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Darth Cirrocu

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Everything posted by Darth Cirrocu

  1. I went to the TRU in Iruma on a fairly regular basis when I was stationed at Yokota. I remember picking up my Yammie Super VF-1J there, but the prices were usually retail. I could get stuff at Bic Bic in Tachikawa or Sakuraya in Shinjuku for 20-30% off retail. I only bought at TRU if I couldn't find it anywhere else. TRU did have the best Star Wars section, however. Although the figures were 999, and even with 120 yen to the dollar that was too much. Man, I miss Japan.
  2. Another Air Force Tech Sergeant here. Hit my 12 year point in one week. I'm a weather forecaster by trade, but right now I'm working as a solar analyst at a solar observatory in Australia (it's a "space weather" thing). Let's see...logical progression...loved Star Wars, which led to a love of military aviation (I guess). Love of sci-fi and military aviation made Robotech a natural choice. Love of military aviation led to enlisting in the Air Force.
  3. Yeesh, has it been that long? I knew my Gundam DVD's hadn't been added to in a while... But they're all coming out next summer? Ugh. Do we know if it'll be a volume at a time, or are they going to release whole box sets at once? While I like the idea of box sets, I'm getting married in July and don't know if my checkbook will be able to handle it. Or my fiancée, for that matter.
  4. Well, Strike Eagle pilots practice defensive and offensive counter-air just as much as they do interdiction, SEAD, and the like. One of the reasons F-15E units serve as "on-call" fighter squadrons for short-notice deployment is that mission planners get two for the price of one. Need air superiority? Call the Strike Eagles. Need a capable strike fighter? Call the Strike Eagles. Navy is going with the Super Hornet for much the same reason, I suppose. Although with the current acquisitions of the F/A-22 and the Joint Strike Fighter, the Pentagon seems to be going in the other direction again. Guess there is something to be said for specialization.
  5. I think they are going an X-Wing next, actually. Have to check out the site. I was *this* close to getting a Falcon, but with a wedding coming up I just couldn't justify the expense. Especially since I still have Yamato Valks and MSiA and GFF to buy.
  6. Yeah, we bought a Beta player back in like '81 or '82. We still have the thing. Only had to get it fixed like twice. Great VCR, actually. Recorded "Robotech" every day because it started at 3 pm and I didn't get out of school until 3:20. Mom & Dad still have the Beta, along with a cupboard full of tapes. I'm gonna have to check all of those out next time I'm home. I think we even have the original CBS broadcast of "Star Wars" still on tape. Ah, Betamax...how I miss thee...
  7. *SPLATCH* *SPLATCH* *SPLATCH* *splish* Dang, the wet noodle broke. Oh, well.
  8. The first person to post, "What's a Beta?" in this thread will receive 20 lashings with a wet noodle. Just thought I'd let you all know. But that's cool, Shawn. Look forward to hearing about them.
  9. You realize that I watched that badger thing for 20 minutes? And now I think I need a CD of the song... Oddly hypnotic, isn't it? As for the "Yatta!" song, all I can say is that the Flash thingy is infinitely more tolerable than the actual music video. Bunch of guys wearing nothing but fig leafs... I still have nightmares.
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