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Everything posted by Actar

  1. Well, now that it broke, I don't suppose there's anyway of fixing it save for gluing it down permantly.
  2. If you guys don't mind, for those who have the Yamato VF-17 (S/D), how does that compare to Bandai's 171 (Alto/CF) in terms of sturdiness, transformation and overall quality? For the price, is it worth the extra cash to obtain?
  3. I did use an implement to try to raise it up, just like in your picture. But the cockpit wouldn't budge and it got to the point where it was warping due to the amount of force I was using... Why they didn't use a detachable hinge or make the connection looser is beyond me Though, I guess the real question is why I decided that the use of such excessive force was necessary...
  4. Just received my VF-171, a little reward for myself. It's a fantastic valk and a brilliant design. No QC issues. No pieces missing and the triangles are good. HOWEVER. The darn canopy hinge (the one you have to pull up) was so damn tight that it was impossible for me to lift up the cockpit hatch. I applied a little too much force and SNAP. Off the canopy went. Brilliant. Fantastic. Had the toy for only 5 minutes and it broke. I thought I got it wrong and applied force at a bad angle or something, but I used a pair of pliers to pull out the hinge and found that it required significant force to pull out. It's as if some glue got into it and stuck it in place. Oh well... In the end, I just put the pilot figure in and glued the canopy shut. No openable cockpit, but at least everything else is fine...
  5. YES!!! For the love of God, yes. I would buy that in a heart beat. In addition to Mylene being my favorite female character in Macross 7, second to the flower girl, I want a Valk with boobies (that's not the VF-19)!
  6. With the YF-21 being my absolute favorite valk, I can't say no to a V2 1/60. Perhaps have it in gloss finish if they're going with gloss for the new YF-19? Though, many are right in saying that there's hardly any place for improvement with the V1 1/60. Edit: Maybe better joints in the legs - especially the thigh joints and feet. Those leg joints get loose after awhile and it's imperative that the YF-21 have strong leg joints to support it due to its top-heaviness in battroid mode. Personally speaking, I would love to see a touched up VF-17 (not likely for at least another 5 years or more) and a Ghost X-9.
  7. Just finished the game and it was beyond phenomenal. I don't think I'm alone on this when I say that this would make for a great anime series, or at least a movie. What an experience that was, especially for a macross fan. I'm thinking of buying the game again (this time with all the Limited Edition goodies) just because I liked it so much. This might be a spoiler, but I'm just curious to know what changes with the different endings. Is it the dialogue after the credits? Or is it the pictures? Also, how do I know which ending I got? Also, why's the melee attack of the 21/22 series called Pin-Point Barrier Punch when it's a kick attack?
  8. Super-lazy with posting stuff online these days. Got Shinichiro Watanabe's (Director of Macross Plus) signature at last year's AFA! Singed my signature book and my Macross Plus Movie Version This is Animation book.
  9. Well, we did have the missile bays in the VF-19.
  10. I finally got the game and I have to say I'm having an absolute blast. It starts off slow, like almost every other RPG, but when you get into the story (knowing Japanese does help) and get to fly your favorite planes, it really picks up and the hours just fly by (puntastic). Don't want to spoil anything, but darn, seeing all the original cast members play off each other is just decadent fanservice and I'm loving every minute of it. Can't wait till I get New Game Plus and am able to fly some of the original casts' Valks! I initially though that it was a bad thing that they changed out the show-accurate missions for an original story, but boy do I take that back. I was saving parts for future planes as I knew I was going to get the 21/22 and 19 series the first chance I got, so I was relying on a VF-1A. Man did I have a hard time. Must have tried over 5 times to no avail. Then, I went and bought the VF-1S plans and unlocked it. With it came the Reaction Missiles (Box C) and the boss fight became a breeze. I am not kidding. Just keep spamming those Reaction Missiles and it will go down. Fast. Speaking of which, is it possible to switch out weapons? The only Valk with Reaction Missiles that I've come across is the VF-1S...
  11. For what it's worth, the announcement paper that's included with the BD does actually say with Fast Pack in the bottom right corner. "YF-19 with ファストパック". Also, I kind of like the swept back look. It always reminded me of a predatory bird diving in for the kill. But, while it would be a cool gimmick to have, I do not want it at the expense of structural integrity.
  12. Have been taking a slight break from Macross stuff for the past few months, but this is simply phenomenal. Absolutely amazing. Also, I might be missing something, but isn't Arcadia just Yamato with a different name?
  13. So, I've recently come across the knowledge that UV rays cause paint/printed material to fade over time... and that the flourecents that I use as celing lamps do emit some UV rays. This has got me worried for the cels that I have framed up (behind glass) on the walls. From professional, more veteran collectors, do you think the exposure to light will cause significant damage to them? Is there any other way to protect them other than keeping them filed away in a dark corner of my room, never to be seen again? Thanks in advance.
  14. Actar

    Macross 30

    So when's the official release date for the game? I've been stalking AmiAmi and their pre-order status is still sold out... I really do hope to get the special edition box...
  15. Anyways, I personally love the Gerwalk modes. It differentiates the Macross Valks from other transforming robots and has a really cool classic walker-type aesthetic. Not to mention, it's a pretty handy mode in actual combat situations as well, if you've played any of the Macross games. Is this considered over-stressing the ankles? This is how I have my VF-19 Kai posed when it is in Gerwalk.
  16. Urgh... it's been forever since I last purchased a Valk and I really want to scratch that itch... However, all the new Valks are just so darn expensive, be it the VF-4G, 17 or 25.
  17. So, where can I acquire one of these beauties this late in the game?
  18. Actar

    Macross 30

    Oh boy... As it seems that I will be getting a PS3 sometime in the future, my interest for this game suddenly peaked, though it would appear that the limited box set is practically sold out everywhere. Is there any chance of AmiAmi getting additional stock later on?
  19. The YF-23 was the inspiration for the YF-21 and VF-22. The competition between the YF-19 and 21 in Macross Plus was also a reference to the program itself. Also, I know this has been well known for quite some time, but I still get blown away by the fact that Kawamori uses Lego to design his planes, and not some fancy 3D-model-rendering software. To make things even more amazing, they actually transform...
  20. Instant pre-order! I mean, it IS my favorite Macross series. Not to mention, I'm a sucker for box sets. It's times like these that make the years of Japanese classes that I have taken worth while. (^.^ I guess it really depends on the company. Kyoto Animation, whom I've purchased two box sets from (Haruhi and Lucky Star), have really phenomenal releases. Japanese and English audio and subs in both languages. Can't beat that.
  21. Kind of surprised these haven't been posted yet. Not going to get this one myself, but I've gotta admit, that's looking pretty sweet. Unique design and unique transformation.
  22. Translated properly: The VF-1D comes in a set together with the super pack. A separate release is being considered.
  23. It's been awhile since I last transformed my YF-21 into Battroid mode. And here's a picture of how I have it posed. (^.^)
  24. Even though I don't have anymore money to spare, I caved and bought a Max VF-22... Kind of an end-of-the-semester-from-hell treat...
  25. While I personally have no problems with the current 1/60 YF-21 in terms of its transformation (as I'm quite mechanically inclined when it comes to transforming toys), I actually wouldn't mind seeing a V2 of it. Why? The YF-21 is my all time favorite valk and I cannot say no to getting a better and improved version of one of my most beloved Macross valks.
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