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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. I think I saw a glimpse of the scar when he was putting on his helmet. Still looks purple-ish.
  2. No. Just 2 additional colors (styles, actually) per character are unlocked for having a SFIV save file. I'm pretty bummed I have to do all the hard trials again. She's still low on stamina, but deals decent damage...and FAST! Just like Cammy: In the right hands, she'll give you a run for your money.
  3. Yeah...I just got it. Nice upgrade. Dhalsim's unique move list makes him hard to use, near impossible to master. Try using fierce punch, slow fireball from afar. And always hold back when up close to attack without stretching. Yoga Catastrophe is very affective against the CPU. In case anybody wants to battle on Xbox Live, S/N: RDBlade 0 Just be sure to message that you're from MWF.
  4. BBTS... It's actually up a bit now since last I saw.
  5. Yep. I picked it up a few months back. Now I'm kicking myself because it's on clearance for 40% less. But still a great figure.
  6. Probably. Never saw a pic of it until Dead Prime.
  7. LOL! We're all still scarred by that. To make matters worse, it looks like they put Hot Rod in his wrist communicator.
  8. Why aren't the people making these kind of threats being hunted down? A man was arrested a couple years back for pointing a laser pointer at a passing plane. But making death threats and posting photos of an assassinated "last guy who offended us" gets a pass?
  9. True, I always thought the G1 Rodimus toy sucked. But that was because the toy was nowhere near as cool as he was in cartoon form. He was intended to be Hot Rod with a trailer...not the lazy hunk of plastic we ended up getting. FP's take on the toy is not only a good modernization (a'la Classics), but it also corrects the mistakes I felt were made by the original toy designers.
  10. Can't say that head sculpt screams Rodimus... but it's a purdy upgrade.
  11. Damn. That sucks. R.I.P.
  12. I just received the MPC VR-052T Rand Cyclone. At $115 shipped, it was a hell of a deal! Why is the Beagle version still pushing $250?? It can't possibly be just because of the Ley / Rand head sculpts. BTW, the Rand head looks way better in person. Any worries that he looks like Eric Stoltz circa Pulp Fiction were immediately alleviated upon opening the preview panel.
  13. Tenchu Z: PS2 graphics and shitty presentation on the Xbox 360. But I like stealthily disposing of enemies with really stupid AI. It's a guilty pleasure.
  14. Sometimes a bad movie is just that.
  15. Chocolate had some nice fight scenes. Especially the Tourette's VS. Autistic showdown.
  16. Congrats on winning this thread.
  17. LOL! Seconded! A friend of mine was just telling me how he walked out of Serenity (theater) a mere 15 minutes in. And now this?!?
  18. They know western TF toys don't have such features anymore and wanna rub our noses in it?
  19. Snake in Eagle's Shadow Tai Chi Master (AKA Twin Warriors)
  20. YES! I couldn't stop chuckling at that. Also, the "KFC'sgonebeenreplaced." line was delivered brilliantly.
  21. "It's just like a Hoppity Hop!"
  22. Under-rated: Unbreakable Serenity Over-rated: Logan's Run
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