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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. I think it's a bad thing. Hollywood likes to saturate the market with whatever's hot. In this case, it's giant transforming robots. If Voltron is canned, it illustrates a decline in that particular trend and others (like Robotech) won't be far behind.
  2. Bummer. http://www.movieline.com/2010/06/voltron-movie-scrapped.php
  3. I'd vote for Spiral Zone and Mighty Orbots. One for it's more sophisticated sci-fi content and theme music, the other for it's kick-ass GodMarz-ish hero bot.
  4. M.U.S.H.A., Android Assault, Arrow Flash, Valis III... I ate and slept and existed for these games.
  5. Isn't he? The first, that is? It seems like the Avengers-related movies jump around in time. For example: The Incredible Hulk takes place after Iron Man 2. So, it stands to reason that Captain America will take place before all the others (including the present-day scenes).
  6. Holy... It's like Evel Knievel and Eric Estrada had a baby!
  7. The Hori sticks I own are EX2's. I'm unfamiliar with RAP's. For what it's worth, I'm satisfied with the upgraded EX2.
  8. I'm going to respectfully disagree with you there. Hori sticks have their buttons hard-soldered to the board. Without some decent soldering skill and a Dremel, they're a pain in the nuts to mod/upgrade. I just did the button upgrade to resurrect one of my Hori's. I bought 2 Hori sticks at the same time. Each had a button that stopped functioning within a couple months. I then used up some gift cards to get a Madcatz S.E. stick. The Madcatz was functioning fine for several months (with the occasional button sticking) until I did a full Sanwa swap. Easy as pulling the buttons out and dropping in the replacements. Now it's a beast. So, in my experience, Madcatz sticks are superior to Hori both in off-the-shelf quality and ease of modding.
  9. You'll need to be more specific. I'm having trouble finding a post that matches your paraprhase.
  10. Avoid Hori sticks. (hope I'm not too late) Madcatz Fightsticks have turned the company's bad rep around.
  11. That was a different fan film. The one with Tom Cruise is .
  12. Whoa. This is an unexpectedly touchy subject. I'm pretty sure I didn't show any disrespect to the new stuff in my last post.
  13. I consider the 80's to be the golden age of animated television shows. Back then there were about 8 channels (for those without cable), therefore bad shows were seldom broadcast. It was also the time when laws about marketing to children were loosened. Most cartoons had a toy line and toy companies were not shy about advertising relentlessly. The related cartoons were just one part of the advertising campaign. Kids like me were more than happy absorb it all. It was like the perfect storm of unintentional circumstances that made for immensely kid-friendly entertainment. I tend to reflect on those shows with a fondness that doesn't really fade. I've always seen the flaws in these shows, but more importantly, I've always been drawn by the heart in them. Very few of today's animated shows have that affect on me. It's a bummer because I want Saturday mornings to mean something again.
  14. What about Animated Blurr? I preordered this sucker. Not falling victim to scalpers again.
  15. That's definitely possible. BTW, that was just my observation. I'm not trying to botblock anybody who'd like a dead Optimus in their collection.
  16. I would guess not much. Lots of iterations of that mold already exist. Also, it doesn't make much sense to put a dead Optimus Prime in action poses.
  17. Either that or it'll be directed by Michael Bay.
  18. This news isn't exactly thrilling. The "Threeboot" treatment being put into production would be thrilling.
  19. Great pics, man! I think you missed an opportunity to use the old forced perspective trick.
  20. I agree. Although FP's version is a vast improvement over the original in every respect.
  21. It's just Blast-Off and Swindle (sold separately), each including weapons/parts for the rest of the team.
  22. Starring Tom Cruise as Ken.
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