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Jeff J

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Wasn't expecting to hear "Get Free" in a YouTube video about the 32X, but I'll take it. https://youtu.be/NwHZla18P2Y?si=5RN6z5mXaPiA_3oW&t=4433
  2. Not a fan of Macross II, but decided to re-watch it on Hulu. Seeing all the graininess, I'm happy the fans will get an AnimEigo 4K restoration.
  3. Macross FB7 is pretty much the only way I can consume Macross 7 these days. I never cared for the series, but I have an odd nostalgia for it. Its soundtrack gives me the feels.
  4. If it does well, I hope it makes a billion bucks. If it's not a good movie, full of awful studio interference, well, I hope it does as well as The Marvels.
  5. I wasn't planning on getting the 4K disc, but it's just kind of disappointing that there doesn't seem to be one definitive version of the movie to purchase.
  6. This admittedly is a big stretch, but here goes. I never met a "Basara" out in the wild. Figured it was mostly a made-up name for Macross 7. Anyway, read this crazy news story this morning, and I guess at least a Basara exists. https://sports.yahoo.com/foul-mouthed-philadelphia-fan-banned-230919642.html
  7. Which is a shame when you consider how quality the subs are on other regions' D+ releases.
  8. It's like Independence Day, everyone has their own. Interesting. I see it on the Android App. The option is only for Japanese subs, but it's closed captioned in English.
  9. My interpretation of the settlement was that FB2012's designs were sufficiently different from DYRL, and rendered several years after HG's purchase, that there was no argument to make that HG could claim ownership, a la II and Plus.
  10. My head canon iss that Sharon's relationship with Myung was complicated. Part of Sharon wanted her out of the way at first to make sure she didn't interfere with the plans, but Sharon's programming also drives her to facilitate Myung to feel a rush of emotions. Maybe letting Myung get free was intentional...
  11. Sadly, I'm resigned to being OK with no Macross on D+ in the US if it means that HG doesn't win. Don't negotiate with terrorists...
  12. Reaction warheads certainly weren't powerful enough, by themselves, to swing the balance of the war. They also weren't these super important MacGuffins for the story, either. But when they got specific mention, there's at least some emphasis that they pack quite the wallop. I'd say the biggest argument against them as these big bad weapons was that the omidirectional barrier surrounding the Macross itself was able to withstand several thousand reaction warheads detonating in the near vicinity, but the Boddole Zer flagship itself wasn't able to, and that thing was millions (if not billions) of times more massive than the Macross. The Destroid Monster scene was easily my favorite action sequence in Zero.
  13. I don't think it breaks the story. It works to bridge series together, and the franchise isn't about precise continuity, but it's just not what I would've preferred from a prequel. Yeah, I left out the part of my prior response that Global believed his crew because 1) he's closer to them, particularly Misa and 2) from the real world perspective, he's one of the protagonists, so of course he's aligned with them. I don't think it's implausible they were skeptical, but the part of the skeptics's laughing was too much for me. To be fair, once Global and Misa made their report in person, it seemed as though they didn't rule out the validity of the report, but weren't going to budge on future course of action, which unfortunately included having too much confidence in the Grand Cannon. I didn't mean they were cavalier about reaction warheads, it's just that they go from being the big scary monsters in SDF and even Plus (though only through reference instead of visual display) to being hyped-up-but-ineffectual weapons in 7. It's kind of like the Crane Kick in Karate Kid, Part 2. Neat to know.
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