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Everything posted by kamadoma

  1. Just preordered mine too. I'll just have to trust Yamato with making the necessary improvements up until the release date.
  2. Looking great but still has a lot of inaccurate colors. I'm pretty sure it will still have more improvements. They haven't even made a pilot figure yet, it seems.
  3. If they are for sale only in Japan, how come they went up in online stores at all? There are tons of other toy lines out there that says "For sale in Japan only" in boxes yet they are still widely available.
  4. Oh I see. So it's about taking out the inner clip out than simultaneously. Thanks, man. Still glad I'm a Fighter mode fan and that I plan to get another Kai when I get a new cabinet.
  5. I'm not into the pulling down the legs while the shoulders are still attached. If the connection was that tight, pulling the legs down while connected to the shoulders might stress down the shoulders. The first step in the manual was to detach the shoulders, and there has to be a good reason that the said step wasn't included with the pull-the-leg-down step. Then again, that's just my opinion on this. I have used a flat screwdriver for around five times before when my nails were clean and it worked like a charm back then. I wish I had done the same last night when I tried to transform it again. It somehow ensures that you get enough force to pop out the shoulders without the risk of pulling it beyond its articulation. Well, at least I do know how risky that step is when I get other VF-19 toys.
  6. So I just had an accident today. While trying to pull out the shoulder pauldrons of my VF-19Kai, the shoulder suddenly flew out and there was a broken hinge joint. The broken piece was still there but I couldn't glue it together since it's a very small piece. The shoulder still sticks to the hinge a little and sits flush even in fighter, but of course an attempt at transformation would see it popping off. Then again, I didn't seem to be that bothered since I've had so much of them popping shoulder pauldrons on the YF-29. I think it's better to pry off these shoulders using a screwdriver than using the force of the hands. At least I've got a better precaution when I get the other 19 variants. I guess it's about time I get a second VF-19Kai since this one might be for permanent Fighter display. I did plan on getting a second Kai after all, it's just I kept putting it off due to the 30th anniversary reissues.
  7. Again, since I didn't get a reply, any ideas what is the actual color of the 19P?
  8. Finally, some full photos of the VF-19P! So here's the big question: Is that really the base color? Or is it actually white and the lighting used is just affecting its appearance on the photo?
  9. I'm so anxious to see whether it's going to be a white or off-white Valk. It might be tricky with the lighting used.
  10. Yeah! Finally! VF19-P! I was waiting all day to see the Yamato coverage from WF2012.
  11. Some with better quality.
  12. Just a question, are these toys already complete right out of the box or do they need additional assembly? And what's the material used for these? Because I'm a little curious as to why they cost a lot.
  13. Just a quick question. Is the VF-17 back heavy when attached to the Yamato stand in Fighter mode?
  14. Finally got my YF-29! My first fighter from the DX Chogokin series. My only DX Chogokin besides Mac Quarter. Got it from a friend who kept his first release sealed, and he even included the poster. Really love the imposing looks of it, though mine already has a loose left shoulder after one transformation. Still a great toy, though.
  15. kamadoma

    Macross figures

    I also like getting figures of the characters. I mean, sure, the mechs are cool and all, but the series wouldn't be that awesome without those characters. Which is why it's my priority to get figures especially for the mechs I have in my collection.
  16. When I get mine, I will surely do some heavy sticker trimming. I used to do them on Zoids and I take a lot of time doing it, sometimes as long as building the kit. I use an Exacto knife and a chopping board for it.
  17. That is surely some bend, considering it was packed in styro and nothing in contact with it. Could be a defect during the production?
  18. Which is why they shouldn't have gotten hold of the MacF license. Eating more than they can chew. Everyone wouldn't be having loose joints, paint chips or even availability issues had Yamato gotten the MacF license.
  19. I guess it is still one of those things we can't avoid. I have heard of fixes but since they involve using chemicals on the toy, I'd rather have mine yellow over time and look antique. Me too, I didn't like the bright white much on the TV. It's just that I had to get Hikaru and Max's units. The hardpoints on mine are still good. Maybe since the mold has been used for some time, we're already starting to get mold issues by luck of the draw.
  20. Here's a good look of it with camera flash. This is on a wooden cabinet that's too far from any sunlight exposure. Anyone else noticed this on their Valks?
  21. I myself am not really that keen into the 30th anniv. but I haven't had a 1J Hikaru before and it's the only one brought in by a local hobby shop. I wasn't really after the option parts too since I plan to get the Armor parts for this which technically makes the side covers useless. It's just that it's already a good deal and now I've got the TV white option parts. Hoping to get Hikaru's 1S next and hopefully the option parts will be in the DYRL off-white.
  22. Nope, it's the 30th anniversary one.
  23. It's a shot that has been done by many, but I just got this a few hours ago and it's my first VF-1J Hikaru too.
  24. Just got mine: There's something I noticed though. I took this side-by-side with my 1A Max TV and realized that the shades of white are different. The white on Max's unit (which I got two years ago) isn't as bright white as Hikaru's. It's still white and I wouldn't say there's any shade of yellow, but the white on my new one is way brighter. For those who bought a 30th anniv. release and also an owner of the other TV VF-1\s that were released years ago, have you noticed this slight difference in shade?
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