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Everything posted by Macette

  1. It looks like the DYRL Version, but bluer...
  2. Oh noes, are we going to turn this into a Boy naming thing now...
  3. Macette

    Wave SDF 1

    Well hopefully, I should get it in the mail today. I'll let you guys know what i think, and thanks for all the feed back.
  4. Hands down Minmay in my opinion. She was the first Idol that ended the first war, and through every series, there is a Minmay Reference.
  5. Macette

    Wave SDF 1

    So just the box art? Anything with the toy itself?
  6. Macette

    Wave SDF 1

    I just bought a V1 Wave SDF 1. I was wondering what the difference between version 1 and version 2 is.
  7. HAHAHAHAHA omg i almost LOLed at work, man that was good.
  8. I'm Yet to have a daughter, but when i do, you know i'll be pushing Minamy, Misa, and Miria
  9. Macette

    YF 21 Decals

    So last night I had some free time and decided to put the decals on my 21. Has anyone else notices it's really hard to see the "No Step" and "Danger" decals on the 21? The blue makes it hard to see the red. Anyone else feel the same way?
  10. The hardest part is getting them to dress up as Minmay...
  11. How dare you desecrate my post!!! HAHA!
  12. Random though popped into my head last night. How many of us tried to name our daughters Minmay, but then were abruptly stopped by our baby's momma?
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the Macross F pilots also wear suits that make piloting easier for them? in a sence they are getting enhanced thus making them better pilots as well? Similar argument about Brea and his implants, except that thier mods are suits opposed to implants, for that IMO all Macross F pilots should be bumped down a notched. (Except Ozma because we all know he's good =p)
  14. Macette

    M&M Point Blank

    This pic rocks!
  15. Macette

    Yamato stands

    Flexi stand V2 already available, i have 6
  16. Well my stories aren't so happy. I had my first Yamato, my vf-1a Hikaru fell off a 6 foot bookshelf and the clip that holds the intake that attaches the leg to the fusalage of the fighter break off. now he can only be displayed in battaloid. I also got my then 12 year old cousin the same valk for his Birthday (tried to get him hook, I failed, apperently pokemon have more appeal to kids back then then Macross valks did) well kids being kids, he managed to snap off both tailfins. but of my 12 valks, that's the only one that has taken a fall and or has ever had anything break.
  17. As Much as i love minmay, i can't get myself to drop that much money on it...
  18. I transformed it a few more times last night, it's getting easier...
  19. i think we are the devil on your shoulder...
  20. yea, when i moved the leg for the first time, it made the knee thing pop off, scared me to death...
  21. Just got my YF 21 yesterday, it's a thing of beauty. Does anyone else feel that this thing is one b*tch of a transformation? i love it, but the transformation on it is a pain am i right?
  22. Buy it! i Just got mine yesterday, and i'm in love with it.
  23. When i first watched Macross Plus, i was a huge fan of the 19, but i think that was due to Isamu being the pilot. As I started watching M7, Basara made me hate the 19...
  24. I'm down! who is oraginzing the event? 1.... 2.... 3..... Not it.
  25. Macette

    Flight Hangers?

    Thanks for the Info Everyone, you guys rock.
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