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Everything posted by RedMax1

  1. RedMax1


    I really like it. Great job!
  2. Sounds great. I can't wait to see what you've put together...... BTW, I did finally get the flaps to work in FS 2004. It was a simple change in the aircraft.cfg file. Just change the "system_type" on all the flap sections from 1 to 0 in the CFG file.
  3. Yep, that sounds about right for FS2004. I did it the other day. However, I could never get the thing to slow down after decending to about 3000ft
  4. AWESOME! Congratulations!
  5. Here is the file. Hope this works for you. yf_19.zip
  6. I will send it to you when I get home.
  7. BUMP--- any new news?
  8. FYI.... For anyone that is flying this plane in FS2004 and the flaps don't work. change the "system_type" on all the flap sections from 1 to 0 in the CFG file. It shoujld work. Just thought I would share........
  9. Very excellent work....KUDOS!
  10. nice shot.... That scenery and the 19 look awesome together. Any word as to when we might see the textured versions?
  11. WOW....Looks great so far. I can't wait to get my hands on it. I will have to post a screen shot of it in FS2004 which has a much better sun than FS2002 and includes lens flare.
  12. I second the call for an 11 and 21/22!
  13. WOW, That looks great. Thanks for sharing!
  14. SWEET! Looks great so far....
  15. Sorry dude....I completely missed the part where you said you were on a Mac. My bad. I am not aware of any Mac programs....sorry.
  16. Check this guide out. http://www.gkhull.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/avitosvcdguide.htm
  17. I would check the following site http://www.doom9.org/ There are plenty fo free programs out there that will allow you to do what you need. I have tried it once or twice and its not to hard to set up.
  18. Sounds great to me..... I just didn't want to be a demanding leacher.... Thanks for your excellent model.... I look forward to the update!
  19. Is there any chance of possibly getting a copy of the model so I can update it for FS2004? Currently the flaps and engine nozzels do not move in FS2004. I am willing to do the work myself....as I would hate to burden you with the task.
  20. Sign me up.... That looks great so far. Can't wait to take it out for a spin!
  21. Sorry, FS9 is FS2004. I have seen this with a couple of aircraft that were designed for FS2002, but the flaps don't work in FS2004. None the less its very cool!
  22. I just wanted to let you know the I tried it out in FS9 and it is amazing. Very fun to fly. One thing I did notice is there are no flaps? ( not sure if this is intentional) Anyway, Thank you for the very cool model! AWESOME job!
  23. This looks very cool. I can't wait to get home tonight and try it out. Any chance we will see textures? I would volunteer to help with them but I have zero experience texturing models. BTW, what did you use to build this guy? (GMAX, FSDS?) I look forward to future macross planes for FS.
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