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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. Do Brother, brother!
  2. I think Yamato fits that description. The Garland, for example, would never have seen light of day if it weren't for good ol' Yammy.
  3. Hell...I hope it includes Toys R Us in New Jersey. Exclusives are trouble.
  4. ^ What he said. Great figure...and hard to find.
  5. I tend to agree with the 'old days' sentiment. Aside from the awesome engineering seen in modern TFs, the level of quality found in G1 has diminished over time. Die cast content, rubber tires, or chromed plastic may be things of the past, but they are sorely missed. I would sacrifice every conceivable gimmick to get them back.
  6. The movie is strange. I really enjoyed the first viewing. But after it marinated for awhile, certain things about it started to grate my nerves. And the more time that passed, the less forgivable they became. By the way, I think Orci & Kurtzman got shafted. They got the writing credit, but were on strike during much of the screenplay's development.
  7. No need to unlock the characters. As for sharing data with SF4, I have no idea.
  8. I'm looking for one.
  9. Thanks man. Very kind of you, but I picked him up from Hasbrotoyshop.com.
  10. I hope not. Haven't seen her yet. And the scalpers must have seen the poor distribution coming because Arcee is all over ebay for thrice the MSRP. On a related note, I still haven't seen Bludgeon on store shelves. The powers that be don't seem to know which items will sell best. Any fan or collector does. High demand figures as store exclusives is a cringe worthy trend.
  11. The Easter Bunny has a truckload of them. Supposedly he got them from Bigfoot.
  12. Sure it does. Headshots kill enemies faster which uses less ammo which makes the game easier and bases success on skill rather than a mixture of luck and persistence. What is ADS? My whole point is this (and it applies to every FPS): I equate playing such a game that doesn't offer left-handed controls to writing an essay on quantum physics...with my foot.
  13. Just started playing Bioshock on 360. I was amazed to find that a game that's been out for 2 years has yet to patch in a southpaw/legacy control layout. In fact, I consider it a blunder for any game that requires precision aim to exclude the option to at least swap thumbstick functions. Too often have left-handed gamers been treated like second class citizens or ignored altogether. So yeah... screw Bioshock and eff 2K.
  14. Me too. The antagonists after Linderman, Kensei, and Sylar (season 1) are more annoying than scary.
  15. Reportedly, the Toynami's are snug and Beagles are loose. My Toynami's head is snug yet goes on and off easily.
  16. I have yet to dig out my Takara MP seeker, but I'm almost positive that the hip kibble could be detached and reattached to the legs resulting in a similar look to that proto pic. This is obviously something Hasbro's MP Skywarp lacks .
  17. The instructions are actually useful on this figure. The chest not aligning properly is usually caused by the exo support in the arms. The back not aligning properly is usually caused by either the kickstand being in the wrong position or by the right wheel arm not being pulled out enough. Set aside 30-45 minutes...literally. First transformation for this figure is especially long since fear makes one more careful. Also, CollectionDX did a great, helpful Youtube vid:
  18. I can't imagine them having a name for their planet because they probably don't know what a planet is.
  19. Just picked up Wal-Mart MP Skywarp. One of three on the shelf. Is it my lucky day or is this guy not selling well?
  20. Nope. It's this. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  21. A couple years back, I picked up some metal replacement stacks off ebay. Worked out pretty well for me. IIRC, the description said they were cast and chromed by jewelers in Hong Kong. Edit: I take it you're aware that he's a shellformer? Other than that and his lift forks kibble, great figure!
  22. I want next year to be completely drama-free. And next Christmas I'll want the same thing. Infinity...
  23. Gumball machine edition.
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