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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Unlike Microsoft, Sony is planning to ramp up production pretty quickly, churning out supposedly 2 million units by the end of the year and about one million per month after that.
  2. If you painted a toy car red, would that make it fit in more as a real car than if you painted it in it's original purple and orange polka dot cartoon scheme, even though red isn't one of the factory options?
  3. Not very hard at all, which is why they obviously didn't screw it up and instead made a conscious decision to have it in the colour that it is. That, and the fact that both the hand painted proto and final production colours are the same. I'm still waiting on that real life F-15 alien space robot so we can do that accuracy check.
  4. Bigger than MP-01. 39x26x10cm
  5. I've transformed mine more than a dozen times so far and haven't had any stress marks. I think most of them have been a result of poor/rushed assembly.
  6. I'm pretty sure there aren't any real F-15s that transform into giant alien space robots either. You find me one of those, then we can talk about how accurate it's conformal tanks are.
  7. If you want what you consider to be the perfect toy, buy some resin and learn how to sculpt. You'll never get it from a company putting out a mass produced item. Just look at how many resin and garage kit parts you can buy for the 15 million different Gundam models to make them more accurate.
  8. Chowyunskinny posted them on page 5. The original mold is the one with the lighter background and the tailfins on the legs. Here's another shot of the original, pre changes: There were some better jet mode pictures too, but I can't find them.
  9. A quick snap next to a 1/60 VF-1D:
  10. Some of them do get awfully drunk...
  11. You must date some ugly women. I'm glad I got mine. While I would've preferred an anime coloured version, I'd rather have this one in my hands now. It beats waiting for the following stars to come into alignment: 1) Hasbro decides to actually release it. So far it's uncomfirmed, which means that it aint coming any time soon. 2) They not only decide to release it, but they choose to do it in the correct colours. After all, they only said "original colours" at Botcon, not "original toy colours" or "original cartoon colours" 3) They not only decide to release it in the right colours, but they also do it without any embellishments (cheesy battle damage, awesome!!!) or skimping on the wash for panel lines. 4) Not only do they release it with the absolutely correct and unkiddified paintscheme, but they also don't butcher it for safety reasons. Anything less than that and I wouldn't really want it, although most transfans would probably gobble it up. So for them I add one last requirement, the absolute dealbreaker for 90% of the TF community: 5) It can't cost more than $40
  12. Not true. From memory the Maz has: Ankles Knees Hips Waist Neck Head Shoulders in three axis Bicep swivels Elbows Wrists and the fingers on one set of hands. I dunno what the getters will be like though.
  13. I agree with their pre-shipping time, it seems to have gotten longer and longer since Christmas, but I've never had a problem with the actual shipping speed. 75% of the things I get sent via EMS take 3 days from the day it ships to the day it arrives on my doorstep here in New Zealand, and nothing has ever taken longer than 5 days except when it's landed in this country during some kind of holiday. I've only ever had one package take longer than 14 days via SAL, everything else has taken about 8 days, so no real problems there either. That pre-shipping time is irritating though. It used to be that something would come into stock and it would be processed and listed as having shipped by the following night, but these days it's taking up to a week for in stock items, and it's not worth the wait when I can get the same thing for the same price through ebay and have it shipped the following day.
  14. Reading that review through a translator it appears that there's some kind of assembly mistake that can't really be rectified by the owner. That'll suck if it's true and isn't just a random error.
  15. Koenig Monster if it comes out in time. Studio Halfeye Shin Getter 1 Comic Version Also coming this month, hopefully in time for christmas: CM Brave Gokin Gaogaigar BT-10 Grimlock SOC Doublas
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