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Everything posted by jedimech

  1. jedimech

    Latest custom.

    Wow, nice job done there!!
  2. Same here in my area.
  3. Agreed. The GNU line valks are also bigger than the revoltech line and can be easily customised.
  4. Just got my Klan Klan today. Very impressed with the sculpt. Now just waiting to get a Ranka & Sheryl.
  5. Yes, definately like to have the minmay guard schemes if they are doing it.
  6. Looks nice.......but with the yellow stripes, is that consider a low vis?
  7. Wow, the defender OD looks nice in person..... i like the tomahawk od as well...they look more cool than the original colour scheme. now got to save up for the destroids soon after getting the vf-22!!
  8. i kinda like the double nut paint scheme....but besides different paint scheme from original, still waiting to see if this new releases have fixed all the existing issues on the YF-19.
  9. that is really cute...wonder if can find it in the local stores.....
  10. Just curious, do you place your valks under the sun everyday???
  11. Nice weathering job!! But is it a waste to remove the "pure" white of the 1A TV version? I have always admire & like the "pure" white of the TV version.
  12. Wow....very nice box art indeed!!! Well done!!
  13. Agreed. The YF-19 has a gunpod too small for its size, while the VF-11B got a gunpod that is too big!!
  14. Nice work!! But are you doing the Monster Ranka decal?
  15. My little contribution. M+ valks taking sniper pose....
  16. Congrats on getting the 1D. Next you can start saving for the VF-1A CF.....
  17. Envy all you guys, i have only the VF-1S Max in my collection. Wondering which valk to collect next in the 1/60 v2 line? Guys, any suggestions? Cheers!!
  18. Wow, that is something unusual.
  19. Hi Drifand, Congrats on your purchase!! Nice display you got there. Coincidently, I have also bought one RVF-25 from China Square today as well..... I bought it at 255 SGD, never get that much discount as you.... Cheers!!
  20. Yeah, never ever have the insect-like feeling when i see the VF-25. I thought they look very elegant & agile. Anyway, that is just my thoughts. Cheers!!
  21. Hi guys, any photos or pics of the helmets? Cheers!!
  22. Hi guys, just got my VF-25G 2 days ago. It didn't have the color difference problem or the loose armor issue. But i am concerned about paint scratching after seeing so many reports on all the various quality issues..... Wondering does anyone managed to get a RVF-25 without the different color tone issue??
  23. hi guys, anyone has any idea when is the RVF-25 arriving in singapore? Has been looking forward for it....
  24. i personally do like the color scheme, but i do not like the 1A head........
  25. Hi Tsuchiro, when i was there, i managed to get hold of the last remaining pair of DX toys. 2 days later, when i went shopping for Macross again, could not see any sight of the VF-25S (Ozma's). The remaining Alto's are all selling at around HK$1280 to HK$1350. Went to the Animate shop opposite CTMA and they only have Altos stock too. Ozma was pratically sold out. All these events are from 28 Dec to 31 Dec. Wish you good luck in finding a pair of the VF's and at a reasonable price!! Cheers!!
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