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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. Sad friggin news. It sucks that such engineering masterpieces are a niche market.
  2. Brawn looks fantastic! And I'll be all over Arcee and HotRod.
  3. Me, that's who. Not really a selling point for me.
  4. Great. Now it's stuck in my head.
  5. It would be great if silver and grey were eliminated from the color palette for all future TFs.
  6. Yeah...I was really bothered that the more expensive import had the better color schemes for every figure.
  7. Edit: Fixed links
  8. Never been banned, but got an infraction on a TF forum. I called another member a jackass. It's strange though. I get the impression that the mod agreed with me. Not only did the member get banned shortly after, but my infraction history showed up as "improper sig" rather than "insulted fellow member".
  9. Very cool. I absolutely love the M.A.S.K. theme. But as far as 80's coolness goes (seems like an oxymoron), Galaxy Rangers gets my vote.
  10. That's a whole lotta surgery.
  11. Here's something I stumbled across that I figured belongs in this thread.
  12. Bummer. My local TRU still had him full price. I did nab a Leader class Animated figure for $20.
  13. Stick's doesn't so I'm pretty sure Ley's bike can't steer. Yep. I couldn't be happier with my Toynami Cyclone. If somebody's overpaying for them, they're just not looking hard enough.
  14. In Jersey, deluxe Bumblebee is rare. I only saw one HA Bumblebee once. I bought it and haven't seen that figure in stores since. Leader Prime and Megs are easily available...especially Megs. Sideswipe seems to be selling well. Not seeing too many of those on pegs. Saw voyager Megatron once...never again. Voyager Optimus is only a little easier to find. Starscream and the Constructicons are warming shelves. Jetfire is too new to know for sure, but I saw plenty of those recently. There are plenty of ghetto twins and Ravages on pegs. Those are the only ones I recall at the moment.
  15. Looks just like the oringinal...except for the blue visor. I'm almost positive the original was red.
  16. I meant the leg armor worn by the rider... those oversized boots.
  17. I thought it was Floro Dery that designed Skyfire.
  18. Yep...and in both modes, which makes no sense.
  19. I picked up the first wave Snake Eyes and Stormshadow 3.75" figures. Stormshadow looks like a decent representation of his movie self. Snake Eyes...not so much. The 12" figures of these guys was also available, but I passed. Normally, I'll snatch up anything ninja related. But it seems the small figures are much better-looking.
  20. Looking at your Rand pic, I noticed that part of the Cyclone's line art is copy/pasted. From the leg armor down, both cycles seem to be virtually identical.
  21. Tengu must mean "Xenomorph blood".
  22. Now they can do both. Although, I doubt they will.
  23. 4 screws? Maybe I goofed, but it was 2 screws the way I did it. The ones that hold the waist together?
  24. Trick question. There are no good photos of it in robot mode. But seriously...there are a few here.
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