mac. Like his A place beyond the clouds aswell,really beautiful animation.
  20. Great read, thanks you for sharing. Cool to hear about the old Valks being used and the Zentradi ships being retrofitted. "Zentradi factory ships" More than one factory satalite? The new industrial revolution would be cool to see any future macross.
  21. Nice one, robotechnology. Liking the look of Fockers flightsuit though. Just read Macross F Outside story, cheers for translating it and sharing it.
  22. Cool, never knew they existed. They would be really usful, have to keep a look out for someone selling some of those in the future. Do you know any of the design from the Macross Plus: This Is Animation, the one i really like is thr VF-17 trainer, it a 2 seater which is white and with orange marking, would be a great custom.
  23. Started working on my first macross model and first model in about 10 years. Use to be into 1/6 scale action figures but that hobbie got to expensive. Bandai 1/144 Vf-17 and some chara-works 1/144 valks, using alot of putty on those. Almost finished the VF-1A's, just got to find out about painting the panals before those are finished. VF-1S strike Hikaru i took apart to start working on tomorrow. Impessive detail on these little kits shame about the paint apps and ill fitting seems. Anyone recommend a spray which can protect the paint and decals with?
  24. Going to buy a few of the VF-11C, been trying to get some of them at a recent price for what it is. Problem with the 1/144 kits is that they come with sparklie sticker instead of transfers.
  25. A story set on Earth or another colony would be nice to see, past or future. With the UN spacy being cool again and the emblem everywhere. No new race of alien would be nice but the supervision army would be awesome.
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