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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. Yeah. I'm gonna have to do that. Thanks.
  2. Ah. Thanks for the info, MACROSSF.
  3. How long ago did you initially request the parts? I ask because I sent out a request weeks ago and haven't gotten a confirmation email of any kind. Maybe they changed the process?
  4. Ong Bak The Thai Warrior - Tony Jaa redefines the martial arts genre using acrobatic skills he learned as a stuntman and lightning fast Muay Thai. Legend of the Red Dragon (New Legend of Shao Lin) - Jet Li's (arguably) definitive role as the legendary Wong Fei Hung with a little bit of Lone Wolf and Cub thrown in.
  5. There was a Macross Saga episode where Max in his VF-1A Battroid kicks a Zentradi knocking him out. Later in the episode his battroid appears wearing that same Zentradi's coat and hat. Edit: grammar... WTH??
  6. LOL! That's rough.
  7. I say Gerwalk although it's not my favorite.
  8. I think they do what they can...considering. Yamato USA mailed out Garland shoulders to me without hesitating. Yamato Japan worked out that deal with Overdrive for replacement Valkyrie parts. Of course, if I never get my replacement part, I'll probably be singing a different tune...but time will tell.
  9. Eh. Despite the prices, it's good to have any company cranking out products directed at me. I may not buy them now, but there's a chance I'll scoop them up later at clearance prices.
  10. Especially since they jacked the price back up to $79.99...
  11. I wouldn't mind that...but I doubt it. When BBTS upped the price of Toynami's Cyclone pre-order (from $79.99 to $199.99), the email notification stated that Toynami had given them the MSRP and if retailers didn't stick to it, then orders wouldn't be filled. So, my guess is this: If the Beta's listed price is inaccurate, BBTS would've been told by now.
  12. The problem with that episode is the fact that most of the dialogue is sung...and badly, I might add.
  13. That is one impressive gathering of collectible action figures.
  14. I'm also curious to know how good this new one is. I barely remember the Lundgren movie. So I can only comment on the Tom Jane one. The 70's class special effects speaks volumes about how low the budget must've been. And IMHO, the Punisher himself didn't have much style, was a terrible shot, and just stumbled into danger with no evident strategy. In other words, he was a mess. Maybe that was deliberate?
  15. Call of the Primatives and/or Webworld totally redeemed season 3 from Carnage.
  16. Any I have is translated poorly from your link.
  17. I liked season 3 as well. It was clear that the writing was aimed at more sophisticated minds when compared to the previous 2 seasons. And Rodimus, while hated by fans for being the cause of Optimus' death, was a badass with a sharp wit...when he wasn't whining, of course.
  18. Hell yes! If they had put out more pics like that, I may not have cancelled my pre-order.
  19. Found something similar on Deviantart. The guy's name is GraphicBrat.
  20. A couple of images I haven't seen until now.
  21. The extremes we go to for our addiction...
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