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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. Finally found the Fang & Claw set. Also got the Snake Eyes & Hard Master comic 2 pack (great comic!) and a Ninja Viper.
  2. I got both Akuma and Gouken the first time trying. The method on gamefaqs.com worked. Setting it to easiest and one round works well. Just make sure you're using your best (or cheapest) character. You'll have an easier time getting the perfects early on. Also, to be safe, end as many matches as you can with an Ultra. Use this method to unlock both of them....except Akuma must be used to unlock Gouken.
  3. Yes. I never saw the need to pick one up since I have deluxe Earth Prime. They seem to be the same design with a few cosmetic differences. Sounds like symptoms of a thoroughly-played-with TF.
  4. I know what ya mean. But when I'm playing ranked matches, I have to go with the guys I'm best with: Ken, Ryu, and Guile Player matches, on the other hand, are more fun because I can use characters I'm not so great at without fear of losing skill points.
  5. If you master Ryu, all the other Hadouken flingers only take a bit of adjusting to master. Akuma is downright cheap (I'm talking Seth cheap) in the hands of an expert.
  6. Haven't noticed that problem yet. I did have what seemed to be a lag issue with online play. The character pics VS. screen stayed on for 30 seconds longer than normal.
  7. Yep. They should've gotten rid of the blue parts altogether. I.E. gone full Roadbuster.
  8. Nope. I've heard of some people having probs with their 6 button gamepad. But Madcatz seems to be the only game in town as far as putting out a Street Fighter friendly controller. That doesn't give them much motivation to improve on their quality, does it? I think what we're seeing with those crazy Ebay prices is simply mob mentality at its finest. In a couple weeks, the supply will surpass the demand and a few price gougers will have more controllers than they can unload.
  9. I just unlocked Dan last night. Pink outfit be damned, he's a badass!
  10. Great game. I've been playing it against friends non-stop. My only gripe with it is the very limited online features. Only 2 people per lobby and no one can spectate. The game would've really benefitted from being able to accomodate large groups of folks waiting for their turn to fight the winner. It would have gone a long way toward simulating the arcade experience of putting your "I got next" quarter on the edge of the screen.
  11. It rapes the pilot? If so I'd like the scumbag that stole my car to take that mech for a spin.
  12. Pardon my ignorance...but what's a vernier?
  13. Cool! Don't mention it.
  14. That scary thing is that's not much of a stretch.
  15. He must be Wheelie's cousin.
  16. Ah, thanks... Missed Rampage the first time. But Demolisher...I wasn't sure if he's a part of Dev or a standalone...err...unicycle.
  17. No bot modes in that link. But I hope you're right. Not many folks would buy a truck that transforms into a foot.
  18. A member here posted a pic of his solution. He put a small piece of Scotch Tape on the ball joint.
  19. I'm sorely disappointed with Devastator. Not just his appearance, but also that the vehicles forming him don't have bot modes. That deviates from the TF definition of the word "combiner", I think. Of course, this is all assuming that the info I've seen is accurate.
  20. Most likely on the bottom of a $5000 check.
  21. Jeez... For a second I thought this was inside information.
  22. ^ Almost everything he said. I'd also like to add that I love the Classics/Universe/Henkei line as well, for the following reasons: durability posability G1 nods (i.e. Rodimus' hand saw) stickers not needed more toon-accurate bot modes complex transformations If they ever do a perfect blend of these two lists... Who am I kidding? I buy most of them anyway.
  23. I was tempted to go with Dangaioh, but I'd rather have a one man machine. Definitely the Alpha / Legioss. It includes a Ride Armor by default.
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