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No-Brand Hero

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Everything posted by No-Brand Hero

  1. Easier, yes. More profitable? You have to consider market saturation. If you launch a new show with all the same toys, you lose a sale to anyone who already has that toy and isn't willing to buy it again just for the new character paint scheme. The mass market is all about making sweeping changes to the available merchandise with every new iteration of the franchise. The result is this hilariously meta scene from the original Transformers Movie where they literally kill off the old toyline. I was referencing the final fate of the Megaroad and with it Misa, Hikaru, and Minmay. They disappeared into a black hole so we'd stop bugging Kawamori for more stories about them
  2. New Valks is a given, whether we want them or not. What do you think these shows are for?
  3. I'd blame the conservation of CG models for that, though the timeline matches up at least. The VF-171 entered service three years before the destruction of the 117th Research Fleet.
  4. He's flying a VF-171 Nightmare Plus. There's a shot of it firing on a Vajra before it cuts into the cockpit to show Ozma. It's in the flashback sequences at the very start of episode 24
  5. They nozzles, at least, are usually drawn pointing slightly upwards, though that thrust difference is pretty crazy.http://macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/vf-1s-fastpack/schematic-vf1ssuper.gif
  6. They actually work for the original FAST Packs, as the main engines drop down into a bent position in Super-Valkyrie mode, thus creating a configuration where all four thrusters point towards a common center. Later episodes and series tend to go back and forth on how well it's represented, but in their very first appearance, it's pretty clear:
  7. I just checked, and the first battle sequence of DYRL actually does have a brief sequence showing the Valkyries flying with engines unlit, moving at speed from previous acceleration, and making attitude adjustments using nothing but vernier thrusters. I was pretty sure this was the case, because I can remember from the first time I saw the movie some twenty-odd years ago thinking "Hey! They're finally flying like spaceships!"
  8. Sorry, the Frontier disappeared into a black hole. No returning characters.
  9. My box was slightly crushed in places, but the toy within was fine so I didn't much care. I've put it to work guarding the Infinity Gauntlet.
  10. Yeah, that's more or less what I expected, I just figured that with there actually being stats for their thrust-to-weight ratios and everything, there might actually be loiter-time stats in some side material somewhere The 70 second hover-time stat, of course, just highlights why they wouldn't want to add that much detail, though, since we clearly see the VF-1 hover more or less indefinitely at times (there's a bunch of them in GERWALK just hovering next to the Macross at the beginning of Burst Point, for instance). Ah well, just a question that randomly occurred to me last night, and I figured this was the place to ask
  11. What's the loiter time of the average Valkyrie? We know they use fusion reactors for power, but I don't recall ever seeing or hearing anything about how long they can fly around before refueling. So far as I know, a Valkyrie running out of fuel has never been addressed in any of the series either. The only reference I see anywhere is on the Macross Wiki page for the VF-25 where it says when loaded with the Armor Pack it can expend its entire propellant load in two minutes of maximum thrust or fifteen minutes of dogfighting...however it's not clear if that means the Valkyrie itself or just the extra chemical rocket engines that are part of the Armor Pack. In short: How long can a Valkyrie fly around?
  12. Without the Grand Cannon, the Macross wouldn't have won that last big battle. The Grand Cannon blew a giant hole in the Zentradi defense perimeter which allowed the Macross and Britai's fleet to attack Bodolza's flagship with only what few ships could be quickly moved into said hole standing in their way. Without the government, Minmay wouldn't have had anything to STAND ON while she was exerting those 'market forces'
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