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Everything posted by kong

  1. kong

    Hi-Metal R

    Woohoo! Thanks much for the heads up. Much appreciated.
  2. I’ve been a fan of cyberpunk since the 90’s when I played it with pen and paper. Every other cyberpunk’ish game I’ve tried since just didn’t quite achieve what the pen and paper game did. This looks to come the closest. I really love the fact they aren’t locking you into a role/class as well with this. At first I wasn’t sure about the fpp angle, but after seeing it, I like it. Maybe I want this to bad. I don’t know. But I’m so excited for this game. I haven’t posted here in a long time. Just been lurking here and there. However I like what I see so much. I just had to share my excitement.
  3. Yes, thanks for all your hard work Broody.
  4. I'm watching this series too at the moment, and I do like it. I'm only up to ep 8 so far, and it seems Rock has finally found his backbone.
  5. I was wondering if someone who still has the torrent of the second episode raw could seed for a little bit.. I'm at 93.4% along with a few others... Sorry I learned about this a little late. Thanks Kong
  6. well let's hope it was worth the wait. Or am I just setting myself up for disapointment? kong
  7. like what everyone else said, I'd like to see the mospeada and the southern cross one if possible. kong
  8. I was wondering if there was anything new concerning when the shadow will come out. Last I heard was the end of last month or begining of this month. I was wondering if that is still true. kong
  9. 4 Years U.S. Navy from 1997-2001. AM2, NAS Oceana. An AM is an Aviation Mechanic specializing in Hydraulic systems and Structures of aircrafts. My platform was the F/A-18C Hornet. I served with VFA-87 and cruised aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt and Enterprise. Wow there are more of us here than I had thought who have served. It's always good to know more vets. Kong
  10. Hey chas thanks for the fantastic scans. I really appreciate it. kong
  11. hey that's cool, my last name starts with kong and has several more letters afterwards lol... but i'm not cambodian, i'm close but not close enough lol... I was born in thailand but my family hails from laos. but it's nice to see another south east asianer around. kong
  12. ack! between the two dates i hope the 4/15 will be the right one then. kong
  13. Anyone know when the new projected release date is for this thing now? since it didn't come out on the 31st. I would really like to get my hands on this bad boy, since this will be my first mpc ever. kong
  14. That's cool, take your time bro, remember you are the one providing the great service here. Thanks for taking the time to scan and put up your pics. kong
  15. I for one wouldn't mind. I would love to see the whole thing. And thanks for posting all that you have already posted so far. It's most appreciated. kong
  16. if you look on the marine seal it says department of the navy. I use to mess with my marine friends about that. And said they worked for us. lol I was an AM2 in the navy. Aviation Mechanic Structures and Hydraulics for f/a-18c's for 4 years. Kong
  17. here is as link to the tonorato. it's not all that great a pic and it has a small description. not sure how accurate it is though. Tornato kong
  18. the Tornato was the bad ass fighter lufy flew on the 3rd ova can't remember the name of that one off hand. she flew it at then when both fleets engaged for the final battle. She flew into the hanger of one of the Paroniod ships and killed it from the inside out. I think it's like a heavy fighter from the looks of it. I had 4 masive guns on it. hope that helps.. if you still don't know i'll look around see if i can find it on a web site. Kong P.S. oh i'd love to see your Wasp pics. Thats my favorite fighter on the series, then the Tornato.
  19. Wow do you have any pics of the WASP fighter or the Tornato? Thnx for the pics kong
  20. oops sorry. well the emp thing wasn't so great for me i would hit the button for it but nothing would happen.. but the refinaries being used as anti fighter support helped a bunch... and i tried to build a bunch of defenses field frigs but it would only let me build 2 . i was gonna like use them so as soon as one would run out i would turn on the other.. but two of them is almost close enough, but some weapons still get through so i'm guessing they don't block everything when they are online. now i'm on the board after you destroy makaans fagship but i'm playing that board over to see if i can have 2 dreadnaughts... but i'm not sure if that is possible so please let me know so i can just move on instead of trying to whittle down that fleet so i can try to capture a ship that i can't capture lol.. but sajuuk is really cool though. but yeah sorry for not saying anything sooner i just got sucked into the game again after i passed that board.. it has got to be the hardest mission on the game...
  21. wow, thanx imode and zor for your advice. i never even thought of using my refineries as anti fighter support. or us the scouts emp pulse. i'll have to try those ideas out when i finally have the moral to play again. getting my arse handed to me so much over the weekend hurt me more than i thought lol. but i'll let you know when i try it. and i been trying to think of other ways to beat it. thanx again for everyones advice. kong
  22. no it's not the last mission.. i'm not sure how many there are i think like 15 or something... but yeah i have even built 20 ion platforms in the middle of a mine field to slow these foo's down.. and it slowed them down. that is how i used all my 80,000 ru's lol... i'll get this eventually i like this game too much lol. i can't wait till mods come out for this game.. kong
  23. yeah i've tried sending in my bombers to slow them down by killing their engines and missle launchers with my fighters can corvettes covering them.. I've even fought them tooth and nail till i ran out of ru's! from 80,000 to nothing... and yes i also pause quite a lot on that bored... but your right there is no feelign like overcoming really big odds and it's just fun to watch a big battle like that.. i've even built 14 bomber squads to go in and mess them up but they just don't kill them fast enough... but i tell you what once i do finally pass this board i will feel so good.. the other boards weren't this hard lol... i even went to the homeworld 2 forums and tried what they did.. i just can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.. i've been trying to lull them out and take them on piece meal but they are smarter now lol... hmm i'll try it again when i've calmed down i think.. maybe tomorrow or later today when i feel some insperation lol.. that board has totally destroyed my moral but each time i play the board it last like 2 hours or more.. then i'm just down and out... i even built 2 more carriers so i would have 3 so all of them and my mother ship and ship yard could spit out stuff but they just keep coming... oh well one of these days i will get you vayger scum!! kong
  24. Hi I was wondering if anyone has gotten to mission 12 and passed it... it is stupidly crazy hard. I am maxed out on everything i can build and research and i have 80,000+ ru's. There seems to be almost as many BC's as i have frigates. I been stuck on this board since like thursday i think. any help would be appreciated.. I just can't seem to put a halt on their advance cuz i usually stair down at least 6 BC's at one time and I've engaged as much as 12 at one time and more keep coming.. I have however managed to take out all the shipyards and the 1 carrier and even sent magaan packing but after all that i have like no ships left and they still got like 10 BC's with supporting ships... I'm about ready to pull out my hair on this board ... but i must say this game is absolutely great! kong
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