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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. The only emotions that I can verbalize right now are confusion...and maybe a little fear.
  2. EXO's is customized. The orginal has a deep red plastic-coated fabric. And it's not as form-fitting.
  3. Biggest pricetag on a TF I've ever seen...not counting the non-transforming 6 foot tall Optimus.
  4. What he said. Except for the last two points. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker would've been better as the movie twins. And I'd rather not have any more gestalts if they're gonna resemble movie Devastator. Dude's butt-ugly.
  5. Nothing extreme. Aside from the floppiness EXO mentioned, I also saw a reported case of the viewfinder missing the pin that forms its hinge. IIRC, the pin was found somewhere in the box.
  6. My goodness! That's downright beautiful. The only downside is the big scale differences.
  7. I think her name was Firestar... and yes! That's the show I grew up on. The subsequent shows were all better, but SMAHAF holds a special place in my memories...right below Transformers and Mighty Orbots.
  8. He's probably referring to Ley's goggles.
  9. Ditto. Those reviews are invaluable.
  10. Uh-oh. Kurt Wimmer's style doesn't seem like it would improve Total Recall. Don't get me wrong. I like Equilibrium...but it was nowhere near as good as Paul Verhoeven's Total Recall.
  11. Great podcast. It's like listening to a bunch of friends give me a play-by-play of one of my alltime favorite OAV's. Except none of my friends are into this kinda stuff...which is a bummer.
  12. Sideswipe's stability depends greatly on your knowing the pose you're trying to pull off beforehand. Then each foot is balanced either wheel/toe or wheel/heel...whichever works best for the pose. Using that method, (and employing plenty of patience) lots of poses become possible.
  13. You're right about Stick, but I have to hand it to Beagle this time. Just at a glance, their version jumped out as Ley's likeness.
  14. Ahahahaaaa! Now I'll never look at Toynami Rand the same again!
  15. Wow! I think I have issue #1 of that!
  16. It may seem like nitpicking, but a short quippy phrase used to describe a rather complex line of thought actually does come off as an insult to some folks. It doesn't strike me as such, but I admittedly did raise an eyebrow.
  17. I just let it go. No biggie. Didn't wanna have that discussion again.
  18. Purple Shockwave appeared on Animated today.
  19. Ah, I see what you mean now. It would be unfortunate that Bay would toy with the fans considering how unhappy he's already made so many of them. Better-looking TFs and less camp would likely have made the first movie much more enjoyable all around. It wouldn't surprise me it ROTF also lacks this formula.
  20. I hate thieves. I hope they're savagely violated til they're old and grey. Then they die and go to hell, where they learn that their punishment is to still be savagely violated daily...except by a bigger dude. Oh...and I hope you get your stuff back.
  21. Must've missed that. Why?
  22. I wouldn't bet on it being fake info. Seems like too elaborate (and expensive) a hoax, Hasbro actually producing toys of them.
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