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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. Star Saber reminds me of a Godaikin. And I love those style of toys. (Sun Vulcan, Xabungle, Guardian, Baxingar, Aquarion) I found Victory (at least the first couple episodes) unwatchable, but the bot designs were great as Godaikin-type mecha.
  2. I ordered one. All is forgiven. Although this guy may need proof that you're a team player.
  3. I must say, those are gorgeous countertops.
  4. I just ordered a bunch more stuff from TFKingdom. Their faction stickers are good. Maybe a little too much outline, but with clear backgrounds you can't even tell.
  5. I would consider Soundwave a very good toy by today's standards. The others you listed were good at the time and are beloved now mostly due to nostalgia. That's not a bad thing because it's the very reason we're getting MPs now that match what we imagined our G1 toys to be.
  6. Yep, very few G1 figures were very good. But something about the Target/Head/Powermaster gimmick really resonated with me. Some of those toys were terrible, but that they included a little human-sized partner made me want them. And the toys became scarce pretty quickly. Eventually, the only TFs on the shelves in my area were Pretenders and Duocons. I got one of each and, to this day, I attribute how much they sucked to my "outgrowing" Transformers.
  7. Thanks. I've been on a G1 Targetmaster kick lately. I've managed to get all 6 (standard single TM) Autobots and 4 of the Decepticons. Some of them don't have their Nebulon gun partners, but I'm not really bothered by that. MasterShooter's Targetmaster sets took care of that problem.
  8. I bought a severely discolored G1 Slugslinger and decided to give him a full paint job.
  9. That Sunstreaker looks amazing. What's the target price for it? I performed a little surgery on my Impossible Toys Nightbird. For some reason, I.T. gave her no bicep swivel. I cut the arms off at the shoulders and replaced the two hinge joints with ball joints. None of those poses was possible before the mod.
  10. Seems like it has the Hasbro changes. Including the weird elbow joint that was changed for the worse.
  11. At this rate, we'll see Hasbro release Sunstorm yet again in Takara colors before Starscream.
  12. I dunno. Amazon doesn't have brick & mortar stores. A chance of finding an item in the wild, however slim, is still an extra option when it's sold out online. Also, Amazon is a safe harbor for scalpers. Eff scalpers.
  13. Just spotted a lone MP Prowl at my local TRU. The box (and price tag) is huge! That oversized box, however, isn't fooling those of us who know what it contains, and will only disappoint those who don't.
  14. LOL!
  15. I have the Unique Toys one. It's the more screen-accurate of two. But the antennae pop off if you breathe on them. Easily fixed (or ignored, in my case) and doesn't take much away from a great design. Both sets have a unique face on each figure. iGear's Sharkticons are stylized and have muscular builds in bot mode, whereas UT's are pudgy like in TFTM.
  16. That's what Inbit stands for: Inner Bits
  17. Was just about to mention Chimungmung. Great communication there.
  18. Red? He looked green on my TV. On a completely separate note, my TV was broken.
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