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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Almost finishes modeling the Real Grade Gundam as in appear outisde the Bandai HQ, amazing little model this.
  2. Just finished Dougram and recently started DNA2. Only anime ive watched so far from the new season is Kill me Baby! which was alright but nothing special.
  3. Almost finished the Dark Bird and Alaska Base in 1/144 scale. Was meant to finsih these about a year ago but got distracted by other models.
  4. Fang of the Sun Dougram, a 75 episode series chocked full of mecha action and polictics, lots of polictics so far.
  5. Nice! Such an awesome livery!
  6. Finished Victory Gundam, liked it but feel it was'nt up to all the previous UC ive watched plus it was the first time ive watched a UC Gundam where i only liked the Gundam suit and really disliked nearly every other mobile suit in the series. Just watched Iczer One, nice Camile Bidan and Tetuo cameo in there, always enjoy a 80's OVA me and then on to Iczer 3.
  7. Last 10 episode of Victory Gundam and last week i watched Highlander - Search for Vengence, pleasently surprised.
  8. Damn, what a bueaty. Great scheme and like how your brought out all the details.
  9. Watched everything Dominion Tank Police, the 4 episode OVA was the best bring back memorys of the Manga Entainments days and a single CG Tank Swat was terrible, really cannot stand some of the CG anime from the early late 90's early 00's. Started Victory Gundam and will be watching Usagi Drop as that is realeased.
  10. Recently compledeted the Zeta Gundam movies which are good as a reminder of the series but no way as good and now on The Big O , halfway through the series the animation changes from cell painted to computer coloured, miss cell mecha animation.
  11. Awesome, that leg art is sweet!
  12. Recently finished watching Argento Soma, bit too much angst for my liking, moving onto Mushi-uta. Got to get me some 80's mecha action after this, i need some cel hand painted action.
  13. Very nice, thik its the first time ive seen this one built.
  14. Recently watched Venus Wars something which ive been wanted to watch since the 90's but never knew what is was from the awesome Manga Video intro back in the say. Any idea what the white haired girl flicking her hair back is? Odin maybe. Also just finished everthing Space Battleship Yamato, thoight up to the end of season 2 amazing, after that felt like constant rehashes.
  15. Thank you for the translation, really enjoyed reading that.
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