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Jeff J

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Everything posted by Jeff J

  1. Wasn't expecting to hear "Get Free" in a YouTube video about the 32X, but I'll take it. https://youtu.be/NwHZla18P2Y?si=5RN6z5mXaPiA_3oW&t=4433
  2. Not a fan of Macross II, but decided to re-watch it on Hulu. Seeing all the graininess, I'm happy the fans will get an AnimEigo 4K restoration.
  3. Macross FB7 is pretty much the only way I can consume Macross 7 these days. I never cared for the series, but I have an odd nostalgia for it. Its soundtrack gives me the feels.
  4. If it does well, I hope it makes a billion bucks. If it's not a good movie, full of awful studio interference, well, I hope it does as well as The Marvels.
  5. I wasn't planning on getting the 4K disc, but it's just kind of disappointing that there doesn't seem to be one definitive version of the movie to purchase.
  6. This admittedly is a big stretch, but here goes. I never met a "Basara" out in the wild. Figured it was mostly a made-up name for Macross 7. Anyway, read this crazy news story this morning, and I guess at least a Basara exists. https://sports.yahoo.com/foul-mouthed-philadelphia-fan-banned-230919642.html
  7. Which is a shame when you consider how quality the subs are on other regions' D+ releases.
  8. It's like Independence Day, everyone has their own. Interesting. I see it on the Android App. The option is only for Japanese subs, but it's closed captioned in English.
  9. My interpretation of the settlement was that FB2012's designs were sufficiently different from DYRL, and rendered several years after HG's purchase, that there was no argument to make that HG could claim ownership, a la II and Plus.
  10. My head canon iss that Sharon's relationship with Myung was complicated. Part of Sharon wanted her out of the way at first to make sure she didn't interfere with the plans, but Sharon's programming also drives her to facilitate Myung to feel a rush of emotions. Maybe letting Myung get free was intentional...
  11. Sadly, I'm resigned to being OK with no Macross on D+ in the US if it means that HG doesn't win. Don't negotiate with terrorists...
  12. Reaction warheads certainly weren't powerful enough, by themselves, to swing the balance of the war. They also weren't these super important MacGuffins for the story, either. But when they got specific mention, there's at least some emphasis that they pack quite the wallop. I'd say the biggest argument against them as these big bad weapons was that the omidirectional barrier surrounding the Macross itself was able to withstand several thousand reaction warheads detonating in the near vicinity, but the Boddole Zer flagship itself wasn't able to, and that thing was millions (if not billions) of times more massive than the Macross. The Destroid Monster scene was easily my favorite action sequence in Zero.
  13. I don't think it breaks the story. It works to bridge series together, and the franchise isn't about precise continuity, but it's just not what I would've preferred from a prequel. Yeah, I left out the part of my prior response that Global believed his crew because 1) he's closer to them, particularly Misa and 2) from the real world perspective, he's one of the protagonists, so of course he's aligned with them. I don't think it's implausible they were skeptical, but the part of the skeptics's laughing was too much for me. To be fair, once Global and Misa made their report in person, it seemed as though they didn't rule out the validity of the report, but weren't going to budge on future course of action, which unfortunately included having too much confidence in the Grand Cannon. I didn't mean they were cavalier about reaction warheads, it's just that they go from being the big scary monsters in SDF and even Plus (though only through reference instead of visual display) to being hyped-up-but-ineffectual weapons in 7. It's kind of like the Crane Kick in Karate Kid, Part 2. Neat to know.
  14. Yeah, the Macross guys didn't make it up, but the term is, IMO, too loaded to use in such a generic, lowercase-p, manner in the series. I would've preferred if they expanded the Macross lexicon and came up with a synonymous term. Plausible, sure, but IMO their responses were unlikely. The first bunch of leaders (sans Global) even laughed at the suggestion. I think high command gave Misa more credibility, but overall I felt like the general level of skepticism was a bit much, there mostly in place to make the specific plot happen. That said, Global believed them, so it's not like nobody took Misa's report seriously. Nutouk says, "Mankind will be extinguished," and Hasford says, "Behold, the end of the world." Now, neither man might've been right, but the final episode expressed a sense of apocalyptic urgency. Even though this display of power was more or less in line with the Macross canon, and potentially less potent, that's not really the message being conveyed. Speaking of reaction warheads, I enjoyed 1) that they were enough to take out the target and 2) Shin talked about the fallout. In the original series, they are a big deal, enough to keep the Zentradi both interested but at bay, but by Macross 7, they kind of get poo poo'd as part of standard escalation of the power of new threats. Zero was right to re-elevate them to being the nuclear (no pun intended) option.
  15. Yeah, my bad. Was looking for an existing thread and this was the only one I could find within the first however many minutes or so. I think even if Zero were more of a conventional prequel, it still would've been completely in bounds to have a scientist character talk about the aliens-visiting-earth theory. It's 100% reasonable for some scientist to ask out loud, "Maybe ASS-1 wasn't Earth's first contact with alien life..." But using the buzzword "Protoculture," with all the baggage it carries in the franchise, is pretty continuity-shredding. Acknowledged, though, that seamless continuity hasn't really been a Macross priority since the get-go, but if you like that sort of thing, it's something you're going to miss out on. That's one of the small handful of contrivances from the OG series that still kind of bothers me. Don't get me wrong, I like the antagonistic nature of the UN military high command, but their utter skepticism that the Zentradi fleet could be that large just seemed like something in the plot to 1) create conflict for our heroes to overcome and 2) set up humanity for disaster when at least some of it could've been abated. Also, I get that someone like Capt. Global wouldn't be in the know about the Mayan Island incident, but someone as high up as Admiral Hayase and his cohort should've known, and IMO the highest level of command should be on high alert for any extinction-level threat instead of being all like, "Well, we got the Grand Cannon, so we're good!"
  16. I finally finished this series. I downloaded episodes as they became available on Kazaa (LOL) starting in 2002. I lost interest and never bothered finishing, but since I'm visiting family in Korea right now, I elected to watch the whole series on D+. Well, nothing about my opinion really changed. To the creators's credit, I understand the desire to avoid making lazy sequels. They did well not to churn out more of the same, and as such, every Macross property feels distinct and introduces something new to the lore and world-building. That said, I don't think Zero works particularly well as a prequel, and it gets kind of frustrating when a small subset of fans insist that people introduce themselves to the franchise starting with this series. Yikes. Some specific complaints I have include the rampant use of the word "Protoculture" and the circulating theory that alien civilizations influenced life on earth. Doesn't really jive with how the heroes in OG SDFM slowly uncovered the myster of Protoculture. Also, with all the craziness the UN military witnessed on Mayan Island, it seems ridiculous that military leaders in OG would be super skeptical about the size and power of the Zentradi forces. I think what turned me off from the series 20+ years ago was the floating rocks and other ethereal/supernatural stuff. I'm probably stuck in 80s/90s Macross, so I generally don't like seeing that too much (Frontier being kind of the exception; you could say I enjoyed Frontier in spite of some of the weird stuff). Just a reminder that Macross continuity shouldn't be taken too seriously. The less seriously you take it, the more you can enjoy series that radically change things.
  17. LOL, and also in Florida. Neat find!
  18. I finally got around to watching FB7. It's been 25 years since I watched Macross 7. I didn't enjoy the series, but I was such a completionist back then that I made sure I got through the all of it, or at least almost all of the M7 stuff. There were some things I genuinely enjoyed, but overall, that show was not for me. I do like most of the Fire Bomber tunes, though. Watching FB7 was a weird mix of getting a nostalgia rush, bopping to the music, but also being bored and anxiously awaiting the end. I don't recall ever having a feeling like that for anything I watched the first time. Even though I didn't enjoy the series, it had its moments, and seeing those moments commemorated was enough to make me think, "Oh yeah, I remember that, it was pretty cool." Music speaks for itself. But, unfortunately, FB7 also reminded me of all the things I didn't care for. I thought there must've been some meta joke about how in the first 15 minutes of FB7 they keep repeating people asking Basara what the heck he was doing, since that pretty much was my recollection of the first 20-25% of the series.
  19. Imagine going to a work holiday party, seeing someone's design portfolio, and featured is a Destroid Monster!
  20. I did a Google search for "Macross cufflinks" and I got this: https://www.macys.com/shop/product/macross-ft-61-inquisitor-fans-toys?ID=19857891
  21. That is one slick football uni.
  22. I'm just curious about which character Cavill would end up playing.
  23. Saw it over the weekend. I think I still enjoyed the second one the most, which might be an unpopular opinion. This one had some boring stretches, and I suppose I don't find Deadpool's origin that interesting. The Easter eggs in the second one just hit better for me, too. What I liked? This movie and No Way Home might've leaned on some cheap nostalgic tricks, but man, they were effective. I was still a teenager when Blade came out, barely a legal adult when X-Men released, and now I'm firmly middle-aged. It's nice to go have that feeling of reliving 20-something years worth of experiences. I did appreciate the callbacks to the old 20th Century Fox Marvel films. I can't say I particularly loved the 20th Century Fox era for Marvel, but the coldest thing Marvel Comics did was bury the Fantastic Four and X-Men comics because Marvel/Disney didn't have the movie rights. Oh yeah, add kicking the X-Men out of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite even though the X-characters are essentially what made the Marvel vs. series possible... I may have enjoyed the heck out of MCU movies from 2008-2019, but Marvel Studios did enough bad faith moves that I was secretly hoping they'd get embarrassed at some point. So perhaps the icing on the cake for me in this movie was making fun of the rut that Marvel Studios is in now. One of the benefits of the MCU used to be that unlike the comics, you could pick up and watch whatever you wanted without feeling lost. There also were only three movies a year, so it was easy to keep up. Post-Endgame, they threw out the streamlined storytelling and gave us so much bloat that wasn't as compelling that I lost interest. But, I was super hyped for this movie, and throughout the most part, it met my expectations.
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