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Everything posted by Clarkent

  1. Congrats on your coming child Graham! Btw, boy or girl? haha.. Maybe you can give him/her a pet name from your fav macross character. Comes to Mind, boy- Max, Girl Milla haha
  2. Looks like model kits never the less , great looking!
  3. Hi I think any review will be pretty limited considering its the 6th 1/48 ( I think so..not considering the reissues). And its extremely similar to the Vf-1j Hikaru in almost every way otehr than the color scheme. Maybe they just make a change or two .As otehrs have pointed out, they r many thread with members commenting on the M & M. I guess thats pretty sufficient.
  4. Clarkent

    yamato sdf-1?

    I think the old bandai is 1/3000 scale right? How big is that? I was thinking if Yammie can make it to be the size of about 1.5 times a 1/48 valk. any1 knows what scale that will be? if they can work it within a 300 budget I will surely get one.. You cant complete a macross colection without a SDF-1!
  5. huh? what was that for? Btwt.. How big are the figures?
  6. Matrix had its twins MAcross World has its own 1S Triplets! Well done!
  7. Thanks for the review! I was just wondering if you happen to own the 1/60 Max. How does the 1/48 compareto the 1/60 in terms of paint work, plastic etc. And I believe that the antenna for the 1/60 is not all blue like what you have pointed out for the 1/48 rite? Maybe you can post a pic of them side by side thansk!
  8. I think this really brings back the good old 80s day. Guess most of us here are in our 20s and doring our childhood, such a simple toy would have brought us great delight. Maybe from here, we should appreciate how lucky we are now with all the relative quality of macross toys. Obvious there is a price attached to it thru'
  9. Hi I guess unless you have quite some cash to spare. Most people start to one particularly brand. and theres the 1/48 and 1/60 from yamato and the 1/55 from bandai. I must say tt once you start collecting the 1/48. You will have the tendency to want to collect all of them!
  10. Thats a good idea. Im making plans to go to Hongkong in May. Im thinking tt if thats the case. I can actually get both the M & M at the same time. and hopefully the 1/60 GBP may be out! I guess its unlikely that the MAx 1J will be out of stock within 2 months right? The VF-1S Hikaru was sold out pretty fast in Singapore. Im nto sure if that will be the case for MAx in Hong Kong or Singapore.
  11. Thanks for the info but guess it wont help since they are ot selling online. Anyway Im from Singapore so with shipping and all. It would add up to US$145 which is like 250sg As someone else pointed out. Super Valks are selling in the lion city for about $285 so I think there is some saving. ps* You should advice the shop to go E-commerce!"
  12. singapore, all money chopping shop mafia well, my frd charge sg$285(included shipping fee.maybe 5-15$ discount) 20% for downpayment preorders for it(MISB import frm HK) Guess prices will be the same as the Hikaru VF-1J. $280 I would say.
  13. Hey Thast cheap even with shipping Which shop are you talking about? Does it sell online? many thanks
  14. Jugding fro mthe ize of the thing and ti being transformable. I would expect yamato to put a price tag of about at least US$170 to it. About the price of the 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru or even more.. The price might deter some ppl fro buying..
  15. I not sure where you are from but you can try Hobbylink Japan http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist.cgi?Ser...ry=SciOth&Dis=2 there are under Other Co. for company. Some are on sale and its real cheap but not sure how much the shipping will be. Hope it helps
  16. From the picture, it seems that the nose-cone on the fighter is sharper. I m not sure if this has been said before, but does the transformation require the replacement of the nose-cone? Similar to the bandai 1/72 transformable valkyrie model kits? Overall I must say it looks real sleek.
  17. 1/48=2 1/60=7 1/72=3
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