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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. It's not really funny, but phrased like that...whooooo.
  2. There are people out there that have it coming waaaaaay more than him.
  3. Predacons? Terrorcons? Maximals? Primatives? Pretenders? Sharkticons? The Covenant?
  4. Edit: Aaaaaaaah, forget it...
  5. There is no chance of: Finding a planet within our reach that can sustain human life. Building a craft that can carry a significant amount of us there. Any average person finding a seat on the craft before the ruling elite. Humanity surviving when its only remaining members refuse to do menial tasks like custodial duties.
  6. Who needs money?
  7. Such a shame. I'd like to hogtie any scalpers I encounter in life.
  8. Pretty sure it's cancelled, but only Beagle knows for sure. BBTS's product description says this: "Product is currently 'on hold' with Toynami, we will keep preorders open until item is produced or officially cancelled."
  9. I'm pretty sure that the Rodimus case includes Ironhide. Like the Arcee case included Ratchet.
  10. Gotcha. Thanks.Edit: Correction...I did get a back-order notice. Not the 30 day cancellation one, though. "We have received your order # **********. However, there has been an unexpected delay in the shipment of the following item(s): Please note: Your item(s) will be shipped once it becomes available. You will receive a shipping confirmation email with updated tracking information once your item(s) has shipped. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Thank you again for shopping at Toysrus.com and Babiesrus.com. Sincerely, The Guest Service Team"
  11. Did they have a "release date" for Grimlock in the pre-order confirmation email? Mine said August 15 and they haven't sent me any more emails. Not even the 30 day cancellation one that had you worried.
  12. Freakin A. I only saw that episode once, but I guess it messed me up for life.Anyways, good luck finding it. Distribution here in Jersey is hit or miss...mostly miss.
  13. MP Grimlock is a TRU exclusive and was up for pre-order on their website before selling out. I know nothing about the KO MP Optimus.
  14. Is that the TRU that was featured on "That's Incredible" in the '80s??
  15. Huh. Both BBTS and TF Source have it tentatively for $199. Some folks at TFW are treating it as final. Let's hope not. This thread has a pic of a larger (HotRod-sized) windshield. There's also a pic of the dummy RP cab folded under the trailer/base.Somebody even brought up the possibility that HotRod may fit into the trailer nose-first. All these things combined raise the question: Why would the designers go through all that trouble for an imperfect HotRod car? Maybe I'm just too optimistic, but it really looks promising.
  16. It's becoming less and less a theory. At this point there seems to be no doubt that HotRod's alt mode is in there. I just hope that pricing is a theory soon to be debunked.
  17. *hopes dashed to bits on the jagged rocks below*
  18. Did nobody notice the Dinobot gestalt??
  19. It also looks mistransformed. The spoiler looks like it can be (and should have been) pushed forward.
  20. It looks like what the G1 toy was intended to be. Which is fine, but like kanedaestes, I was hoping for a HotRod/Rodimus Prime combo. If that pic isn't a rejected rough draft, then the unofficial FP release may be my alternative.
  21. Same here. Worries me a bit.
  22. The seller looks like he benches Buicks. He could scare up a better deal by using his "intimidate" expression.
  23. Is there any other reason?
  24. Since he plays a prominent role in WFC, now would be the perfect time for an Ultra class Warpath.
  25. 9/10 in my book. Probably 8.5/10 in a non-fan's book.
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