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Everything posted by Macette

  1. Macette

    Flight Hangers?

    So I've been browsing through some galleries, and noticed some people have flight decks and hangers and what not. I was wondering if this was something that was released, from another series of toys or custom made.
  2. Macette

    Macette's Modest Collection

    Just started collecting again after a long break.
  3. Macette

    yamato's next move

    1/48 Monster?!? that would be awesome, but imagine what they would charge for it...
  4. It's good, but i still don't know how i feel about it... it's not Mari...
  5. So poking around the interweb, it appears that Warner Bros. and Toby Macguire (Spiderman) have aquired the rights to a Robotech Movie. Bad News, Toby wants to play Rick Hunter (Hikaru). This can be potentially good or bad, lets hope they get this right.
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