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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. The pictures appear to be from insiders. SDCC takes place in early July, while the retail Dev is scheduled for an August release.
  2. Seems much less likely at this point. Edit: This is in response to an apparently deleted post.
  3. I can already see some spots that will be custom painted on mine.
  4. I haven't been able to sit through a full episode. Too kiddie.
  5. See, I remember such a dispute being the reason Season 3 only just became available in the last year or so. But never heard it was the reason for the cancellation. It made sense to me. Up until then, there were never more than 3 toylines on the shelves at any given time (Cybertron/Classics/Alternators and so on). But you're right, Mike. Now there doesn't seem to be a limit. We've got Mashers, MP, Year of the animals, Generations, Movie, and RID all going on at once now.
  6. I remember reading that it had something to do with the movie toys being on the horizon.
  7. Are we sure Deluxe Groove isn't coming here?
  8. They're up for pre-order at Prime Toys. http://www.primetoys.net/collections/break-neck-and-quickslinger
  9. That might cause me to cancel my pre-order. What do the retailers care if the plugs are removable? Why even carry the item if the stipulation is that it be irreversibly modified from what their customers want?
  10. If the e-Hobby one is any indication, she's an Autobot. At the moment, the Insecticons are dead to me. I'll just live with my old beat up originals. I'll only consider buying them once they inevitably turn up in Marshalls or T.J. Maxx. BTW, Tracks is a favorite of mine.
  11. I kinda wish I'd picked up the Insecticons when they were reissued a few years back. Been a big fan of Road Rage (Reiji) since getting the e-Hobby exclusive in 2003. Including the black beam rifle with her is a smart move. Almost makes me want to double dip.
  12. That's my theory, too. The possibilities are endless if you combine a drill tank with a good imagination. Especially if it has guns and transforms.
  13. I know somebody in the UK that still has the VHS. Never saw it or even heard of it in these parts.
  14. HLJ tells me that Star Saber is coming home. Can't wait.
  15. Not Slingshot. He's replaced by Alpha Bravo for now. Most likely, you saw Fireflight (now known as Firefly).
  16. Ironhide, I presume. He and Tracks were announced at the same time. Although, it's strange that pics of Tracks materialized first.
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