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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Counting down the days to my trip to hongkong Was looking through yahoo auctions Hongkong and saw a couple of sellers selling the Vf-1j Max & Milla Set 1/48 at ard HK$2200 and also the VF-1S 1/48 and Fastpack bundled for HK$1500. Will the retail shops give me a better price or should I bid on the auction and self collect when Im in hongkong? you guys in hk care to give your opnion?. I be going at the end of june
  2. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=14597&hl=sdf-1 Here is the original thread. Btw the sticekr sheet is out. just got them from takatoys. loosk good thru I havent appleid them. You can check out the For Sale Section.
  3. Thanks alot guys. I haev a rough idea where the shops are in Hongkong as I was there just last year. Kicked myself in the butt when I didnt purchase the M&M 1/48 its lowest price. Was hoping that I would have something to look forward to for this trip there this time.. but guess I will eb disappointed. Will miss out on the CF 1/48 which is coming out in Aug! and the disney that si coming in sept!
  4. Hi.. been sometime since the last 1/48 yamato macross valkyrie amd bandai valkyries. Will be making a trip down to Hong kong next mth and was wondering how is the supply of macross toys in Hong currently. What are the 1/48s that are still available in the market and at what price. Other types of macross toys also. Maybe the Folks in HK can help. thanks
  5. So when will the decals be ready for sale?
  6. 38 pieces so far excluding those who intend to buy one. I tink the actual figure might be close to 50 maybe
  7. thanks! 1/144.. that means those Doyusha 1/44 diecast vlaks will look just nice on something like that
  8. Ooops. Sorry I don't know how to amend the polls I knwe th movie version SDF-1 existed But I thought it was a resin kit or something? by yellow sub? And is the scale 1/4000? or 1/3000? And it lloks fabulous! makes the 1/3000 matchbox looks like schoolboy toys hehe
  9. Any idea whats the scale of the aircraft carrier? seems big but I don't think its even 1/100 yet
  10. Wasnt really playing attention to the valkyrie that was on sale But more of the backdrop and the setting. hehe
  11. Saw this on ebay.. Pretty nice. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5972351557&rd=1 Belong to any1 here?
  12. hmm.. lets hope so.. btu I tot yammie is pulling the plugs on most fo the macross stuff? Alot of lucky guys here who bought the sdf-1 when they were young and at its original price.... Talking about lack fo details. I saw on anotehr thread. new decals being done up. maybe that will help abit
  13. To me, any collection won't be complete until you have the SDF-1 but don't yamato is gona do us a fav. so would like to see how many of you guys actually have this "holygail" to your collection. Thanks
  14. All naked
  15. Clarkent

    Macross 7 VF-19S

    hey.. isnt that bad. considering tis $12.. cant really get the original valks are this price I must say. Anyway for the bootlegs, the bottom right corner of the box in front actually shows the face of the pilot while the original bandai one shows a bandai logo. Should be able to tell the diff next time
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