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Everything posted by Actar

  1. Actually, if you have played any of the 3D Macross games, the Gerwalk is pretty much indispensable. It has the maneuverability and speed of Fighter mode and the accuracy and dexterity of Battroid mode (with the Gunpod). I personality love the Gerwalk mode.
  2. With one of my Finals out of the way, I finally got the time to take the YF-19 out of the package and transformed it to Gerwalk and then to Battroid. It's gorgeous and whilst not as durable feeling as the VF-19s, this one is undeniably a significant upgrade from the previous 19 which I've had for a good number of years. One can really appreciate the advancement of technology when comparing them side-by-side. Love all the in-built features and the improvements in terms of stability and engineering. But yes, I do suppose it's rather underwhelming when compared to the VF-19 due to the fact that we've gotten used to many of the new gimmicks and engineering. While I know it might not be accurate, the accurate Battroid cockpit gimmick of the VF-19 really impressed me and I can't see anything that matches that in this mold (perhaps the sweep wings?). However, I can't not agree with the complaints of loose ankles. Thankfully, my 19 can at least stand straight up, but any overly dynamic pose is out of the question. Will most likely use the stand I got from the VF-1S. Also, this is the first time I cut myself whilst transforming a VF. Sliced my thumb on the nosecone, of all things, when adjusting the chest. Really want an updated 21 now!
  3. Anyhoo, got mine from AmiAmi today and it's in perfect condition.
  4. I can definitely understand your pain, but aside from their customer service, which I agree does need a lot of work, AmiAmi is excellent, proficient and has the best prices. I have been using them for years, literally, without any problems. HLJ's customer service is phenomenal, but their order processing isn't as proficient and can sometimes not honor pre-orders, which makes it exceedingly frustrating.
  5. Darn... I have one coming in from AmiAmi, but it has yet to be shipped due to a delay of one of my items in my March order. I do agree that HLJ has impeccable support staff and I have gotten instant results after sending them in a complaint of a figure with missing parts. However, many a time, especially with popular items, they tend to take on more orders than they can supply, leading to the false belief that you have secured an item.
  6. Taking into consideration the fact that the recent Yamato one is going for outrageous prices on the secondary market, this is looking pretty neat.
  7. Is it supposed to be a pirate's hat? It reminds me more of a knight's visor and that's pretty cool.
  8. I remember there being a pair of replica Basara sunglasses... Does anyone have any idea how those were obtained/distributed?
  9. Thanks a ton for the comments, guys! Right, will make a note of that. (^.^) Your feedback is appreciated! Heh, heh, heh... Have been a fan since I was inculcated with Robotech all these years ago. Have done some Macross related reviews too, do check them out! (^.^) My YF-19 is the Package Renewal version. It seems that that's the only dynamic pose that it's able to pull off with its limited leg articulation. I was curious about this too. Upon looking at the game model, the crystals and canopy are actually that shade of blue in the game.
  10. Alright! Managed to get some free time from the prison that is school to take some pics of these two together! Not sure if anyone has done this already, but the YF-19 and the YF-29 look phenomenal together~ Experimented with different settings and lighting conditions, I hope they turned out okay.
  11. Back from a Macross hiatus with this beauty. Thoroughly enjoyed the game and love Macross Plus, so it was a no-brainer getting this one and I'm not regretting it at all. As many have stated, it would look gorgeous next to the upcoming YF-19 renewal. Brilliant throwback to the YF-19 with the forward-swept wings. Might take some pics later when I find the time. Since it is my first YF-29, out of curiosity, are the wings only supposed to be collapsed during Battroid mode? Is there a in-universe explanation for the collapse of wings in Fighter/Gewalk modes?
  12. From what I can hear, he says that as a weapons container, the type of weapon can be changed. A beam cannon can be equipped or a missile pod can be equipped. He wanted to create a very flexible/customizable system.
  13. Actar

    Nekki Basara Guitar

    Man, if they ever do produce a bass, I'll be very hard pressed to control myself.
  14. Pre-ordered!
  15. But in this case, don't we also have to take in the individual retailer discounts?
  16. Actar

    Macross figures

    The Nendoroid Petite set is an instant get for me. I personally think they are far more worth it when compared to regular Nendoroids and you can get the whole cast of characters. Shame that Ranka and Sheryl are in school uniforms for some reason while the others are in their concert/traditional outfits...
  17. Yup, as many have already said, 30,000 yen's fair. 35,000 yen's acceptable, but 40,000 yen's pushing it. Though, to be dreadfully honest, in the end, I'll buy one regardless of price... Seeing the older Yamatos shoot up in value has not been reassuring in the slightest.
  18. Finally caved and purchased a VF-17S. I am loving it far, far, far more than I thought I would. Here's my tiny Macross 7 display: ...and here's how it fits into the larger context of my current TV set-up:
  19. Actar

    Macross figures

    Hm... It would make for a pretty slick display to have figures of all the songstresses in one row... Oh, lookie. Macross Nendoroid Petites! I've always appreciated the Petites more than the regular nendoroids, so this is a must get!
  20. While I don't think it's good form to chastise your customers for anything, I can't fault online stores for being strict with their cancellation policies. For one, this is to avoid situations whereby the store is left with tons of extra stock where people keep cancelling their orders. Not to mention, we've complained time and time again about scalpers. This isn't foolproof, but it's one measure against that.
  21. Here's what the description reads: "The precious vase that I've brought from my home town has been stolen! Recover it for me and I'll set up the Vanquish Races here. How's that sound? [Map information available.]" Other than that, it's just the client name, clear conditions (get the vase) and prize. No. There is no location name given. It's just a simple fetch quest and I've already completed it without issue. Not too sure what's going on over at your end.
  22. If you're talking about 盗まれた壺, I've just completed that sub quest. It's required to unlock the vanquish races for that area. The vase is on the field map as a regular blue sparkly circle of light. Follow the map to the highlighted search area. Or, perhaps you already have it in your inventory. The item's name is simply 壺. Here it is: Also, if the end of the description of the quest has a [マップ情報あり] it means that the information will be displayed on the map.
  23. The shortest least-spoiler answer would be: Yes. ...and I would like to believe that the game is canon. It advances the story of the Macross universe (set post-frontier, introducing the YF-30, etc...) with an actual original plot (as opposed to the mission based/retelling games of the past) and doesn't conflict with any of the previously established lore (to my knowledge). Also, there's just way too much effort put into 30 for it to be non-canon... at least, that's what I'd like to believe.
  24. This must be fate or something. I just finished playing through the story mode of Macross 30 a couple of weeks ago and was wondering how amazing it would be to have a toy of Isamu's YF-29. Lo and behold... This. Also, I second the requests for a YF-30. Aisha is so awesome.
  25. Does anyone know what the code that comes with the first presses is for?
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