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Everything posted by Actar

  1. Well, considering the fact that the YF-21/VF-22 is my favorite Valk design ever, I'm so glad that everyone else is also looking forward to a new DX toy from Bandai. Seriously, as a fan of the design, it's a crying shame to see it get so little love. Not to mention, the Yammie YF-21 has aged so darn poorly. The thing is, how likely are they going to do it? I know they had plans for a Hi-Metal YF-21, but scrapped it. Are fans in Japan also clamoring for one? Heck, at this point, if they wanted to tie it into Delta, I wouldn't mind if they did a VF-22 Immelmann version first. Seriously, if they ever come out with a DX YF-21, I will go out of my way to save up for two, if not three. Imagine if they implemented the ratcheting hip joints + detachable limbs with a press of a button. When and how often does Bandai usually announce new Macross products anyway?
  2. Actar

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Thanks for the suggestion! Yeah, that did help some, though what I was originally worried about is the metal joints becoming loose over time, like what happened with the other DX Bandais. Did anyone else's YF-19s come with gouges on the side of the waist? I was actually afraid that they were from my mishandling of the figure's waist joints and legs, but some of them seem to have been there already when I got the figure...
  3. Actar

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Finally sold my original 10-year-old Yammie and just busted this guy open. Absolutley loving it, but it does feel somewhat thinner than the original animation model. Mine was fortunately QC issue free and transforming it back into fighter mode eliminated all the gaps. As many have mentioned, the wings do get a little floppy and I do fear for the longevity of the metal ball joints. (Not sure why Bandai doesn't use the same super-solid and durable metal ball joints they use in their Digivolving Spitits figures, which are essentially a metal ball with a PVC/POM socket.) Poseabilty is phenomenal as expected. Out of curiosity, is there such a thing as a canon or default loadout configuration? This bird comes with so many bits and bobs that I'm spoiled for choice...
  4. Of course. There is nothing obstructing it in either mode.
  5. Are you guys talking about this? For those who are having trouble with the swing bar, don't forget to tab the grey piece into the back of the nose cone. I find that locks the entire assembly in place rather solidly.
  6. Amazon Japan to the rescue! No fuss, no muss!
  7. GAH! I edited my cart...
  8. Fortunately, not everyone is affected. Unfortunately, I'm one of those who are affected... This is particularly problematic because it means I won't be able to secure any preorders until this is fixed. Might have to move to another retailer after 10 years of being a loyal amiami customer.
  9. Fantastic... amiami, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to update their website that didn't need to be updated. Now, I can't log in to my account...
  10. Aye... was planning on waiting for a 1S, but don't think I'll be able to resist this one.
  11. Can someone help me? When transforming back into fighter mode, it seems that I can't get the legs to peg together all the way, leaving a gap in the feet/thrusters... is there something I'm doing wrong?
  12. Did you guys know that you can extend the ankle joint for added articulation? I'm not sure if they mention it in the instructions. Thus far, the only thing I had issues with is the scratching of the (non-painted) wingroot when trying to position the wing during the transformation.
  13. Has anyone seen/posted about this before?
  14. Actar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Some trepidation regarding several points after owning it for a couple of days: - Is it just me or is it really hard to get the cockpit section to stay pushed against the rest of the fuselage? There always seems to be a split. No matter how I try to collapse the two blue metal bars in, they come back out. - I really hate the fact that the arms scrape the sharp points on the back panel whenever they are rotated out or in unless you're exceedingly careful. The paint on the points on mine is already gone after 2 transformations. - Lastly, I've very afraid that the hinge supporting the container will eventually become loose.
  15. Actar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I might try the paint approach, because I don't think I have the strength to part with one after going through so much anxiety to get one. (^.^;) Out of curiosity, when does the rear container get deployed? It seems that most of the time, the container is left hanging off the backs of the Battroid mode.
  16. Actar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    OMG. I just received mine and it's absolutely gorgeous. One thing that I'd like to talk about is how amazing the box design is. Undoubtedly one of the nicest DX Chogokin boxes yet. A hard cardboard box with a flip top lit, an insert and a box for the accessories. They sure know how to impress. Regarding the Valk itself, it's lovely, tight and transforms beautifully. I freaked out when I realized that the legs were ratcheted and there was a forwards and back waist joint in addition to a side to side one. Goodness, it took them this long to put in ratchet joints into the legs... However, I have to be the bearer of bad news as mine has a rather "unique" QC issue... One of the flaps of the Fold Wave System is unpainted. Seriously? I'm not going to get any luck with amiami, so I'm not going to even bother trying. Dear lord... I just want ONE YF-30... But they're so horrendously expensive. Regarding the foot, is it extended all the way? I actually had to pull quite hard before I heard an audible click. Once it was locked in place, they remain rock solid and take quite a bit of force to push back in.
  17. Darn it! I'm always late to the party... (T.T) Just realized it came back up after seeing it at the top of the popular items list... Please reopen again! (^.^
  18. Actar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Are you kidding me? (>.<) I missed it again! Saw the sweet orange button, but when I clicked it, it was gone.
  19. Okay... I am deeply regretting not getting this when it came out. Is it worth paying upwards of 40,000 yen to get it now? (-.-)
  20. Actar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yup. As expected, I completely missed out on the pre-orders thanks to the driving test. On the bright side, I passed my driving test.
  21. Actar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh my goodness. The preordres open right when I'll be having my driving test. (T.T)
  22. So basically, "Evo Toy's VF-2ss Valkyrie II arrived and what can I say... As expected, it feels cheap and the transformation and articulation is no good. Because of the shoddy materials and construction, it creaks when you move it and parts fall out of place easily. This is a product that will induce MAX stress just by touching it." Wow... kinda harsh.
  23. Okay, let's flip that around then. Do you feel that it's strange for grown women who like watching movies like Transformers (that are targeted towards teen boys)? Also, I actually watched the episode raw as I'm not a fan of gg in the slightest... I didn't want to ruin the experience with their notorious trolling. "Japanese doughnuts"? Yeah... Same old, same old.
  24. I have absolute confidence that they will only appear once in such a flashy manner (or at least have completely different outfits/animation each time). Every episode would also be unlikely as they would only "transform" for the battles. Modern magical girl shows that are not a villain-of-the-week series are pretty particular about only showing an extended transformation sequence once throughout the entire run. This is especially true for shorter anime that have a higher budget as the stock transformation scenes are usually used as filler. Also saw this interesting comment by WhatShtIsThis on another forum:
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